Paradox thread?

>paradox thread?

Imagine that a time traveller buys a copy of Hamlet from a bookstore, travels back in time to Elizabethan London, and hands the book to Shakespeare, who then copies it out and claims it as his own work. Over the centuries that follow, Hamlet is reprinted and reproduced countless times until finally a copy of it ends up back in the same original bookstore, where the time traveller finds it, buys it, and takes it back to Shakespeare. Who, then, wrote Hamlet?




Shakespear you asshat. If Shakespear hadn't originally written the prose then the book wouldn't be there in the first place. Under your terms, the timeline changes slightly as you pre-empt Shakespear but he still writes it and your traveller still picks it up.

>Time travel is abstract
>Time travel is pretty logical
>There is your paradox


Answer the following question with a yes or no: Will your answer to this question be no?

>Also Shakespear...

Bretty good. The impossoble.


[spoiler]I don't believe in a no-win scenario.[/spoiler]

An infinite number of Harambes with an infinite number of typewriters.

Imagine after reading this thread I go back in time and stop OP from sucking as many cocks as possible. Consequently, OP will no longer be a faggot, and as a result would not be posting this thread.

But without this thread I would never have gone back in time to stop OP sucking cocks..

Fuck you I'll suck as much dick as I want

That's called a causal loop, OP. Pretty standard time travel stuff.

Can an omnipotent being create a rock too heavy for itself to lift?

Millenials: The Post

Very good. But time is relative. So yes, the thread is never written and OP is no longer a faggot but you still travelled, so you're still back in time. You are relative to your own time.


Nope, cos there is no one omnipotent being.

Yes, becauae its 'too heavy'. The omnipotent being has the unrestricted power to create something impossibly heavy.

these "paradoxes" are stupid contrived language games that rely on the narrow definition of words to create tautological loops rather than the thing they correspond to in reality.

they arent really real.

I think this was kind of? Explained in an episode with capaldi it's been awhile so I don't Remember but am curious the explanation where something you do can't be done and or done again again. Fuck it he's playing guitar while explaining it

If the ocean waves, do you wave back?

People think that this paradox is result of a time. It's actualy a result of wrong understanding of time.

You can't go back in time, for various reasons. Time travel has many problems, but the main one is that it couldn't look like in films(you're in the same place). The second one is that you can only go forward.

Therefore we can get situations like with twins, where if you go on your time journey and go slower then others, your twin would be older than you. If you travel fast enough through the space, you travel slow enough through the time to e.g. go forward 100 years(although that requires speed that you can't really achieve). So without any fancy things like wormholes or something, you can't really time-travel too much.

Nobody, that's the point of a that type of paradox it can't happen.

This is a similar problem in interstellar

PS. one of strong evidences against the time travel is that we don't see any time travellers, whereas they obviously could go back in time to alter it. Separate timelines theory doesn't help too much; if you can go back in time and alter order of things, but it's kind of like another universe, then it's still a strange thing that no one came here from future, just different timeline.

"The Bootstrap Paradox is a theoretical paradox of time travel that occurs when an object or piece of information sent back in time becomes trapped within an infinite cause-effect loop in which the item no longer has a discernible point of origin, and is said to be “uncaused” or “self-created”. It is also known as an Ontological Paradox, in reference to ontology, a branch of metaphysics dealing with the study of being and existence."

"The Bootstrap Paradox is a theoretical paradox oftime travel that occurs when an object or piece of information sent back in time becomes trapped within an infinite cause-effect loop in which the item no longer has a discernible point of origin, and is said to be “uncaused” or “self-created”. It is also known as an Ontological Paradox, in reference to ontology, a branch of metaphysics dealing with the study of being and existence."

They could be secret, other time travelers could have stopped it getting out or just alter it.

really guys?

