Where do you even find dope? I moved to a new are and have no connections...

where do you even find dope? I moved to a new are and have no connections. So I don't really wanna walk and say "hey man, got some heroin?"

First find a weed guy. After you get to know him he'll no someone who deals mandy or coke or he might even deal it themselves. The coke or mandy guy will know a heroin guy.

i got a weed and coke guy, but they don't know anyone. Shit I live by a major US city so you'd think it'd be easy to find

Find an area with people who are a "waste of life"
score drugs.....die

Fuck going into the ghetto don't lower yourself. I bet the coke guy and the weed guy have friends who also deal. Try and meet them and expand your contact list

Or just stay the fuck away from heroin. Seriously

Pretty much this I mean if you can find the dude on the block, that might be easy enough. But I'm from Chicago and not everywhere is that easy. You might have to pay a lil extra and go through a bum or something.

Ive been in the same boat moved to WA about 2 years ago only had one guy I knew. I worked with him but he got me h when I wanted it...cept it was always waayyy under in weight. He got fired so I'm outta luck.
I heard hanging out at a methadone clinic or needle exchange will be your best odds.
Fuck grindr we need drugr

vaporized diacetylmorphine causes little damage to the body if used responsibly. it is just a chemical it takes a person to chose to be addicted to it

Sometimes you can find people on CL. If anything, somebody looking for something on CL and tell them to hit u up if they find anything. Lots of scams though so don't be so naive send somebody a Western Union.

I suppose but i wouldn't bother risking it just stick to weed mushrooms md lsd and cough syrup

kek I already use all that shit. it's been a while since i had some good dope though.

Buy some from Alphabay if you aren't retarded you won't get any hassle

dood it's because you moved to a new are....you are in limbo dood

>cough syrup
Jesus christ

And MDxx and acid fry your brain so much more than any opiates.

no needle exchanges in texas. and yes, Ik how fucking retarded that is

>he'll no



not if you use it responsibly.
plus DXM is a great dissociative

I've tried that once out here and I get sold brown sugar....yeah not losing another 60 bucks.

Just go to the block, stop in a corner store for a pack of Newports and ask a couple people. If you don't act like a fucking cop, it won't be hard.

Just sucks buying like that because you get taxed but you gotta start somewhere.

Shit I moved to a new area like 5 years ago and was also desperate to find "a guy" since I had virtually 0 connections in this city, let alone people willing to sell me dope. After weeks of looking I found a guy alright. In fact he was looking for people like me. He introduced me to a group of other people desperate to get high and he helped us kick that shit. Now look at me, I'm clean, I'm free, and I'm in control of my life. Honestly, just being in clinics and hospitals you'll find a lot of resources and phone numbers that might as well be God sent. It's not too late to stop. Think about it.

how do you move to a new area without first considering this

kek. or you can use and not abuse. once every few weeks won't have any negative effects. I'm not retarded

Dark Web should keep you going until you find a local guy.

ordering acid and other RC's is fine, but i dont think ordering heroin would be the best idea. I live in texas, with use being next to mexico, I'm sure the DEA is extremely careful around these parts

You think the govt is going to bother checking internal mail?

well depending on what mail service they use, they'll scan it and see some sort of goop or rocks (if its good) and alert the authorities.

Ha yeah you'll be the special one that doesn't use more frequently and get hooked. Ok kid.

already was hooked before, I know what to look out for now

Ehh, domestic mail really doesn't get fucked with like that. A G of powder or tar has a 99.9% chance of making it fine.

They use usps almost exclusively.

No they won't. I've been buying off dnm for years and that's never happened.

If it wasn't possible to run a successful business people wouldn't do it.

>already was hooked before
>still using
You still are hooked numnuts

everyone goes a little crazy when they first get into oxys or any other strong opiate but once you learn how to use responsibly you are fine

i've been taking over a year off and only want to do it like once or twice a month. I got responibilities and will never let myself get that bad again. it's called having intelligence and knowing how to use, not abuse.


>heroin user
>"I will never let myself get that bad again"
fucking lmao
I don't get you junkies at all

Lmao, I don't get you autists at all.

Seriously, that dudes gonna die. Hes gonna tie off, shoot up and itll be too much or really good shit and he will od


okay, junkie
see you soon

this is just in the movies. unless your mixing in a benzo or redosing speedballs you're good to go

OP try tinder. I was in a different city last weekend and just swiped right for everyone and asked immediately if they had drugs. I had a couple people flop on me but eventually it worked out

I've OD'd before, weeks after i sobered up initially. I won't do that again. just gotta remember "you can always take more, but you can never take less" and I used to get rocks which is some of the purest shit you can find around. shit I've never even seen tar in person

What the fuck is mandy?

