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>no elo hell is real thread

>tfw permabanned by 3rd time

Challenger player here. It doesn't exist. You're either good enough to climb, or you aren't

sick cs

ELO Hell is real.

But just like real hell, you're put there for a reason. Your sin? Being trash.

that's because there is no elo hell.
you are there because you deserve it.
if u want to get higher you need 2 out of these 3:
1. time
2. skill
3. luck

or just git gud

Don't bother. This cunt has made 20+ threads bitching about elo hell and ignores any tips to improve.


this faggot is new, very new

It's sorta real I can play on my friends gold just fine but my account was silver. It just takes a long time to get where you're supposed to be. It's fucking stupid though.

I've seen him make at least 5 threads, Over the past 6 months.

Leaugefag here.
I started playing 5 years ago and now i am sitting in Gold 5 25 lp. Im trying my hardest to climb and i am constantly getting better. My farming has improved incredibly (last game i had 120 cs at 11 minutes). I main riven and have a couple of friends in high gold and low plat which i am playing with. Yes they are helping out but i dont have the time to put into leauge to get there myself. OP, stop being a faggot, 78 cs at 38 minutes is so pathetic that i could throw up, also dont play varus in the current meta if you want to climb, play cait, lucian, jinx, kogmaw or whatever the fuck. Apparantly you cant climb on "non-metaslave" champions so dont try you fucking tard, you deserve bronze you shit. Uninstall your life please ty. Oh btw no need to flame me i know that im not anything special ^^ Monkey D rg900 if u wanna check out my profile

Add me guys: KeKoolKat

>7 kill participation out of 23
>elo hell
whatever retard.

He's mid not adc.

You could have farmed better.

Yeah.. i noticed that a couple seconds after i pressed post. Varus ap :'). wasn't even expecting that

Just play kayle

not telling you my secret build tho

lol 6 months....

He's been making them for a while now new friend

>1. Git gud with veigar
>2. Git gud with stacks
>3. Delete people at ~20 minutes

You should actually start listening to advice. When you have the 2nd least gold on your team 90% of games you're doing something wrong. Kills don't mean shit if you don't get gold or siege from them.

fuck me m8. 400 games and you're in bronze V? I'm shit at league because I dont really care enough to get much better, I dont play that seriously but I'm in gold 4. I honestly dont know how you could play more than 100 games without getting good enough to at least get to gold.

tf fed and went afk

this is why i dont listen to anyone because you ignore the obvious truth in these screenshots

so go fuck yourself, elo hell is real

>ap varus
>78 farm in 36 min

Lol elo hell isnt real at all

i have a friend who goes on and on about it so i gave him my old acc at plat and he ended up back in bronze, i took his bronze account and climbed it up to plat.

literally all comes down to if you are bad at this game and clearly you are

Elo hell is a mentality. The mentality that you can't improve and it's always someone else's fault. As soon as you stop cucking yourself and being a faggot the sooner you can start to improve and get out of bronze v.

if you get placed below G5 after playing your first placements ever, stop playing ranked for your sake and for the other players.

real talk

dude, your build is trash, your farm is trash and you are probably even more trash.

You don't build fullap vlad, he's fucking ap tank you moron.

Also, you seem to main top, so play jax or yasou or some other faceroll shit.

when you have the same or less gold than the rest of your team you arent being held back by your shit team, you're doing AS WELL OR WORSE THAN THEM. Elo hell is real but it isnt other people tormenting you, you're the demon torturing yourself in elo hell by not getting any better.

You're playing Ignite Vlad in 2016, time to tie that low elo knot real good fam

>That build
>That fucking farm
What a shit player.

im d1 eune, i have a smurf in silver, anyone want sum boost?

"I almost got out-cs'd by an afk TF and I got 2 CS a minute Gg it's my team's fault"

honestly I dont even think elo hell is skillbased, I think it's personality based. Elo hell is full of people with depression or bipolar disorder, like a hospital ward full of actual mentally unwell people. I think this because the second anything goes wrong in the game they automatically quit in their heads. The enemy team gets first blood at 4 minutes and they're spamming the allchat, flaming, waiting to surrender at 20.

d1 eune equals silver, so you aint boosting shit pal

>elo hell is real
Yeah if you play AP Varus like a fgt

>78 cs
>"it was my team's fault"

nigger you have less gold than both the 2/10 and the 3/10. You're right where you belong.

d1 80 lp /

Over a stupid long amount of time, then yeah sure you'll climb. You can't sit there and literally tell me that games like that are even remotely winnable.