> can't really achieve
>using time and not space as well to describe a basic time travel.
Time travel can not exist without space travel. Opening up pockets of existing possible dimensions is the only theory that could hold up. You can not and will not see a twin, it is mathematically improbable unless in fact you were opening a subdimensional rift travel through dimensional realities. This would however, only be granted the possibility that your surround quantum layer was a construct your consiesness and not much more. Once you determine that, well, the world around you could be shifted and examined, even adjust to your will. It seems more plausible that you would be able to access a pocket in space time and adjust, either forward or backwards the course and understanding you perceive. This would however rip your brain a new asshole by sheer amounts of 'new' data being fed to you at any altered timeframe.

depends whether or not im drowning in said ocean

My computer's fucked. Sent it two times.

Can't travel back in time bruh. Only forward

That is why a watchers paradox exists, the ability to watch without the constructs or ability to interact but it's been fuzzy on altered states and their ability to perceive the presence of someone else watching... perhaps the reason we feel we are being watched sometimes? Ooga booga

Thank you for this I totally spaced on it

>Who, then, wrote Hamlet?

This is was Melania Trump that wrote it. And all of the profits from the book will be donated to charity. Believe me, it will be yuuuge. Believe me.



Not really

Emily Bloom

Everybody knows it was written by the Klingons

>They could be secret
Many things are illegal, yet people do them. Do you believe that there wouldn't be(a massive amount of) time traveller(s) that would go public, or use it for the sake of their own income(e.g. winning a lottery)?

>other time travelers could have stopped it getting out or just alter it.
And others could have stopped the ones that tried to stop it from getting out, and so on. Again, with so many humans it's really improbable.

>perhaps the reason we feel we are being watched sometimes? Ooga booga
You feeling being watched is just your brain giving you wrong signals and being paranoid. This, plus the fact that you often only care about things that aren't ordinary. Millions of people pray every day. Only fraction of these prays is fulfilled, at best - yet they don't stop praying, despite lack of results. Not only this, but they also claim that the pray indeed works, when one of thousands or millions of prays that they asked is fulfilled.

I didn't say anything about being watched, maybe time travel is only available to a few people and nobody knows about it.

>yet they don't stop praying, despite lack of results.

The problem is some people pray for really vague things.
>I pray for friends and family's good health.
As long as you wake up the next morning and nobody died, your prayer was answered.
>pray for safe travels
As long as you wake up the next morning and nobody died, your prayer was answered.

Why do you think God would let time travel exist?

Op is still a faggot, time travel or not.

Praying for vague things isn't really an issue, but thinking that it affects reality is.
>I pray for friends and family's good health
However, my neighbour don't, neither does his friends. All of them wake up in good health. Same with people who prayed to other god.
>I pray for safe travel
Other guy who didn't pray for safe travel also travelled safely. Some guy who prayed didn't travel safely. Some guy who didn't pray also didn't travel safely. No correlation for me.

That's not a paradox you fucking moron. It's a closed loop. A paradox is something like going back in time and killing your younger self as a simple example.

If the waves ocean, do you ocean back?

>Consequently, OP will no longer be a faggot,
and therefore would never have browsed Sup Forums all them years ago.

that would be a 'predestination' case; technically, nobody wrote it, it just exists because it exists. one of the spinoff novels of the Terminator series suggested the plasma-rifle in that universe was another such case; the Skynet only has the design because of a Terminator sent back with the schematic in its head, for human scientists to copy and for Skynet to later acquire for itself.

That's not a closed loop you fucking moron. How would you even come to the conclusion? Where does the loop end?


Terminator is a bad example.. fat not being possible yet fate is actually the underlying story. Fate can't exist in that scenario or you end up setting the patch laid out it front of you to to get to the place you were at when the something else stepped in. Which isn't indicative of your argument

The bootstrap paradox. Google it you bitch.

yes or no


yeah, it was just the only thing that came to mind

If you alter a moment in history then you become the cause

Or something like that there was a similar topic on the flash TV show

If moths are so attracted to light, then why don't they come out during the day?

Someone other than Shakespeare or the guy wrote the book, which ended up in store.

