I dislike transgenders they're sick in the head. It's not normal to want to transform into your opposite sex

I dislike transgenders they're sick in the head. It's not normal to want to transform into your opposite sex.


>not normal to want to chop your dick off and wear a dress
nice find, detective. no one says it's normal. the argument is whether it's a quirk or a disease

There are alot more supporters than i thought



comfort yourself with the fact that they can't reproduce and pass on their genes

trips of truth

These all look like new evolutions of Unown.

>Chaos Undivided

It's gone from mental disability to ZOMG WE HAZ TO RESPKT TEHR BIOLOJIKL REALITIEZ.

People who think they are trans have mental issues and should not be encouraged.


I believe its a self esteem issue with the person. They see themselves so low and begin to hate their body. When people reject them they begin to question themselves.

"Why don't they like me. Is it because I'm to feminine/ masculine."

Pretty soon this thought leads them to depression and anxiety or they might of had those conditions before. Either way this leads to them believing they are wrong and are the opposite gender

Trips of truth as always
Dont worry op, they are voluntarily sterilizing themselves. If it is genetic it wont be a problem

Agree. In 99% of the cases it's conditioning. There is a real physical issue that causes gender dysphoria (just with any other body identity disorders, like anorexia), but 99% of trannies just jump on the bandwagon.


I haven't gone over any psychological studies concerning transgender people, but i believe it is a mixture of nature and nurture. I genuilely believe that gay people are born gay, and that transgender people are born with some inherent need to be a different sex. but i also believe that the way this person is raised plays a pretty big outcome on gender. Gender is an identity, not a sex

I hate them people that have their birth body but say they are the other gender then when you say something that involves their gender they get all butthurt like bitch you are that gender open your eyes


Except hermaphrodites exist in nature which makes your picture wrong and no longer relevant to the conversation.

this was apparently scienced on, something about body chemistry and stuff not being right.
like imagine your brain chemistry is that of a woman, while the rest of your body got the chemistry of a man.
i try to understand this stuff cause its pretty ridiculous.
i honestly just think people are gay when they say they feel they are the opposite sex, how would they know what the opposite sex feels like anyway?


>comparing ourselves to thoughtless insects and amphibians

Evolutionary dead end located.

Oh so we can only compare ourselves when that shit is convenient? Like the male sea horse is the one that gives birth or how there are other faggot species on this planet that bang same genders? I forgot you can only cite shit when it drives a specific agenda you agree with. Thanks for setting me straight, friend.

Thank god I'm not the only one

dude how are sea horses related to humans?
or any animal for that matter

>Like the male sea horse is the one that gives birth
Yet he still supplies the sperm in mating and the female gives him her eggs. Not about how you behave, its about what you are born.

Explain to me how in the fuck gender is an identity


What are you for real? We all evolved (Or god slapped us here 6,000 years ago) from one cell organism and we just took different paths. There are still clear similarities like they eye, brain, reproduction cycle, blood circulation.. you'd have to have your head really far up your ass to not see anything similar.

You're either missing my point or this is a pretty neat strawman.

But like they have to know the shit is gonna happen theres no reason to be a complete ass about it they could be like "um id actually like to be called ___ " instead of "wtf did you just call me. I am a ___"

Clearly you are missing the point. The male sea horse incubates the young, this is an oddity but he still carries the Y, the female donates her eggs but she still carries no Y. No matter how much the male Seahorse wants to be a bitch, he's still male.

i know evolution
what i mean is, what does a sea horse have to do with humans?
sure the male sea horse is the one carrying the babies but that got nothing to do with us humans.


The point was that people use animals to drive their agenda forward like the species who also exhibit homosexuality. Holy fuck why are you trolling right now..

This has nothing to do with anything that wasn't my point. You're the one addressing my point how the fuck am I the one missing it.. holy fuck.


I think it's stupid. You should stick with whatever you were born with. Just like your sexuality, race, etc.

If you wanna dress up as a guy or girl then whatever, more power to ya. But hormones and surgery are stupid and pretty fucked up. You don't see gays trying to change their sexuality. Why should it be okay and an accepted solution to have a doctor mutilate your body into a facade.

