Name something a burglar would not want to see

Name something a burglar would not want to see.



>me masturbating to traps on my computer at 4am

Two morbidly obese gay men penetrating each other with phallic vegetables

Lel omg i totally didnt see THAT one coming!! XDDDD

Me cumming to horse bestiality with linkin park blasting

>in the end

male or female horse? you will be judged on this answer.

My dubs

Male man on female horse


dubs are an illusion set up by the illuminati to distract you from the truth.

Fat, stinky shitlog in the safe.

The truth is my dubs

My penis


good man.


get out

The realization that their life has amounted to nothing and that they are worthless, hence why they have to rely on common thievery to survive.


The business end of a 44. magnum

Illuminati confirmed

the police

wtf is a 44. magnum? a literal cannon?

A suited-up Imperial Guard with a finely-crafted steel longsword. As you step into the home, he stops you dead in your tracks. With the true voice of authority, he looks you dead in the eyes, and says: "Stop right there, criminal scum! You've violated the law!"

A jail cell.


A diploma

500 S&W is better.

Kid, you gotta be 18 to be on here. Next time be honest when it asks if you are 18 or over.


You fucking wizard

y tho



His conscience.

Cocking the weapon like a little bitch.

Gay scat midget hamster porn.

A simple security camera so the police can come find your nigger ass the next morning...

another black guy

Donald Trump.

Deez nuts

a dirty garden girl spreading her prolapsehole

Steve Harvey