Then, in the altered timeline, the guy picks up a book that ended up in the store entirely differently.

Then the loop starts there.

You just ruined the bootstrap paradox.

But it usually goes like this.

You love Mozart, you know all his work and all the history about him.
One day you get the chanse to go back in time to meet him and you decide to do it.

You arraive just before he becomes famous, so you start to ask around about him. No one has heard of him. He does not exist.

So you decide to take his place, become Mozart. Because you know everything about him and his work.

But here is the question, who wrote Mozarts music?

God you really are a moron.. I was using that as a question to where in the fuck that shit statement you made suggests and close of "the loop". And it's not even a casual loop so don't go there

Or it can even be Shakespeare himself who wrote it first, doesn't matter.

Sir Francis Bacon

Always figured time travel wouldn't work because you're traveling to certain destination in space. Like if you decided to go back 1 week you'd end up in fucking outer space because the earth moved. Not only would you need time bending but a vehicle with astral coordinates.

I'm not op bit that argument isn't valid if you still change the the predetermined fact somehow something alters your intentions and create the time vortex in which you complete a predetermined set of actions. A casual loop would be that it was altered then coming back into the current place in time the decision was made which can only be don't le by knowing you had to make those a for mentioned mistake and thus creating. This is a bootstrap paradox


Fucking who to the t good on you. And I fucking hate this show latey

I always think that I you go back and change something that alters time, then it will probebly alter you going back in the first place or even being born.

And if you dont go back in time then nothing changes right?

Time travel is impossible because of the law of conservation of mass/energy.

You remove mass from your own timeline and add more to another.

Unless the law applies to every possible timelines, which would mean that infinite timelines = infinite mass = infinite energy, which breaks further the law.


Also bootstrap unless you create the casual loop by making those mistakes all over again pretty sure 12 monkeys is all about casual loops if you don't understand

It could also mean that there is no mass or energy at all, if you take into account infinite timelines with a finite amount of energy/mass for everyone on them.

Or our future selves have already fixed what needed to be changed making the need for time travel irrelevant.

that law is over your head. please never bring it up in front of people again, unless youre in a dumbass contest.

It that why time travel does not exist? Becase it did and we fixed what needed to be fixed?

I don't know I saw the who reference to be honest and instantly thought of the bootstrap paradox so I saw red. If I'm wrong I'm wrong but I was thing of the motzart analogy used by the other user

please see


Sounds fucky but that's only what my brain can comprehend.

It's not wrong but that would again be a casual loop because we would still have to create time travel to fulfill the loop the only way it could be without time travel is because of a paradox

Pic related, they're not aliens, they're time travelers from the future.

The universe is the biggest system we know, and energy/mass can't be 'created' or added from somewhere else, because there isnt a "somwhere else". Not really hard to understand.

Its kinda like if you go to the fridge and you see you need milk, but the stores are closed. So you jump into your time machine and get it while the past you are at work.

But then when you checked the "first" time there will be milk thus you will not go back in time to get the milk.

>Paradox Milk

There also isn't an understanding of how much energy or mass the universal static itself gives off, but do you want to disprove their arguents? The statement the user was making is that your notion of quantum physics relies on the fact that energy and mass are equal to the construct of a force granted the ability to create the gateway necessary to travel. Which is not st all arguably what we ware talking about

Lel. please stop. The Internet is serious business

Then mass/energy is re-arranged in the other timeline and forms the traveller. Cool sci-fi I buy this


OP here. Regardless of your actions I literally cannot stop sucking cocks.

The phone was mother

How did you come to this conclusion from that ststement? I'm curious

What if you go back, get milk, enjoy it. Then come back?

I already replied shit mongerer

This is my new favorite analogy, and I am so using it

Still Shakespeare OP.

Dont fuck with me son

Op here, excuse me? Are we twins?

If you went back in time to kill someone and succeeded you wouldn't have needed to go back and kill them