You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't have a gf Sup Forums

you have 10 seconds to explain why you don't have a gf Sup Forums

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I'm gay


I dumped mine to fuck bitches

I'm married

I don't?

I'm trying user. I might have a date on friday if things go well...which I'm hoping they do.

I sit in my room all day fantasizing about a life I don't have while rotting about my day checking my email for my amazon orders.

I'm not one of those pussies who needs to have a great constantly. Fuck buddies are a different story


Let's see...

I'm morbidly obese, have terrible skin and teeth, am dead broke, live with my mom, have no self confidence, and don't want somebody else's used goods.

because she has intimacy issues so she prefers to be called my pet

im a total fucking loser and am too scared to talk to a girl because i hate myself

My wife and i haven't found one yet

Self-conscious, too prideful to keep texting without getting an answer, work with a bunch of married women and I'm 23. Have been an emotional zombie since my last break up three years ago. Only found this out when coworker, mom, 40, beautiful fucking woman, kissed me drunk on a business trip, cried for a week over her, realizing I haven't felt much in a long time.

Part of the whole self-conscious/prideful thing is me not approaching women when I go out, mostly with friends. Part of that might also be that the last girl I dated three years ago was very self-respectful and taught me how to be that way too, for me to avoid making comments or things that would make others uncomfortable or bother them. Few girls I'm talking to now, some with boyfriends, but everyone is busy after graduation so I rarely see them.

There ya go OP. I felt like I wrote that more for myself than anything

Not too ugly but terrible when talking to girls

I am married

I'm a piece of garbage

I do, she's right next to me

I left mine few days ago because we are going to different schools this semester.

That's no excuse faggot

Bad genetics

Haven't tried hard enough.

Every time I think I may have found someone... a little voice in my head is telling me its not worth the bullshit.

Almost 100% of the time, that voice is right.

Can´t really keep interested in girl, I started to talk to a girl and in less that 2 days I don´t want to talk to her anyomore.

I feel as if my attraction to women is purely physical.

underrated fam

Scabies. Acutely advanced scabies. Borderline crusted.

i browse Sup Forums

I have

i bet

I had

My standards are too high.

getting over a breakup, working on me for a bit.

You should try meditation, as gay as it sounds, I've been doing it and got out of my rut more or less, just find some time when you're not doing anything else anyways, clear your mind and empty your head, try to level out a bit more. It's definitely worth it to get back out there and open up, I know how safe it is to feel in the bubble but it drove me mad after 5 years. Now I have hot Brazilian babe. She's my world but I would have been able to feel that way about her without coming to terms with myself in a few ways. This goes for everyone actually. Buck up, change unhealthy habits. Lost 40 pounds that wasn't making me happy and made friends with good people, their out there, but the best advice I can give is: understand and accept yourselves so you can understand others. Your perception is everything.


I have no love left to give

Good luck user!

I'm trying. I sit in a group in English and I'm the only guy out of 4. The other two girls are quiet but me and her talk and laugh all class. I think she's just really nice though, she's like 5'4" probably 110 lb and I'm 6'0" about 250. Not really attractive and she's cute as fuck so I don't think she's really interested, but I'm trying.
>inb4 underage b&
I'm 19 and actually found Sup Forums when I was 8 through FunnyJunk.


I've stopped caring about women and no longer pursue relationships. My hobbies and sense of wonder are much more important than trying to keep some woman entertained.

It does get annoying to see couples irl though, but I just remember how the man's a sexual and financial slave to the woman.

i wouldnt care if anything bad happens to her or one of her family members. i dont know why but if something bad isnt happening to me but rather other people i couldnt give less of a shit

Thank you user!

I took the Red Pill.

Because I married someone I am legit attracted to.

becuz //im straight

i also wouldnt hug her because ive always hated hugs and would probably only want her for her body

Absolutely. Because there's no diversity in the dynamics of different relationships. All people are identical. All women are the exact same. None want a healthy relationship. None want to be self supporting and independent. Nope. Did you know every single woman ever is a moneygrabbing manipulative cunt? Or maybe you're the problem.