To be honest, I think a lot of this whole issue stems entirely from psychology. Notice how it's rarely ever women. It's men, who are beta and omega tier, who may or may not have some level of aspergers/autism. They are emasculated and bullied in front of their peers early in life because they are pussies and instead get it in their battered and worn down mind that they really aren't men.

Cross dressers have existed throughout history, but it's nowhere at the level it is now, in terms of people wanting to alter their body physically, not just socially or mentally.

I think the time period we live in is the only one that could have generated such issues like feminazis, SJWs, and transgender people literally chopping their balls off.

>This has nothing to do with anything that wasn't my point.

The shit you talk about has nothing to do with the point I was making originally you dense twat.

>My point failed spectacularly

Mg female friend has depression, and despite being at least 6/10, she think she's worthless and mannish, like a 2/10. She legitimately cannot see herself as better than that, so I think your prediction is actually pretty close.

so what's it to you? how does this affect you? why is this a concern to you?

Sudden comfort

It's because we live in a privileged society.

Oh yeah, that's what happened. I was afraid an autist tunnel visioned on an irrelevant part of my example to drive a different point home to prove something that wasn't discussed. Thank god I was wrong.

You point makes no sense
>bigendered in the animal world
Yes ok how does that apply to humans
Yes ok how does that apply to humans
>ugh my point is people use animals to further their point
Yes ok how does that apply to humand
>ugh retards

There are alot of things that dont effect us, yet we still discuss and talk about it. Don't get all whiney.

not all of us don't, however. :/

I lived with 2 trannys for 6 months. I agree they're psychologically hammered, but from my experience of meeting lots of trannys, they're not bad people. They get hatred of abuse from absolutely everybody. Which is unfair.
I mean, why the fuck do people care what a guy does with his appearance or dick? Why do people care if a man attempts to become feminine? They're not hurting anyone, so why the hate?

Unfortunately, and the rest don't do shit to help.

People use animals before to drive their agenda home before.. like the ones talking about homosexuality. Why can they do that there and we can't do this here?

Holy fuck.. I can get a fucking rail spike and drive it through your skull and you'd still be sitting there asking how that applies to humans.. Jesus fuck

Because they are a danger to themselves

Okay, so you think the person whose question you can't answer is a retard. Fine. But how does it apply to humans? You understand that much of the animal kingdom goes a DIFFERENT way than humans. The seahorse for example is DIFFERENT FROM a human in that the male carries the offspring in a pouch. Human's DON'T do that so any comparison to the seahorse is irrelevant. Seahorses can also breathe underwater and stay anchored to one scrap of seaweed their whole lives. Are you saying we should tie SJW's to the bottom of the ocean by their feet?

Just like ChrisChan

Btw Nice dubs

Heh, how's your point going user

Did you fuqq any in their boipussies?

nice bait op
but u still faggot
tri again :(

Not in humans, you retard.

Because your point was rebutted. It didnt work for your argument. It works for the homosexual argument because it happens, and yes intersex or a creature born with two sets of genitials does occur in nature but it is rare as nd it is even rarer in humans. So yes you could argue that original picture doesnt work because about .000001% of the population is intersex, but it still doesnt mean the picture is inaccurate because you can point to a case or two of outliers. This is what you should have argued, not seahorses dummy.

Not bait dipshit

I think you are attacking the wrong post m8

I was going for vivid imaginary.. I am sorry

Holy fuck..

Sorry sir I am not gay.

Oh you know.. sea horses.

No it's not normal but is anything about the way we live normal?

Yeah there is no place for vivid imagery when debating. Stick to the facts


For once OP is not a faggot!
Thank fuck technology hasn't reached that point...yet

Normal is what the average does, so yes if you live an average life you are mostly normal.


Yeap, bout sums it up user

One thing that i do not understand is how can one "feel" like a different sex?

I completely understand how gay guys can feel attracted to men. I am attracted to women and it is really something that you will know.

I do not understand how they feel like a different gender? I am a man but how does one "feel" like a man. I get the feeling that they care too much about gender roles. just because you like caring for kids does not make you a woman.

So, if they're a danger to themselves it still doesn't justify the hate.



> just because you like caring for kids does not make you a woman.
I think Seahorse guy would like a word with you

uh... humans are animals?

it would be stranger to think humans are somehow innately immune to or incapable of certain types of courtship / pair bonding / affection-- types of behavior that are known to exist in over a thousand other species, no?