These niggers know what's good.

well I cant deny that, my tilting is the only real reason im still bronze

Just take a bit of math here.

If 1 player every match is capable of losing the game, and you're always good, then that means that there is 4 people on your team that can fuck up.

Meanwhile, there are 5 people on the enemy team that can fuck up. Using simple math, through pure chance, if you are good enough to be consistently helping out the team, you will climb.

The fact that you aren't is because at least some of those times you are the shit-head that loses. Which means you're right where you belong.

>my tilting is the only reason I'm still in bronze
>I'm stuck in bronze because of elo hell and shit teammates

Pick one you faggot.

>my tilting is the only real reason im still bronze
It's a big part of it no doubt (you complete child) but you are also genuinely a bad player and have proved as much with your screenshots.

>96 cs in 45 minutes
>50% kill participation

you will literally never get to silver if you're consistently this trash.

no, it's because you are obviously a bad player and you can't farm for shit.

you're really bad at math, just saying

You can't be everywhere on the map at once though. I can't help someone in midlane that's already fed 5 or 6 kills in under 10 minutes and now the enemy midlaner is snowballing because of them. You can't stop that shit.

Lel just look at Talon on the opposite team. Most gold, most CS, most kills. That's not a coincidence. I'm sure he rolled you guys good and laughed all the way to the shop to finish his build.

every single screenshot OP posts just proves he's a garbage player over and over

are these screens supposed to prove he's good?? I mean seriously the CS and kill participation are shockingly bad. OP seems to think passable KDAs prove it's his team while completely oblivious to the fact that everything else in the screenshot shows he'll be a bronzie for life

exactly, and who fed him? wasnt me

what does that tell you? im not one of these fuckers....

Also learn to itemise faggot.
>Fed talon
>only one magic dang champ
>Better build abyssal!

Then you don't. It's that simple. You play, don't rage, don't make threads on Sup Forums about how horrible it is. You play another game and wait for that to happen on the enemy team while making sure you're never doing the same.

>Never. Doing. The. Same.

If you are consistently winning or at least going equal and not dragging your team down, you will climb through sheer mathematics being on your side.

Git gud scrub.

yeah, it's always the same with bronze players.

it tells us that you were the worst player on your team. The only one with less gold is the support nautilus.

Hey idk if your trolling but ill give advice anyways. Firstly, work on csing. Your cs isnt good in amy of those games. Secondly, pick. A few champs and play only them. Youll improve quicker. Thirdly, build correctly. Your builds aren't optimal. Lastly, even if it's your teams fault, focus on what you did wrong instead so you can improve.

Literally everyone ITT is a higher rank than you and they are all telling you where you're fucking up and why, despite your insistence, you are indeed a bad player.

Why not listen to them? Why be so defensive when you are the lowest of the low? Things would be a lot better for you if you had looked inward and tried to improve yourself instead of bitching like a child.

Dude, you should work on your farm, first and right away. Second you should work on your map awareness, yes you can help mid lane stop a snowball idle you pay attention to jungling routs and the mid lanes backs. Third, you should not play this game if you dont see what's wrong. I'm voting you're a troll.


This guy is right btw,

first thing to understand not all games are winnable sometimes the enemy will win because your your team mates it happens totaly of of your control but the good thing is this can happen to the enemy team aswell,

the ONLY thing u can do to make the game better is win your lane do your job well, so if you are fed share that shit around go roam gank another lane whatever u can do to leverage your personal advantage to the rest of the team

You had 78 CS in a 36 minute game. That's atrocious.
You built hourglass on Varus. Literally why?
What is this? Some kind of attack speed ap on hit Varus build? Keep bitching buddy. You've ignored all the advice you've been offered.

You just want to complain and feel validated.

That's girl-tier behavior user.

why not listen to reason?

i consistently play better than the people im queue'd with, which are feeders, afks, and trolls

either I should move up

or they should move down

teach yourself how to cs, practice in bot games and watch wave patterns to make last hitting easier, learn how to farm under a turret, make your laning phase as efficient as possible its the most important part of the game.

Look up builds for champions you play, finish 1 item at a time and know what items to get vs what.

In bronze play champions that you will win lane with, in bronze the game is 1v9 no one knows how to team fight and no one knows how to get objectives, play a hypercarry every game like vlad/graves win your team the game.

focus on getting gold for items so you can carry teamfights

elo hell is what you make it, its a mentality not a reality, if you tilt every time you lose lane you will be bronze 5 forever

I would legit rather have an afk than u probably have a higher win rate

Can't move down when you're bronze 5.