Did something really bad happen to you? Or are you just an asshole?

My GF broke up yesterday... :-(
It really hurted me much

Please come join us in the regular world.
There is work that needs to be done.

if something bad did happen then my mind blocked it out. i just suck at caring about other people (besides family) but cant help feeling its not my fault

I´m married

Though I can tell you're being sarcastic, you're right about women, and took the words right off my keyboard. Women don't care about men the way they want you to think; they are not the 'loving, empathetic, caring, warm' women our mothers and society try to condition us as men to believe.

Think about how it's always the MAN who has to change himself in the relationship for it to 'work.' Meanwhile, the woman can be just as lazy and good for nothing as she was when she was single.

No thanks, I'll pass.

Leave her 57 voicemails telling her you love her. That'll work. Guaranteed.

Long-term relationship ended badly about a year and a half ago. After that, just haven't really had any luck dating. One girl was into me but thought I wasn't that interested in her (even though I was), so it ended quick. Another one decided she doesn't want a casual relationship now and isn't ready for one, so we stopped talking. The couple of other girls I've been into completely shot me down as soon as I expressed interest.

I'm not desperate to find a girl, I'd rather be with someone who's my type than just pursue someone I'm not that into. Still, seems like I had shit luck with women lately.

i have had real feelings for anime characters though. maybe since i get to really know them by watching the show but usually it doesnt last

I'm ugly

I'm working on it

Congrats on catching onto my sarcasm.

But in all honesty you're doing yourself a major disservice by making some incredibly broad generalizations about half the population.

And I would argue that there are a lot of beer-bellied, wife-beater wearing, good for nothing husbands out there as well. So to say that only women can let go once they're in a relationship is a complete fallacy.

And there's a lot of smoking hot milfs out there with rings on their fingers. And there's married chicks who have good careers and whatever and aren't draining the bank too.

You don't have to even be open to the idea of a relationship. But you still should be better than to judge everyone who is.

I used to....

recently broken up with, can't be alpha and move on yet because my emotions are TOO RAW

I don't find sex, or romantic relationships, to be anything that interests me.


Of course there are plenty of good for nothing men out there, but you know what? They have no problem attracting women, especially the ones who brag non-stop about being so "intuitive" and "smart," acting as if they can detect when a man is confident or not. Yet they keep choosing these men, getting hurt by them, and then hating other men after becoming "victims" of their own stupidity. I have no time for 'fixing' some "damaged" woman. Even my own mother demonstrated that, at the end of the day, she's no better than the average woman.

But I digress. As I've said before, I don't care about women anymore. I don't care if she's a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, a "good" housewife (though cheating on the husband when he's not around), or some drug-addicted vagrant. From my experience, women do nothing but hinder a man's personal growth and progress, simply because women themselves are good for nothing other than reproducing. As I have no desire to reproduce for a number of reasons, I have no need for a woman.

Though I am curious: do you give women who trash men non-stop this same speech?

I'm to needy and don't take care of myself and want someone so I think my deep rooted problems are solved without doing anything about them.

Almost 100% of my income goes into buying comic books.

me too

its ok bro.

I do.

Im working on it, famalam

I'm a pussy and I browse Sup Forums

because she is a fat, feminist bitch that i broke up in 4 months but still fuck her every week, still text her on Jewbook and WhatsFuck everyday, we have nice convos but...
i lack the spine to tell her that my dick won't go up most of the times because i lost sexual attraction fon her cuz she always spoke feminist bullshit and it makes my dick flops.
I lost 4 different hot girls wanting to have sex with me because of her.
Full time job + Uni breaks a guy will.

Considering I'm dating a woman that loves me to death and is also pursuing her doctorate degree, you're wrong sir. My girl has never once started drama, or given me shit, or anything like that. I know she's a ridiculously rare bird, but they're out there, and if you can find one, they're absolutely amazing.


