Would you sit on this woman's cock if you were given a years supply of skittles?

Would you sit on this woman's cock if you were given a years supply of skittles?

Fuckin' hell

Fucking skittles

Sounds like a win-win to me!

Taste the Rainbow.

id do it for free

I hate Skittles

I'd do it for free skittles are just the icing on the cake

What are you fucking gay?

Pick one, faggot.

That's a girl cock user. Key word is girl. It isn't gay. God you are a fucking faggot

>woman's cock

Women don't have penises.

i'd do it for hotpockets


For free

>That's a girl cock user


i don't eat skittles, so how " a year supply " would be calculate in my case ?

He did not even have to try and bait your new ass... damn.

girl dicks are found on girls
guy dicks are found on guys

did you fail out of the fifth grade?

would do it for free

We can start talking when you change skittles to tendies

only if i know here name, so sauce me

Theres only dudes with tits, dont fool yourself

No... Guys have dicks, women do not.

sell them


How many years is "A"
Women don't have a cock unless they own a

You're questjohn is would you sit on this man who looks like a woman torso upwards penis.

And by sitting on it does not have to go in the anus if it's not going in how long do you sit on it.


Not this thread again, is this summer never going to end?

but user, you are the summer

No. Skittles are shit since they replaced lime with green apple.

Well i did bite so you have a point


pisses me off, there was nothing wrong with lime
i hate the new green apple flavor tbh
anyone know why they changed it?

Be the rainbow.


camilla jolie

Only half... best of both worlds: bi

It's a man, gaylord, don't lie to yourself.

Out of the closet now.


Only if they're smothered in her "not-man" gravy

No, it's cozy in here


I'd stuff skittles down her shaft so when she cums in my mouth I can taste the rainbow

Did you just assume her gender?