What are Sup Forums's opinions on this...

What are Sup Forums's opinions on this. I would have bought it but they delayed it on PC and id rather play it on PC than on PS4.
So what do you guys think?

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idk man, looks pretty boring to me

i think miscreated is more entertaining.

I agree.
I prefer games with stories or a game like CSGO that encourages skill.
Open world has been kinda shitty these past few years.
GTA V was gud, Witcher 3 was ok but we need old Fallout/Skyrim open world or even S.T.A.L.K.E.R. style.
But this, this just looks like hours upon hours of boredem

It feels like alot of grinding which is boring as fuck.
only game that makes it enjoyable is RUST

you should play squad.

is it like arma?


nothing requires more grinding than ark

i played ARK. boring as fuck, i dont really prefer open world survival games. only enjoyable one was RUST.

Think space engineers but less to do when you are on a planet. It is basically short moments of fun, paired with hours of tedious and boring tasks such as gathering resources.

Hey i love rust too man. This still looks like shit though

OP here.
Thanks man, see its simple explanations like this that are gud.

I already bought it for PC. Can't wait to play

no, it's much more simplistic. it's more tactics oriented and all the people who play is take it super serious and get butthurt if you don't follow their orders or do your job properly. the sounds are great though and you don't get killed by faggot snipers or fuckheads jumping around doing gay shit. so there's that. you'll like it though, it's fun if you're not spastic.

oh ok. Still big player base cause right now ive been doing Day Of Infamy and thats shits fun as hell.

destructiod did a 30 minutes of gameplay.

Starts off looking interesting, then gets boring fast. youtube.com/watch?v=HdupH6fpwzA

People that played it said it gets pretty boring. I'm waiting for battlefield 1.

yeah I saw a few videos of 20min gameplay. Litterally the entire time is fucking shooting rocks with lasers....

nah, it's not arcadey like that. you wouldn't get as many kills in squad. recoil is a bitch and it's a lot harder to see people.

yeah. First im buying Deus Ex Mankind divided then ill put a few $$$ inside for BF1. But my only worry is that BF games last long as fuck player base wise on consol but die about half a few months in. Do u think itll happen with BF1

Bf4 had a horrendous launch yet loads of people are playing it on pc still (don't know about consoles). As long as the game performs as well as bf4 does now I think it should be fine.

yeah but 8k is pretty small for PC

there's still lots of faggots playing it on ps4. everyone plays as a sniper and the only mode that fills up is conquest. makes sense though, there's no other fps to play. it'll be the same with bf1 until the next game comes out.

Dude I dream of exploring the universe and this is the closest I may ever come, I'm fucking stoked for this game fuck all you haters

starts off fun for 1 hour. Gets boring as fuck after that. Its a shitty game have fun m8

I think bf1 will bring new life into the franchise for at least a year. If the game executes the new innovations well, such as melee combat, I think more people will hang on.
I honestly don't see this problem much on pc. Hopefully it won't repeat with Bf1.

Spore 2.0

>shitty game
>have fun

what are you implying? you think i like shit, pervert?!

No multiplayer. Why can't I explore and shoot lasers at rocks with a friend? With all those planets it would be a super slim chance you would run into a griefer, if the devs didn't make it impossible. But they did.

this is why i'm not going to play this stupid fucking game. i didn't buy a pc and get steam to play games by myself for hours. why would i want to explore the universe by myself?!

Game based of repetition...yeah that shits going to get boring real fast. It's a really cool concept, but playability, I'd give it a good 2 months, if that.

I'm intrested to see if it lives up to the hype, but I have elite dangerous to play and it is nothing like that so. Maybe if it is good I will pick it up when it's cheep. Also I will require hotas support, kind of a deal breaker for me

>hebrew alert

>hebrew alert


glenn fricker

After reading this thread, I understand why most new games suck.
Thanks for ruining video games faggots.

There's barely a difference until mods come out. But I don't know why you'd pay full price for a PC game anyway. It's going to be good but plenty of people are bitching because everyone wants it to be good but not everyone likes exploration games.
>What do you do? Laser rocks for hours?
Sure. You might also spend 3 hours exploring alien ruins. The main premise is only exploration. Everything else is extra. And they also don't remember Minecraft was once a boring game that you only smacked a block with a shitty arrangement of pixels repeatedly until you could place it elsewhere. Look at how that did after mods.