New ghostbusters movie

so Sup Forums, why all the hate? Movie's not even out yet...

Is it:

A.) Nostalgia goggles making people feel like they own the franchise and that this remake is a "betrayal"

B.) Modern Feminism backlash

C.) "Everybody hates it so it sucks"

D.) People legitimately feel that the trailer and the movie is/will be awful


E.) All of the above (or some)

Also, do you think the backlash is fair (because its a beloved franchise) or unfair, (considering the movie has yet to come out)? Is it smart to judge a movie by its trailer? What does Sup Forums think?

>Movie's not even out yet...
>Trailers give no hint on what the movie will be like

cliched black people one liners


cliched white people one liners

>Oooo that's gonna leave a mark!

Stupid physical humour instead of smart jokes

It's a meme, you dip

Nobody actually cares about Ghostbusters 2016

I'm fairly certain it's an elaborate money laundering scheme

It's one of those movies that nobody wanted and it's aimed at nobody, it will just come and go and be forgotten in a month

sony is the worst company today

the the tall one seems to be the only one getting any laughs

ghosts look like haunted mansion

bad cgi float ghosts

ghostbusters logo is the bad guy

please don't tell me you think the original ghostbusters trailer was amazing because it wasn't friend

so frustrating because if they were gonna do a whole gender swap thing thing then fine but now that they made a shitty trailer no one's ever gonna try that shit again

I can't wait for this to come out and beat Civil War by a mile just so I can see all the whiny piss babies cry their impotent rage to the heavens. Screen cap this so I can laugh at you all later on

I hate it because of the disgusting people defending it.

This. I didn't give a shit about original Ghostbusters either to be honest, but I absolutely loathe the people trying to do damage control on this movie by blaming "misogyny".

okay feminists you got me I LAUGHED

I still hate your stupid movie >:(

Fucking this. Also the fact that Sony's thoroughly astroturfing this "controversy". They're honest to god deleting all the negative comments on the trailers except the sexist ones.

What they did to James can only be described as bullying.

Didn't have a single issue with the all female cast until that first trailer. Now it just looks like a shameless gimmick paired with tired Paul Blart Mall Cop low tier humor to attract idiots with a ghostbusters paint job over it. Honestly there would be less "boo women r bad" backlash if they didn't court that shit with the heavy girl-power marketing.

I can't really blame a film for the shit people that rush to defend it so that isn't a factor for me.

>D.) People legitimately feel that the trailer and the movie is/will be awful
It's basically Pixels' humor.
But it doesn't have Adam sandler in it so people won't automatically dismiss it despite coming from pretty much the same production team

Am I the only one who thinks this shittery will actually retrieve box office profit.
We all know it's critic proof (and the critics are probably getting kickbacks anyway) but I honestly think Sony planned this as a marketing ploy from the beginning, and it's actually working the absolute madman. And because they rid on the SJW pandering alone, it'll set a new precedent for more shitty "reboots".


It's honestly hard to tell how big a disconnect there is between the sphere of bloggers and other people tryng to push this movie forward and the general audience. Even on their own website while promoting he movie, most of the comments and reactions are negative.
Both routes sound possible. the "shilling" could very well have worked or people might be so sik of hearing it that few will go see it, and most of those who will will do so to see how bad it was.


It warms my heart to finally see James get some form of support from Sup Forums.
especially after all the shit he got with his movie and the year following it (granted some of it was deserved).
not to mention, the windrammer laugh is good reaction pic material

Don't get me wrong, I don't completely agree with James but I understand why he said it. I just think that if the actions of these writers is any indication, they're digging their own career grave when eventually people will call them out on their shit more and more.

>eventually people will call them out on their shit more and more
>mfw it has started
Taking on a relatively well-known figure fro mthe internet that has so far stayed away from the usual controversies was probably not that good an idea. It's not gamergate anymore, people only have 6 minutes of a calm guy to watch, not dozens of screencaps and 42 minutes long podcasts, so it's easy to realize they all wrote some shit without watching. Because it's pretty hard in this case to spin James' video into a sexist rant. It would have been easy to disagree with his take on remake, or point how his "namemake" thig doesn't make sense though.
This might be the beginning of something (or another typical case of internet amnesia after a week or two).

lazy ""reboots"" of 80s movies are just deceitful cash grabs and deserve to be despised

that's precisely why they made it about "feminism".
That way if they don't make money, they have something to blame, and they can make people feel bad about it.
That's some next-level hollywood jewery.

>tfw I can't distinguish babbling retards and brilliant clickbait writers anymore.

It's genius.

>implying there was ever a difference

You guys should start watching good movies for once

Who should be cast in the remake of Beverly Hills Cop? Is Nikki Minaj a good actor?

How about a Neverending Story remake with Quvenzhane Wallis?

Blue Velvet starring Idris Elba, Christopher Plummer, & Hailee Steinfeld.. pretty good, huh?

I feel deep contempt for everyone involved in this Internet drama. They are just two sides of the same coin.

Wow you sure can straddle that fence.

why do people give any kind of shit that this ONE guy won't see the movie

Jesus christ he's not even famous people leave the man be

It is not funny. That's it. No boycotting or hate for females or any of that bullshit, it just doesn't look like a good movie.

I literally can't remember the last time I saw a comedy in theaters.

I would say A and B and D. There is also an element of snowballing going on here. The news articles about this are all about how it is the most disliked trailer of all time. This only encourages everyone to get involved and dislike it even more.

I don't like Ghostbusters II at all, I've even tried to rewatch it with an open mind and found it to just be stunningly dull compared to the first movie. I think the original film is great and we should just leave it at that. It was never meant to be a "franchise", it should just be thought of like Princess Bride. A great movie that everyone loves and watches a million times that is too beloved to be tampered with.

I had no interest in the idea of them doing a Ghostbusters III with the original cast, much less trying to dome reboot with a new cast. My reaction would me more or less the same if it was some other group of women, or an all male cast. I cringe at the thought of a Ghosbusters reboot with Jay Baruchel and TJ Miller or something. Although admittedly, the trailers for the film being abysmal haven't helped matters.