Well, I stopped actually caring about what you were saying when I realized you were a spiteful piece of shit in the first post, but thank you for voicing it yourself. Also, how would a CEO of a fortune 500 company drag you down in any capacity? By improving your way of life? And yes, not the same guy, but I do give equal amounts of flak to women who trash men. Stop using anecdotal experience, or a shitty, closed-minded upbringing, and actually be a decent human being.
That said, I don't pursue relationships because I'm asexual.

ex falsely accused me of rape, don't want to deal with anymore cunts for a long time

Because do you remember the cringy kid at your middle school that did alot of embarrassing, cringy shit and basically had no friends back then?
Well that kid was me; now ive changed to be as normal and average as possible. But the spaghetti still flows through my pockets and that past still haunts me as a soon to be highschool graduate. Everyone never lets go of the kid from way back when; only known as "the weeb king". which forces your school life to be miserable and your chances with any possible girl in your area to be nonexistent.

Thats why i can never experience love Sup Forums. Ima go kill myself now

(different person)
it's weird how you treat people differently based on their gender.

like, its ok not to want to have a SO, but why do you have to make the distinction between them being men and women?

I have in interest in having a girlfriend. I like them, and I like the way they make me feel.

I have no interest in having a boyfriend. I don't care if he's the CEO of Fortune 500 company, but I'm not going to mindlessly and passively hate men.

I love this picture. Who's the artist?

Cos I'm fucking terrible at relationships.


Probably because I have no redeeming qualities.

No, *you're* wrong if you really think she loves you. To her, you're nothing more than an accessory; a toy she can fuck with until she gets bored, and when she does, she'll find another. Such is the nature of all women.

Alright, that's your opinion. If you're wondering how a CEO-woman can ruin a man, look at what I just posted above. In any case, I don't really care what you or anyone else says; at some point, you'll see I'm right. Well, maybe not you, since you're asexual.

The hell are you talking about? Whatever.

my dick is ugly

Give it time, mah nigga . The crazy will surface.

Is "I do have a girlfriend" an answer?

this is the worst fucking advice i've ever seen

She was still good with her ex he was always interfering in the relationship so I broke up with her

My wife won't let me have one


I dont like niggers

I haven't met a girl in ~4 years the was worth more than the sum of her holes.

that infographic is the dumbest thing ever.

You can be unattractive, know the girl personally, and do all of those things IN THE RIGHT CIRCUMSTANCES, and fall into the attractive guy column

It's OK, mate. I was that kid, except it was because I was literally ignored by everyone except to be a target for their shit, from second to fifth grade. By the time I hit middle school, I was so socially inept, that even if I had wanted friends, I couldn't have actually had any. At the end of high school, I was pretty much emotionally dead, and every single interaction I had with other kids was laced with an underlying hatred of everybody there. That shit's behind me now, and it's starting to get better. Keep going, Sup Forumsro.

To answer your question: yes, actually. I'm not trying to white knight (though I realize now that that's what this has become). I believe that two people can form a positive relationship. And I've called out both guys and girls for over generalizing the other. Just because Bob down the street cheats on his wife doesn't mean Joe will. Just because Jane wants kids doesn't mean Jessica does.

Your first paragraph shows your hypocrisy, I hope you realize that. You think that all women think that all men are the same. But you and I are very clearly not the same. And I don't think it would take very much effort for someone to realize that.

Anyway. I'm falling asleep at the keys here, so I'm out. Regardless of what your end goal is, and even if you're single forever, I strongly encourage you to reevaluate your perceptions on women. You'll be better off for it.

Are u the stoicfag that made a thread a couple weeks back? I still haven't gotten around to reading that book.

YOU'RE the worst fucking advice I've ever seen.

It's a joke, you spastic fuck

Because im the side guy fuckin a girl who isliving with her boyfriend and he doesn't have a damn clue. Its been going on since april