Hillary Clinton is a fucking cunt

Hillary Clinton is a fucking cunt.

Do you guys really want this skeletor looking fuckin retarded woman as your president?


Nah and we don't want that white dogshit looking motherfucker either


No. She's shit. But still better than Trump.






They are both ass holes. At least she's not also a complete idiot.

Want her way more than that other dumbfuck

>implying your vote matters

>moer than 2 candies on the ballot
>hur durr all the candy sucks
>still about to vote for fuckin chocolate covered LIAR here

why vote at all then? vote 3rd party you coward

hill shills are everywhere. SHE IS A LIAR PUPPET


I can no neglect Susan Sarandon married Tim Robbins

NO! But I don't want donald the fucking retard trump as the president either.

Whoever wins, it'll be awesome to watch

please tell us all about how wrong all the experts were about trump's economic policy speech today. surely you watched it before making that conclusion.

Lemme help you tards out.
>Trump keeps you all distracted with "hate everyone, fuck Hillary"
>Hillary keeps you all distracted with "hate everyone who disagrees with me, fuck Trump"
>>In the meantime you retards are allowing our country to fall into the shitter because you think that a single word that comes out of either of their mouths is truth.
WAKE UP YOU STUPID FUCKS. Neither of them are good people, neither of them care about you or America, neither of them are going to "make America great again". They are both money and power hungry animals, that know you idiots are too dumb to realize that they're taking advantage of you. Lrn2politics. Your vote doesn't matter, your opinion doesn't matter, your rights don't matter. The only thing that matters is the fact that you shitheads are too busy fighting each other about nothing to realize that ONE OF THESE TWO ARE GOING TO RUN OUR COUNTRY. Literally 2 of the worst candidates since Hitler and Mussolini themselves.
If you support Donald Trump, you're a retard and are going to be drafted into the WW3 that he will start.
If you support Hillary Clinton, you're a retard and are going to bring our country to a state of Marshal law.

Please tell me you don't honestly believe he's going to enact that policy.
Fucking inbred.

Vote Trump and you get both Presidents for the price of one.

She's a cunt but Trump is a bigger cunt, the other options are less cunty but as they can never beat the main two parties, voting for the lesser cunt is the better option.

I believe it because I don't have autism unlike your vaccinated ass.

i love you, reddit!
>we love you too, bernie!
thanks for all the positive coverage and suppressing all the bad stuff!
>it was our pleasure bernie!
i wish everyone in america was as smart and enlightened as you all!
>we want to suck your dick bernie!
with your help we can apply socialism to fix all of our problems!
>please cum on us bernie!

No one WANTS to vote Hilary, but most sensible adults understand she's by far the lesser of two evils

fuck socialism and fuck bernout sellers


*Martial law but everything else was on point

What's this shit about her being a benzo hound?


Anyone watch Peeky Blinders? Or Game of Thrones? Cuz they did a good job of showing how humans function as a species. You get in your group (house Lannister, house Martel, or the IRA, or the Peeky Blinders, or the Democrats, or Republicans) and you use leverage and ruthlessness to destroy your opponents. If you can get away with it, you do it. That's life. That's always been life. You form alliances, break alliances, back stab, exploit, kill, steal, fund your enemies' enimies. And whoever is most ruthless and intelligent wins. The rest are exposed or disgraced or just beaten by fear. Do you actually think the people at the top care about US?! Do you think they are operating based on some moral allegiance to the principle of democracy? They're just violent and corrupt crooks. And they're smart. The reason murder and robbery and blackmail etc is illegal is because they know that's how you steal power. They did it, they got in charge, now they don't want it done to them. Human nature, fools!

One evil is very experienced and efficient, and the other evil is an idiot. At least with the idiot, there's a chance he won't know how to do what he thinks he wants to do. Hillary on the other hand, is actually dangerous.

What if Marshall's law is twice as bad as Martial law?
>thinka bout it


>the lesser of two evils

And this is why we call it managed democracy.

Prety sure murder has been frowned upon since before Game of Thrones game out bro.

Yea I know, don't know how I missed that. Weird of me. Thanks though!

Aaaaaannnnd you can't follow a conversation. Cool. Want some blocks or crayons to play with or something?

Absolutely not.


I would rather have an insane homeless alcoholic for president than Trump to be honest. Never has there been such an unfit contestant

In this rare case however she is not.

If trump gets in he has some solid picks for new justices.

If Hillary gets in we will have a left wing agenda pushing court that will fuck us over for 50+ years.

The lesser of 2 evils here is to get fucked in the ass for 5 or 6 years (4 years of trump +1 - 2 of his aftermath)
Not to get fucked in the ass for 50+ years

*Snaps fingers* Yes

>you're a retard and are going to be drafted into the WW3 that he will start.

You do know that some of Shillery's exposed emails she said she wanted war with iran and several other sand nigger countries.

We have the same problem in Canada....there is no one to vote for so you vote for the person that will do the least amount of damage.

>Never has there been such an unfit contestant

aside from hillary that is.