Normally take 1 molly at parties. I took 5, 2 days ago and i feel like i'm gonna die...

normally take 1 molly at parties. I took 5, 2 days ago and i feel like i'm gonna die. My period started after taking it but it wasn't the time. help?

You know the rules tits or gtfo

1 molly


i just need to know why i'm bleeding. And it's happening the second time. There is no info about ecstasy's effect on menstrual cycle.

The molly is eating you from the inside and sending the excess blood out your cooter

Are you on birth control pill? Being up a long time, not eating much can cause a bit of fat loss where hormones are stored. Molly is usually cut with speed which increases this.

I had the same thing before and that was the explanation I got.


it's the third time happened to me. İ quit pills a month ago but happened the same when i was on pills too

and my bleeding starts with the effect of ecstasy

Actually now I think about it, this would probably happen if you're on the pill or not.

Look up amphetamine and menstrual cycle, taking 5 would have increased how much speed you had. It's pretty rare for it not to be cut with it. Probably why you feel so shit. Green tea ( or l-theanine supplements), brazil nuts ( or magnesium sups) and bananas (or 5htp sups). Learn to harm reduce.

Tits. GO!!

It starts when the actual hit starts?

my only question is.. since you took 5 instead of 1.. did you also get fucked in the cervix where you normally only get fucked in the vagina? was it a gangbang?

Probably the combo of prolactin and cortisol, gets released and messes with cycles.

yes and it happened before too, and previous ones were only with 1 molly

how can ecstasy have effect on prolactin and cortisol?

It's likely the hormones that get released with MDMA I mentioned here I don't think you need to worry, it's an annoying side effect tho.


if it's not serious why i'm the only one? i used to have PID and i have PCOS too. Maybe they are related?

Not sure why, but it has been proven in many studies.