You have to admit, this is a fucking good question

You have to admit, this is a fucking good question



>You have to admit, this is a fucking good question

No, it's really not, people who think it is vote for Hillary.

earth was bought from jewish space lizards

This used to be a forest and everything was free

We have to pay taxes for new buildings, roads and different shit this civilisation needs very much.

You can also fuck off and stay in the forest without electricity, internet and keks. Only marxism-fags are commin around with such bullshit questions.

This guy gets it. We're not "paying" to live on Earth, participating in society just involves monetary exchange. It's not a good question, it's a retarded fucking question.

Marxism was for 100% taxes, and I'm questioning why I even have to pay any.
That isn't Marxism you autist

You're asking this to people who spent their youth in an education system where they have been told we cannot live without government. no chance bro

Well I personally pay the government so if I'm getting raped I can get some quick back up


we dont pay to live here. you can be a bum all you want.

we pay for the collective. we come togather as a nation/tribe to chip in realizing that there are things that need to get done collectively.

police/fire, military, education, etc; the degree of socialism depends on where you are.

if you dont like it start a revolution or fuck off to skid row.

People who vote from Trump don't question, they listen to him, Trump akbar

gotta pay them for killing all those indians for us.

We pay the government because of the whites. The whites made humanity pay

you don't pay for living on earth or in a state. you pay for state services like police and street building.

You pay taxes so that you don't have to hunt and gather like in the Stone Age. You pay taxes so you don't have to build your own house from scratch

You pay for the fucking infrastructure that you enjoy every day you dumb fuck


no... we pay for the niggers.

the whites pay the taxes so you mongrels can get EBT and medicaid.

fuckin dumb faggot.

Refer here