What's the scariest movie of all time Sup Forums?

What's the scariest movie of all time Sup Forums?

Gore doesn't count.


Your moms sextape

the Exorcist

The Shining


jesus camp

ur birth video

probably the exorcist. it's tonally perfect.

Blue is the warmest color

The Grifter, hands down.

wtf niggas

This. Fiction is only temporarily scary.

use a more patrician meme, like the navidson record.

about a decade too late for anyone to fall for that

Who's this big bosom babe?


that movie fucking blows, like nigga come on

There's like 0 chance anyone here knows that. A google search on "asahi beer model" didnt give any valuable info.
I guess the best bet is to ask some japanese fellows...

is that cook???

This meme brings me back.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

yes maybe her name is on the poster?

The Anvil Hoarder (1930)

Amour by Haneke



The Corpse Bride

I'm legit terrified of that movie.

No. Parts in it were creepy, but not at all scary. Your opinion though, I just disagree about it being the "scariest" movie ever.

I hate the self-loathing American teenagers that slither along this board.


Alien 1

Fahrenheit 9/11 imho. Really makes you think.

Can someone explain this meme to me? Did it originate from someone mishearing The Amityville Horror?

Guys... GUYS... If reddit is so awful, how come their films suggestions are so much better than yours?