Romanians are not gypsies!

Romanians are not gypsies!
Get informed and learn the difference you racists.
De asemenea hajde un fir /ro/ fratii mei albi

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haules baules tocma ham rehalizat ca-s tzigan bagamiash pula. mersi frate!

portofelu la control

Rona Hartner e romanca coae!!!!

razvratire impotriva invadatorilor imperialisti care ne fura laserele dacice cand?

Real heroes don't wear capes.

chanon e aici


autobaza e aici


scuze dar nu primim autobarzisti in cercul nostru select de ceaunisti bazati

Is it true that you can't mail anything valuable in Romania?

Yes, that's true but only because there isn't anything valuable in Romania to mail.

traiasca victoria

Romania language looks like Latin and it makes sense to me because Latin it was spoken in Rome (ancient Italy)
Rome -> Romania
Latin -> Romanian (variant of Latin)


9gag e aici

tu-ti ceapa ma-tii de mongol neobrazat

I heard these is a lot of people in Romania mixed with Gypsies.
Not baiting, I've seen pictures too.


Race traitors!

Nihil Sine Deo

not true, I'm 100% straight outta the camp gyppo, we don't mix with r*manians

Did you know that the real Rome was built in Romania but in the 3rd century AD the Moors (modern-day Italians) destroyed it, stole all of its riches and constructed a copy of it in Al'Italya with the help of romanian architects that were kidnapped during their invasion?

you don't learn this in school unfortunately thanks Soros

fucking wops man always keeping the roman man down

i would say a lot, but some are

wouldn't *****

surely romanian women visit the camp to get superior gypsy seed?

they steal our kids and try to educate them and shit so we don't let any r*manians near our camps

nah man, romanian women are not like swedish women and gypsy seed is not as tasty as somali seed


stai, sunteti 2 tigani la furat sau doar unu care scrie mult?

cred ca suntem chiar 3

eu sunt la cersit

culeg căpșune

facem mare smecherie aratam pula la straini las ca vede ei cine-i sefu

sa-mi aduci si mie ceva te rog



tot ce vrei boss

parfum mancatias sa am ce sa dau si io la copi siun leptop pt piranda ca sti cum e pana nare pe ce sa stea sa proiecteze cladiri in stil baroc nu le tace gura

inca n-ai omorato pe vaca aceia

da ce om sanatos la cap poate sa-si omoare mama

Pretty accurate. I've got romanian friends who are nice hardworking people. Gypsies (romanians or not) are just "human" trash.

un om inteligent

Please tell Ion I miss him very much

leddit meet-up, doar poponarii vechi isi vor aminti cand rockeh a violat o tanara cu bestialitate

leddit are irc kek

ceplm citesc

irc-ul fedoristilor

de ce au toti 3 nasul stricat

asta, ce pula mea

suboamenii care au autism au sanse mari sa aiba probleme la tesutul conjunctiv, comorbiditatea este foarte mare
probleme la tesut conjunctiv = cacanari lanky, slabanogi cu deviere de sept (nas stramb), au nevoie de ochelari, au voce nazala pt ca au cerul gurii si dintii diformi

ala in mijloc e destul de dragut btw

ce cuplu fromos

wow cat de urat

care din ei?


bucuresteni, ce te astepti

supposely there are a shitload of gypsies in washington state, but I've never seen one in my life.

They're in Houston

Maybe because you're the gipsy?

No, we aren't swedish!

Do you guys still listen to Ozone?

all day every day

not really, they've been irrelevant for a decade since they split up



I don't see the difference

That's cuz ur a Finn n ur mongloid genes made your eyes be very little slits.
Just open them wider.

Are you kidding? They both look gypsy

finland with the awareness ladies and gentlemen!

Are you implying that Latins look like gipsys? Cuz that's offensive.

Tbqh Portugese people in my country might get mistaken for gypsies a lot. Your people are just way too short (~170-175cm at best), swarty, nobody has blue eyes, but black hair is fairly common.

No offense meant by the way, I actually like you guys. But you do look kinda... tawny.

Nu puteai sa alegi o poza si mai cocalara la dreapta?

crede-ma ca am cautat

Ba ce ai ma cu Cabral?

I don't think a normal romanian would want to touch a gypsy girl with a 10 feet pole.


>nu ar fute-o pe loredana

You're right, gypsies have way better music

>implying you wouldn't

curva vopsita

curva batrana si zbarcita

Nu mai posta poze cu nevasta-mea ca te iau la pumni fututi curu tau de jeg

Nu uitati sa vizitati chanon punct ro, cel mai bun imageboard romanesc (singurul)

scuze Andrei nu mai fac

Si din pacate, foarte nepopulat :(




>Pula mea mare
>Banii mei multi
>Va furam femeile albe
>cum va puteti intrece cu asa ceva?

De ce ne arati creaturi desfigurate, credeam ca suntem prieteni.

postam cringe

galațeno imbecille

curvescu romanescu

Fara reclama populatia doar scade treptat, n-are cum sa creasca.

Faceti reclama anoni! Faceti ceaunul maret din nou!