Why is Reddit so shit

Why is Reddit so shit
The content is fine but the comment section is literally the manifestation of what media "thinks" Sup Forums posters are like
There's more racism, retardation and general circle jerk on there than Sup Forums
Fucking ridiculous
Fuck the upvote system too

good thing you pointed that out.

reddit > Sup Forums. Everyone is so retarded on Sup Forums its just leaves me speechless. Im here for the first time now, but this place is retarded asf

I cant stand how reddit works. its a huge circlejerk where everyone is competing to have the most popular posts instead of actual quality. Yeh, theres a lot of shit posts on Sup Forums, but sometimes you find the best content at the bottom of the dumpster, as opposed to reddit which is more like finding dirt in a dirt pile.

Good for you, now fuck off



So true it's hurts

I'd like to know why you went there in the first place.

i aint clicking that

Kill yourself nigger

Do it puss

Sup Forums isn't the only board you fucking newfag.

>what are features of the site

You're really missing out

Mate it's the same shit reposted everyday on there
The same comments on there that get upvoted
And pray to God if you comment with any opposing view because you get downvoted to hell even though upvote/downvote relate to content/relevance

i have plenty of poz pigs delivering poz loads to neg holes if you queers are interested.

Front page content on reddit is the one that people "like", that is being upvoted. No creation is done here, and the discussion afterward doesn't matter.

Front page on Sup Forums boards is the content that is controversial, that makes people react.

Sup Forums is a creative environment. Sure, if you are just looking for braindead fun, it's not the best place on the internet. It's a cesspool, but a cesspool of creativity and actual discussion where the fool is heard as much as the wise.

Reddit is one immense "murrica" pseudo-leftist circlejerk full of normies and tmblrs warriors. It is mearly a noise amplificator, barely anything original is ever created there despite being the most active english-speaking user-powered website.

Maybe you're hanging out in the wrong sub

>Front page on Sup Forums boards is the content that is controversial, that makes people react
nope. it's just the fastest bumped threads.
>Sup Forums is a creative environment
nope. it's just repost of bullshit over and over

Nah I like r/the_donald r/China r/coontown r/doublexchrosome and r/redpill