Alright people, you know the drill

Alright people, you know the drill.

No rules.

First 22 people. I have taken the first district. sorry bout that.

DaddyDoseOfMLG will be my name


I will be evil dogger


The Nazi Party

CostCo guy


A Faggot on a Bed

Zak Bagans

this nigger

Black Cunt


panch boy




Mr Skeltal

goldfish nigga

Hank Heil




SSJ Nigel






Lookin' good here?


Letz do diz

Lets go

awwwwwww yis

I mean, I'd call this a pretty peaceful start. except for Salamandy.

And of course Hitler joins with the Nazi party.

run goldfish run

You fucked up big time panch boy

Well, a fag needed to die. at least he was on a bed.

Uh oh night of the long knives

Hank knows the drill. He's got this

Oh boi


Hank's going solo

You done goofed Skeltal.

Double kill

Spooky scary skeletons.

and dammit. Both Saiyans and the Korean are dead...


fucking bitch ass techi i thought we had something

Hilter said fuck your fish.

Way to play the stereotype suicide

Hank will remember this


Hank and Hitler, best team. the Nazi teamwork is real in these parts.

Oh shit. Together they are unstoppable

I'm not sure how I feel about ANYONE huddling with Hitler for warmth, let alone snuggling a skeleton.

smart Zak

Glad to see Juunijigaoka still alive, but why in God's name is Suicide still alive!?

How many fucking times is Costco guy gonna camouflage himself as bushes and then loose sight of himself?

I think it's a metaphor for employment. you usually hide away as an invisible, uncared for entity, and then lose sight of yourself, wondering where in the last few years you went wrong.

boring night 6

Hear we demonstrate our murder machine Mr. Skeltal.


Sorry Hitler, Juunijigaoka needs you.

We demonstrate the murderizer, then Hitler kills it.

Also, CostGo guy, YOU AIN'T WINNIN' SHIT!

I'm bringing myself to believe that CostGo guy is a pacifist.


I'mma need someone to die here.

Finally Suicide kills himself.

Thank god. I was never going to accept the idea of CostGo guy winning. so thank god.

Down to the final 2.

I feel like Costco guy has no idea he's in the hunger games.

Finally. the one time I'm not in a super active thread, Juunijigaoka wins.

Juunijigaoka Techi