>It's not normal to want to transform into your opposite sex.

Why not?

Sure it does. We cant have people involuntarily committed anymore. The hate is a response, if we hate them long enough maybe they will begin to understand that they need to check themselves in and get better mentally.

Show me a true bigendered species that is as complex as humans, and that isnt a mistake in genetic coding

Tell me how it is normal.

Oh, I don't know if they are or not. I'm asking OP to explain his position.

i for one think it would be cool if i could turn into a woman at will. kind of magical transformation that is. not the freaky surgical shit.
i just love grabbing tits and if i could have my own on command i could be single, happy and save money

Hate only breeds hate, and hate has never solved anything. If they want to think they're woman, let them be, as I said they cause no one any harm and if you hate them, then I dont see why you care if they hurt themselves.
Its a waste of energy, the energy should be directed towards something worthwhile.

the "miracle" of modern medicine...

It is directed towards something worthwhile. I dont hate them, i want them to get better. I hate their disease, the same way i hate cancer. If one of my buddies is acting weird or sickly but wont go to the hospital i begin to heckle him and try to convince him to go through tough love. Im concerned about trans people because i dont want to see them kill themselves over a disease. This is why i heckle.

i agree, instead we could figure out exactly what causes this disorder and abort them before they are born. no more problem

I have noticed this about transgender people. It's not the act of wanting to be a woman that makes them sick, though. It's just something I've noticed in the way they act. They're less likely to use rational thought and reasoning than others. They seem very quick to anger and are very easily offended. And they seem to be complete attention whores in general, like it gets them off to act in a certain way. They're irrational sexual deviants who turned a fetish into a lifestyle. Not too different from furries, actually.

Why do you care what other people do with their body?

Oo, the helpful heckler. So righteous, with your heckling.

Trans people kill themselves because of the heckling, retard. Cancer kills people because it's a deadly disease. Apples and oranges.

Have you come to that conclusion through your own observation?


Yeah lot's of shit isn't normal but guess what shitbrick it's tolerated because it's not hurting anybody else and people can do whatever they want. suck it.

Of course. Maybe it's just the bad ones that stick out, but anytime I come across a transgender person, they're usually a crazy asshole.

Are you certain that your observations haven't been affected by confirmation bias?

Not him but I believe when we say gender we sometimes refer to the societal roles that each gender has. I.e., women treated like princesses and men being manly men. So sometimes we refer to gender as meaning which gender role you feel more comfortable acting out. Instead of biological gender, as in xx or xy. I was born male and I also fulfill the mostly manly role that us manly men normally fulfill. Some males feel more comfortable in the submissive traditional female role. We say they identify as female and they reflect that in they way they present themselves. So they're trannies.

Honestly, this whole thing is just a language issue. Gender is suppose to refer to biological sex but recently the colloquial usage has changed to refer to the gender role that you identify best with. Perhaps it's like a shortened way of saying gender identity. Alternatively, it might stem from the idea that we should refer to people who pretend to be the other gender (note: I still prefer to use gender as it was conventionally used) as whatever gender they're masquerading for their peace of mind, as an act of kindness, or maybe a way of avoiding addressing the awkward topic of you have/had a penis and now you have breast implants and makeup dude.

This new usage of gender seems to have popped up recently so there is a lot of confusion about it. I believe it would have been best to develop a new word to avoid this confusion.

Right. It isnt because of the depression caused by the fact they think they were born in the wrong body? Yeah that must have nothing to do with it.

Edgy 15 year old detected

Agreed, its focked

It's not just their body, it's the pride and how wrong it is. Wanting to change to another gender different from your biological sex is utterly insane. You should stick with what you're dealt with.

Not at all. I consider myself a fairly progressive person and used to think that being transgender was just an offshoot of being gay, which I always felt was a natural thing. But in recent times I've began to notice that the crazier assholes on the internet tend to be LGBT folk. Definitely not any kind of confirmation bias.

butthurt transfag detected

How can you be sure that you haven't be affected by confirmation bias?

Hi milo. are you bored without twitter?

Because like I said, I used to believe they were like other normal folk.

Since when the fucking chaos gods became a gender wtf

>butthurt transfag detected
Nope, just not an intolerant teenager who doesn't have a clue about anything