>>either I should move up
>>or they should move down

bronze fking 5, I think you should listen to yourself. you cant go down anymore m9

what´s about the 4. factor?
bad luck

No, you don't consistently play better. You play like garbage and refuse to improve.


called a ban genius

How about starting to CS properly you fucking noob?

How to put your brain ON before the game starts and NOT take an ignite on a long distant poke champion?

Elohell? You're just simply retarded, stay in Bronze





Literally kill yourself. If you're just going to be useless every game and bitch about your lack of skill while blaming others for it you might as well uninstall. I'm tired of seeing your shit threads full of you having a victim complex and seeking attention. Drink bleach faggot.

Nope, 40 CS on teemo, you are right where you belong.

Notice something: You have 40 CS.

Whether you get kills or not means little if you aren't contributing actively and early for the betterment of the team. In a near forty minute game you have only forty CS.

You averaged about one minion kill per minute. You were cancer on the team.

>bronze V
>they should move down

You're scraping the bottom of the barrel right along with them. Better players than you are moving up. You're a bad player, so you're not moving up. Getting good KDAs in most of your games (even if that is the case, which I doubt) means nothing. Your CS is consistently trash, your kill participation is consistently trash, and you're probably one of those people who thinks if they just plod along and do what the guides say they can't be blamed for losing. If you don't start making plays and raising your kill participation/CS in every single game, you won't climb. Simple as that.

All of these screenshots prove that you currently belong in bronze V.

"I consistently play better"
No, user, you don't. Again, you're coming here either trolling or looking for validation. If you're consistently better than the people you're matched with, you will move up. You've played almost 400 ranked games, and you've lost nearly 10% more than you've won.

Keep putting your hands over your ears and refusing to listen to advice though. You're exactly where you belong.

What region is this nigga in ill add as friend and make custom game and teach this fucking homo to cs

And not an easily cured cancer either, he was full sickle cell lukemia.

>40 CS



Kill yourself. If you're just going to be useless every game and bitch about your lack of skill while blaming others for it you might as well uninstall. I'm tired of seeing your shit threads full of you having a victim complex and seeking attention. Drink bleach faggot.

are you fucking retarded?

What is it with these idiots and not buying boots


Kill yourself. If you're just going to be useless every game and bitch about your lack of skill while blaming others for it you might as well uninstall. I'm tired of seeing your shit threads full of you having a victim complex and seeking attention. Drink bleach faggot..

Now, for tips to improve yourself:

Most glaring tip is to get better at CSing. It's not hard. Go into a damn customs and practice hitting minions with -just- auto attacks to kill them. Slowly get better, aim for around 100 at 20 minutes. Learn how to CS and how to properly time AAs. It's that goddamn simple.

The next thing you need to learn about is cost management. Take worthy trades, focus on CS, and realize when you're getting baited. Not just baited for a gank, but baited for money.

One of the strongest strats you can do against a bad is to put your face infront of them for them to focus instead of focusing on minions. You get 100 minions by 20, they get 40 by 20, and while they may have gotten a single kill, with a kill being only about 17 minions..that's 57 to 100. They're more useful as the game goes on.

Also, just plain git gud scrub.

Kill yourself. If you're just going to be useless every game and bitch about your lack of skill while blaming others for it you might as well uninstall. I'm tired of seeing your shit threads full of you having a victim complex and seeking attention. Drink bleach faggot...

So what you're showing us is that you improved your CS and won.... hmm how's that logic treating you?

Kill yourself. If you're just going to be useless every game and bitch about your lack of skill while blaming others for it you might as well uninstall. I'm tired of seeing your shit threads full of you having a victim complex and seeking attention. Drink bleach faggot....

That's a victory, user. Any retard can steamroll their way to millions of kills when the enemy team is composed of chickens with their heads cut off.

>level V on teemo
>proud of 32 kills in a bronze game

this thread is gold

Kill yourself. If you're just going to be useless every game and bitch about your lack of skill while blaming others for it you might as well uninstall. I'm tired of seeing your shit threads full of you having a victim complex and seeking attention. Drink bleach faggot......

>tfw have to play a match before I drop from inactivity

it's 2016, stop playing League already.

Such an epic bait. How is it possible that not even one of them have proper build. And varus have worst of them, on par with leona. Omfg, ill bait that

>40 Cs

Holy shit can I actually wake up from this hell im experiencing please?





Honestly this thread explains why my brother couldn't even reach bronze 5 when he tried.
Seems like being useless isn't enough, you have to actively harm your own team every game to get there

Dude, im shit, hardly played ranked, have quit, and only made it to Plat V. it takes a cold day in hell to get that bad.