Shota bread

Shota bread





We already have one, faggots

I'd love some green text like this if anybody has any

>trap hentai
No thanks


Better than the lame shit over here


ok, that can be a trap hentai thread this can be a shota thread


>Marth D-airs the shota bread.
>"shota bread is now dead" he said
>so virgins off without sufficent meds, tis past your time for bead.


Here is my fave japanese porn ya guise.
Gif of a shemale giving "just the tip"
Marth is love, marth is life.

You dont deserve killua you filthy faggot.
Young hisoka is soooooo much better anyway.

Have no clue what you're on about but nice quads

Is that from the movie?

>girls with dicks
>or boys with dicks

im gonna stick with the boys dude.

user, I can have whatever I want.

He moves at lightning speed and reacts automatically to your aura.

Not really sure. There's two movies though, isn't there?

Don't know. Haven't seen either one yet if there are 2. Been focused on the new manga

Comb prince anyone?


