Hey /b, is my toe broken?

Hey /b, is my toe broken?


No, just gross..


yup. where you drunk?


Can you move your toe?

What can happen from this if I don't get it checked?

I can move it ok, walking on it's kind've a bitch.

Doesn't look like it.

There'd be a lot more swelling. Unless you took this pic like 2 minutes after the injury.

No, I was watching porn.

You can walk on it. It's not broken.

You could lose your toe which would leave you needing a cane

This happened about 10 hours ago, but Ive had ice on it ever since then.

Cancer, most likely

It is very unlikely that you've broken it.

Kindve, its not like I can walk normally. I definitely cant put any pressure on it at all, but I manage to get from room to room.

I broke my toe and never got it set.still have my toe but sometimes it locks up and i have to pop it

You should see a doctor. The same thing happened to me.

can youu move the toe?

I've broken the same toe on the other foot before and now I can't bend it all the way, this one doesnt seem like it is, but if its not then I jammed it something fierce.

I can move it with some pain involved, and I cant necessarily bend it all the way.