Depending where you're located.
Here we call them; Stamps, bags, or boy.
Just go to the ghettos and look for some black people chilling outside a corner store. They're mostly always holding.

Doing 3 bags right now from a cold cop myself.


Lol, you'll never see me m8. You don't go outside, remember.


It's your lucky day OP.

I can sell you opiates, I won't mention which kind but if you're interested respond with a temporary email.

Will be shipping it to you of course, I sell on Reddit markets frequently.

Let me know friend.

Man I remember those little rocks from back in the day.

I miss that shit but at the same time not at all.

So what's the difference between that and molly?

I don't want RC's hit me up.

[email protected]

This isn't my pic, can you not tell from the name? I don't do that trash. Maybe rarely, yeah, I'll pop an oxy or val when my back is killing me, maybe a 222, but I'm far more a fan of 'cid, shrooms and pot. every here and there, some X. why would I want to do something with such a high risk for dependence? give it up, you went down a shit road and now you can never find as much satisfaction except in that trash. it's not worth it and I figured this out long ago.

M8 you're 12 and I'm calling you an autist not a heroin user your fucking autist.

Sounds like it's time to quit.



add another 10 years, junkie.

it looks like he's just looking out for us Sup Forumsros but ultimately it's the individual's decision how much to use and when and nobody can decide for us


i don't trust niggers kek

Anyone answer this?

off note, do you prefer shrooms or acid, and why?

not likely friend, my opsec is godlike.

been vending since original silk road

Lol your 22 and you've got the world bang to rights, right?

Fuck off kiddo. You're talking out of your arse. Just another cunt who thinks his opinion is worth something.
When you get a bit older you'll realise that no one gives a fuck what you think.


shrooms - I buy into the retarded natural fallacy of it all and I've just found it to be a more rewarding experience aside from the nausea every now and again. cid is fun as hell, but you run the gamut of not knowing what exactly you're getting where as shrooms are essentially as simple as cut+dry.

okay, junkie.
keep directing your rage at me as you tear up over your lack of getting to chase your dragon.


Are you planning on replying? I use one email address per customer, email me within the hour.

[email protected]

Where in WA? I got a dark hookup

Tacoma wa

Never heard that name before. Yet Molly is basically universal

Im up in everett

Email me, I'll sort you out.

[email protected]

I'm the same way. huge shroomhead. two summers ago my friend and I took 7 grams each. but as for the acid, swallow it whole immediately, if it still works it's acid, if not, it's an rc. only issue I have with acid is you never know the dosage.

You jealous OP? East Coast dope is tha best

You're a thick cunt. At no point have I said I take opiates.
Keep being young and fucking stupid, newfriend.

It's really just because it starts with an M. Just like Horse was popular slang for Heroin.

>seems legit

see, you know what's up user
little to no risk of dependence, incredible experiences

200% rage

9gs & I'm on the west coast. Nice crumbs tho bro

that shit looks fucking fire
i am honestly jealous kek

Yes, yes... were on Sup Forums trying to catch heroin junkies.

100% autistic kiddo

if they really wanted to catch people they could walk into the hood and ask any black what's in his pockets

my friend is a 57 year old hippy and knows a chemist. I just had some of the best cid in my life 2 weeks ago. didn't even notice the comeup and I was still hungry while tripping. Like stoner munchies hungry which i've never had from acid or shrooms

>live on my own
>gr8 job
>gr8 money
>one night stands frequently
okay, user, okay.



Nice post bro. I've had some like that before. Shit was pretty decent. This shaky/crumby stuff I've got though is the best I've had in forever.

jealous, haven't had cid in bout 2 months, but I've got a qp of good socal weed that's been making things gr8

how much did it run you? or nothing? free cid trips are the absolute best

That's an actual piece of stone

Any of you willing to purchase, let me know.

Will guide you through purchasing bitcoin easily with a debit card and get you a tracking number for two day or express mail in the morning.

Not going to be accessing that email after an hour has passed.

ITT: shrooms and acid getting so much love but nobody mentions dmt or mescaline?


2cb>>>>>>>shrooms and acid
DMT is the shit. Different vibe though. I don't think it's very social

dmt is really hard to find i have only had it twice, i have never ever had any mescaline or been anywhere near it ever. those two drugs are hard to find

it was like 6 or 7% my friend got a strip for 20. lucky bastard.
