Hey Sup Forums Here are 5 questions to ask atheists nextra tI'm you meet oNE at a party. See how smart they are:

Hey Sup Forums Here are 5 questions to ask atheists nextra tI'm you meet oNE at a party. See how smart they are:

1. Are you absolutely sure there is no God? If not, then is it not possible that there is a God? And if it is possible that God exists, then can you think of any reason that would keep you from wanting to look at the evidence?

2. Would you agree that intelligently designed things call for an intelligent designer of them? If so, then would you agree that evidence for intelligent design in the universe would be evidence for a designer of the universe?

3. Would you agree that nothing cannot produce something? If so, then if the universe did not exist but then came to exist, wouldn’t this be evidence of a cause beyond the universe?

4. Would you agree with me that just because we cannot see something with our eyes—such as our mind, gravity, magnetism, the wind—that does not mean it doesn’t exist?

5. Would you also agree that just because we cannot see God with our eyes does not necessarily mean He doesn’t exist?

1.) No, No, Yes.
2.) No. -
3.) No, -
4.) Yes
5.) No


1. Yes
2.no, no. No
3. No


a. No one can be sure that NO god exists, just as you cannot be sure that no invisible, intangible pink unicorn exists on my shoulder right now.
b. It's possible that a god exists in the same way that it is possible for my pink unicorn to exist.
c. Sure. What if the evidence of that god's existence is so psychologically damaging and incomprehensible to humans that it drives those who learn it insane? Pretty good reason to ignore the evidence if you ask me.

a. Sure. This pocket watch that I happen to own is most definitely intelligently designed and, therefore, has a designer. This designer happens to be its manufacturer. The problem is that we have no way to distinguish a designed object in nature from an object that was not designed. There is no objective way to distinguish an object's property of being designed or not. If there were an ugly lump of dirt sitting on a table next to a perfectly rounded stone, which one would have been designed? If you cannot tell, how do you propose that we measured how "designed" an object is?
b. No, I would not agree to that. Ancient alien races millennia of technology ahead of us may have dropped by early Earth and seeded it with life designed to thrive on Earth. If that's the case, life would have been intelligently designed without the necessity for a designed universe. One does not follow the other.

a. The context here is absolutely atrocious. We have no way of knowing what happens outside the universe. This "nothing" that you are referring to is the absence of space and time. If you could explain to us how that all works, go right ahead. If not, then you agree that we have no way of knowing whether or not the universe had a cause outside of itself.
b. N/a

a. Certainly.

a. Sure. Just like you can't say my unicorn doesn't exist just because you can't see it.

Very good user

Here's your reply, you lonely bastard.

OP here, thanks user

1. are YOU sure there is a god
2. Who designed the designer?
3. If you read, which we know you don't, is that the concept of nothing is something humans created and likely isn't true.
4. Shut up, we can't see it, you can't see it, therfore it exists? How does your condescending question even prove your point?
You just disproved it you dumb cunt.
5. Look above faggot.

Do you believe in Shiva? Apollo? Muhammed? Ra? Atlas?
No, there have been thousands of "Gods"since the beginning of time, most of which we both don't believe in, but each believer thought it was real. We are both atheiests in that sense. You 99.9, me 100 percent.

They're not real, shut up, buy a telescope and read a fucking book on science you cunt. People like you vote for Trump - and not ironically.

hahhaha /thread user

There is a God, Get a life!

If dubs, kill ur self OP and god isn't real


check these SANTANIC TripS

You mean like this?
Also, god isn't real phaggot


I'd kick you out if it were my party

666 god is fake fuck face

1) null point for me. I choose bot to believe in a god for the same reason you choose to believe in a god. It just works for my life.

2) I would not agree. This undermines the power of random chance. Given enough time, a monkey pounding on a typewriter will end up with Shakespeare or some other cohesive literature. The universe is constantly expanding, therefore plenty of canvas for random chance to create us.

3) This used to be a yes, but modern physics suggest that there still wasn't a nothing and that the Big Bang was a massive conversion of one type of matter we don't yet understand into matter we do understand.

4) Define see. All those examples are measurable. Bringing up the mind is unfair cos it is just fatty tissue with electrical signals sent through it. Gravity has been seen. It is a wave. Seriously, read up on new studies. Magnetism is something that can be measured and creates objectively noticeable effects. Like ferrofluid. The wind is easily measurable by both direction and speed relative to, for lack of a better term, stationary equipment.

5) So far, god has not been seen nor measured in any fashion. Hearsay from folks who believed they were touched by god is that crappy floppy pseudoscience that belongs in sociology or some equally useless science. Maybe one day there will be something that can measure a god, but until then, it's pretty safe to say we're on our own.

6 [Bonus round]) your b8 post is shit and I am giving you this info cos it is philanthropy to help the retarded. Now go spout it to your sycophantic friends to pretend to feel cool.

OP you really need to get laid for fuck sake man stop wasting your time on the whole creator shit... I mean there either is or there isn't but regardless of the answer you are most likely going to the same place as everyone else when you die so fuk it just go an enjoy yourself

> 1.no, and the question is equally uninteresting as to whether there may be a santa claus who is just really really good at hiding himself.

>2. intelligently designed implies intelligence, yes, but intentional design is a fucked up thing to figure out because you have a mind which is exceedingly well at seeing patterns even where there is no real pattern.

>3. nothing needs to be precisely defined. What does it mean that there is no mass within a tiny sphere ? either there is no atoms with mass, or that there is an equal amount of antimatter... similar with any other event like mass, charge, or existence.

> 4. To make things easier for ourselves, let's stick to things we can measure, in any way. Otherwise that pesky pattern-seeking mind will start making shit up real quick.

>5. If there is a god, which has no infliction on the reality we live in, then why would we even bother ?

Stop wasting your time, and get back to some proper studies, learn about every kind of religion, find commonalities and figure out why they are there. Learn how your brain works, your mind, what errors it is prone to make, what areas, if any, you can trust.
Then learn to express whatever the fuck you're trying to say.
Also study the sciences, mathematics and any other field that teaches you how we measure the world.

Or just do whatever, and stop trolling/baiting the faggots in here.

No no no
No no
yes yes

Your god doesnt exist. Doesnt mean there isnt some form of intelligent design. But there probably isnt, and were just ignorant of our origins (meaningless as they are surely)

Why do faggots like me keep responding, you arent capable of logical debate to begin with.