I need some rare god tier Sup Forums gold

I need some rare god tier Sup Forums gold.









>Sup Forums

worst waste of quads ever reposting

I have a few







I made that. Flattered you consider it God tier.


>gas the jews


Fuck off this isn't thread related you fag.





I posted all of that on my wall and shopped in the zedtown logos. the 2 shots of the knife + tape I took.
I have the wrist band and cheese grater if you want me to prove it. ill even retake the photo if you like haha


One or two made me smile maybe one made me laugh. What the fuck step it up guys.







one of my favourites



Think im running out. Laptop in my car lacks material and I think this bitch finally is home so I gotta hook up some cable maybe

Yeah ain't got more. Someone else take over.



Do you even realise that it's fucking robotic idiots who keep repeating this meme that this place has deteriorated.
You are the most annoying meme that I ever saw on Sup Forums worse than the fucking banana or cuck meme.


Yet you know it will be brought up for eternity sadly. You know what else is pretty gay? Using the word cuck like its natural in your vocabulary. Just sayin'. Have some asses for fun. Thread seems to be dying.