Hey! Libtard! Yes, you. Libtard. Give me one good example of Trump being "racist" as you say...

Hey! Libtard! Yes, you. Libtard. Give me one good example of Trump being "racist" as you say. Entertain me with your stupidity.
>Picture is unrelated

Other urls found in this thread:


lol newfag

ok I'll play
“I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it,”
“The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”
-d trumpler

>Trump's orange
>orange =/= white
>Racism is a crime
>crime is only done by non-white people

He wants to deport all Mexicans and Muslims.

Hello. I am the OP. Thank you for posting.
No, he wants to deport illegal immigrants, and he wants to vet Muslims.

>Try again later.

ok OP what about this one?

(OP) And to add onto that, nothing of what you mentioned was a race. Mexican is nationality, not a race. Islam is a religion, not a race.

(OP) And where is the proof of him saying this?

I found it online
where is your proof he didn't say "fuck niggers"?

(OP) Give me a link to the video of him saying that.

>what is burden of proof

You know what's really interesting? Donald Trump never provides proof for his own claims other than saying "Many people say X Y & Z" but failing to provide any ACTUAL evidence. Then, whenever someone quotes him, his supporters start demanding a burden of evidence. Don't you think that seems a little unfair that Donald isn't obligated to provide evidence yet anyone arguing against him has to?

And where is the topic of racism on that?

He doesn't want to deport his illegally immigrated wife.

Central Park 5. Believes black people are dumber than other races. Doesn't want black people handling his money, no matter the qualifications. Wants to track and keep tabs on all Muslims.

Yes and only a racist would want to do either of these things.


Op asks for proof instead of just googling, needs research to be done before him. Yeah that sounds like a Trump supporter. Unwilling to do research, needs to be done for them.

But black people are statistically dumber. Its racist to beleive science?

Do some research before posting, libtard. His wife isn't illegal. She moved to America and got a legal citizenship.

Again, evidence of him saying this?

And you are sounding like a libtard. Stop fucking up Uncle Sam, please.

Please research my own candidate for me.

He's literally Hitler, and it's well established that Hitler was racist.

If you mean libertarian sure. Not a liberal though. I own way too many guns for that.

Who? Hitlery Clinton? Crooked Hillary? Unstable Hillary? E-Mail hag? The woman who can't walk up stairs? The serial liar?

Oh you simpleton harhar

No I hate Hillary. Just not brain-dead enough to go for an authoritarian like Trump either.

I was remarking on your unwillingness to learn about your candidate through research, cause you were asking it done for you.

Then whoever your candidate is, he is irrelevant. We have our nominees.

Unstable Hillary lacks judgement, temperament and the moral character to run this country.


I know. I'm not a Hillary supporter I hate her lol.


It's out dated, inside the box of the system thinking like yours that is holding this country back.



It: libtards finding excuses to change the argument t

fight corruption. fight clinton.


Donald's troglodytes.

Give me proof that Hitler was racist.

Hitler is not a race, America-hating libcuck commie.

What about when the government sued him for racial discrimination?


What about this shit? fortune.com/2016/06/07/donald-trump-racism-quotes/

Black isn't a race, libcuck.

I wasn't here to speak about racism. I just wanted to point out the blinding hypocrisy of Trumpperts.


You know not everyone with an opinion different than yours is a liberal right? I'm an anarchist, Hillary or Trump will both change nothing and just use their position for personal gain while taking orders from their overlords like all others before them aside from a few true patriots. Just because someone isn't stupid enough to vote Trump or Hillary doesn't make them a liberal.
