I got dem fluffie feels. Fluffy Thread

I got dem fluffie feels. Fluffy Thread.

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Bumping with rape




Let's all give three cheers for fluffy rape!
Hip hip!

Hip hip!

Hip hip!


i swear this shit makes me more retarded. post more

I love their style in that one.

Otay nice mistuh fwuffy dump aww da bestest wapies
Yeah the hand drawn stuff is usually pretty good albeit hard to come by


>Otay nice mistuh fwuffy dump aww da bestest wapies
yes, perfect. i can feel my braincells dying

If this is a hellgremlin thread, then is a canon thread. Enjoy whichever is to your liking.

Onwy da bestes fow nice mistahs!

Dance fucker dance



More like this where fluffies die from stupidity not abuse

fucking stupid retarded faggot thread?
fucking stupid retarded faggot thread.

welcome to the thread faggot.

Oh gosh you sure showed us

Just for that I'm going to try to keep this thread up as long as I can


The history of your life user


D'awww, that's such a cute little dancie-babbeh!

I'm writing my first fluffy story of a yard invasion followed by feral abuse for fun and profit, but I am starting to think it may be too long... any advice for new fluff-stuff creators?

So are you guys trying to be edgy my little pony fags?

This is literally the gayest middle class millennial faggotry I have ever seen

Honestly I come to these threads more for the reactions of people like you than the fluffies

This guy's got it



You whore I wanted to do that myself

Canon fluffies are about all kinds of feels and a bizarre catharsis you get from seeing something pure and innocent destroyed.

Hellgremlins are a spinoff fandom about hate-inducing little demons, and I guess they're popular with the kind of people who enjoy being trolled.

2 slow






You know, some of EforAlexeev's work reminds me of Happy Tree Friends.


Poop on it next

On the rape subject, anyone have the blue fluffy raping the other one? Its a vertical panel strip and it keeps zooming in on the smarties face "good feews".

His face make me crack the fuck up.

How ungrateful. I'd take out the clippers and shave it's whole body; see how it likes that.

keep it simple and brutal



>Anonymous 08/08/16(Mon)17:08:40 No.698568826 ▶








You know, the ponyfags got their own board, go annoy them there.


you know, only fucking idiots bother giving a damn about shit that doesnt effect them or can easily be ignored. you can just use the filter or not even enter the thread, fucking 12 yr old.





more damnit!

Could you make a fluffy thread for us there? We'll move there if you start one.


thats the last one of that series, sorry.

Where can i find more of these?

at least it ends with partial happy end

Holy shot this cancer haven't died yet?

8ch net/fluffy/catalog.html

Here's the catalog, go nuts

>haven't died yet?
Holy shit learn proper grammar you degenerate?

>8ch net/fluffy/catalog.html
this is heaven. what the fuck is wrong with me?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how infuriated would you be if this actually happened to any of you?
>just asking


IMPORTANT! Start reading from oldest to newest!

learn proper punctation, ya cunt.

>what is a cat
It has drove it to an empty field and threw it out of my car

This shit isn't cancer. It's the AIDS to MLP's HIV. It won't kill me but it makes me wish something would.

That's new to me, pretty cool concept for a new model of fluffy.
Who came up with it?

i dunno, i would never hurt an animal but there is catharsis in fluffy abuse. I think its because we dont expect much from cats and dogs since they dont speak english and thus you cannot reason with them, but fluffies can be reasoned with, even if they are mentally incompetant. So when they still do terrible shit even though they are told not to, the frustration is there because there was some level of real communication and understanding between the two parties. thus its easier to hate these little bastards for their stupidity and other terrible attributes.


I like both.

I don't get into ponies, but on some level I guess I get why some people are into it. But fluffy abuse? Those people should be herded into camps and kept away from decent society.

They're like ponies and carebears combined into one saccharine package, endlessly optimistic and unsuited for the cruelties of the real world. For them humans are like gods, and their motives and actions incomprehensible. I just love crushing their innocence and spitting it in their oblivious little faces. The way the unjust world kicks me, I kick the fluffies, and feel better like my suffering gets passed on to something even more innocent.


Oh, right, sorry.
Didn't dieded yet.

Reminds me of the walking dead, rip glen

What are you fucking Hitler? Because if you want to cut out a group of people that you don't like for a certain thing, then you qualify sir.

That's an oversimplification but it will do for now

It's the feels. The best fluffy pics are those that by all means *should* make you sad for them, but instead leave you wondering why they make you feel so wonderfully alive instead. I'm too sensitive for the suffering of others in real life, but with fluffies I can watch a baby crushed to death in front of its mother and not feel bad at all. It's a truly peculiar feeling. Is this how assholes feel like when being mean to someone in real life?

Don't you like stressballs? How does this thing remotely influence you?

>literally listening to a leaf namefag

