I have an appointment with a psychiatrist tomorrow. Trips decides what i tell him is wrong with me

I have an appointment with a psychiatrist tomorrow. Trips decides what i tell him is wrong with me.

Necrophilia, you thinking of getting a job at a funeral home, to get you access to bodies.

Spontaneous ejaculation onset by any Abba song.


... children are sexy

I have the urge to sexually assault every toaster i see

"I want twenty small children to pin me down and rape me"

my name is jeff

Honestly, I've always wanted to get fucked by a psychiatrist

I sometimes pour my semen into milk and use it in my cereal

I'm depressed and I think I'm slightly autistic

You have to be serious about this, you must have a plan. Start out with minor shit, such as sexual confusion or social ineptitude. Then slowly 'reveal' more and more each session, allowing your therapist to peel back the thick layers of your psyche to reveal your parent(s) molested you.

rerolling 4 u cuz hitler dubs

The dubs are cming fast and furious

cake farting


Can't fall asleep without the TV show Friends playing in the background.

This OP. This.


Sometimes I feel like existence would only be meaningful if I had a significant other to stand beside me.


we have a winrario!


LOL gg lets pack it up here.



Tell him the truth

the feels...


Well that was quick.

i'll be waiting for your tomorrow post OP

Appointment is at 10am MDT so whenever i get home

We'll be here.

Btw my wife is coming to the appt with me so bonus.