Who here has experience with girls? Help me get my ex back

Who here has experience with girls? Help me get my ex back

>be me and her, (our first real relationship)
>I'm her first kiss, first everything except sex which we haven't done
>relationship was great, I always done cute things for her, she tells me she's not used to being treated so good
>learn more about her, how her parents split up, she has low self esteem and maybe depression because of it
>she tried to end it before and push me away, saying I deserve someone better, but I reassured her she's my girl and I don't want anyone else.
> Month later she actually broke things off with me, almost out the blue and she gave me many different reasons but I suspect most were bullshit

Present Day: We still talk and she knows I still want to be with her, but one day she is telling me she just doesn't care anymore and doesn't wanna be with me, and the next its different. I mean if that was true, she wouldn't keep talking to me, messaging me first, me being the last one she speaks to at night, wearing my hoody like 24/7, or when I suspect anything she gets upset and tells me to stop getting funny.

I got sick of this the other day and felt like I was getting walked on so I had to lay down some truth. Told her I'm sick of her moody ass attitude, the shit she says that hurts me, and if she doesn't pull her head out of her ass soon I'll be moving on for good, because I just want my girl back. She was a little shocked, and suddenly started apologising and saying how she knows she's been moody, she's been really stressed lately with work and things at home, and she knows I'm trying my best to put up with her. But then another day rolls by and it's just back and forth you know, petty arguments, me wanting to be with her, her telling me she doesn't want me, etc.

What do I do people? And I know most will tell me to run and find someone else, but I can't do that not until I know it's over.

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If you arn't fucking her and yet are talking to her constantly then you're one step above a cuck. Tell her she's wasting your time and put the ball in her court give her a week to come back to you or cut ties , odds are if you were super nice to her then she doesn't take you seriously


She's the one that tries talking to me constantly and when I ignore her I just get spammed. I wasn't too nice, I put my foot down and told her I'm fed up of her shit. I can't be too mean though because she's not some basic bitch you know.

Was talking earlier and she was telling me how she has enough shit on her list right now and doesn't want me on it. She's just being cold right now, saying she doesn't wanna speak to me, and asking 'why does it even matter', I said because I care about you (hour ago). No reply. I'll leave it at that. I feel like I'm being a bit pushy (she told me yesterday) so I'll just let her have her space now.


The secret is to be your own man, and they will come to you.

Seriously. This is how we are programmed. A woman's life is being protected by her Father to being protected by her Lover, and unless you're confident, proud and strong in the mind, she won't be sexually attracted to you.

The problem today is we're told to treat women like princesses and bend over backwards for them, and while they take that on when it actually happens, it confuses them.

Treat them with love and tenderness like you would a child, without belittling them.

that's what Sup Forums has become

jesus fucking christ please kill yourself what makes you think posting this gay shit on Sup Forums would be a good idea?

But she doesn't even see her father. I don't think she ever had a figure like that to look up to. But I can do that, do my own thing I'm confident in myself anyway.

What should I do now? This is the last thing that happened

>Who here
>has experience with girls
Pick one.

>I'm her first


Ok OP. Coming from personal xp, get the fuck out. It is sad but grills can be like that. Super fucking awesome, feels like you can talk to her like you can't with anyone alse, just seems all in all great person but the next day- total bitch. Not all grills are like that but fuck. You can't change her. It will always be like that. End it before you realise you've spent years with a mood swing maniac. It will eat your soul. You will lose countless nerves. You will spend your best years fighting for a relationship whitch is doomed from the start. Happened to me. Should have broke it off like 1.5 years instead 5 when she broke it off for good. Your story sound the same, like mine. Even tho we banged, but it took like 2 mounths to happen


Leave, get another girl for a while. See if she comes crawling back to you. She might be trying to keep you as a reserve while searching for a new beau.

Daddy issues. Oh boy. Mine had that. If you gonna stay, prepare for world of shit son.

I need help with a girl too ! I'm at work right now and there is a milf upstairs that I was making out with on Saturday at a concert. I want to go in there but she shares an office with a fat bitch. And that scares me. What do I do?? Pls help

You are on the hook. You either run away from it or you stay on the hook until you run away from it. You cannot know that is over since it will never be over, she will keep using you as her personal ego booster and only you is letting that happen.

As soon as these types of bitches see you stopped carring, they insta crawl back. Been there. Disgusting


Her friend told me to get her drinks (she's 18 but no I.D). They're going to have some girly night in, and she wants to get over herself because she's been so stressed thus all these arguments.

Do I get her a drink?

Like I said earlier if you arnt fucking her then just forget it , having sex with her might bring her around to you.... Oh wait this is Sup Forums and you're a virgin :/

Fuck no unless she's putting out , buy her booze so she can drink with her friends and laugh at you is a no go

Kill yourself faggot

tell her to fuck off the weird little cunt

then go to a massage parlour and get your pent up sexual frustration jerked out of you by a asian lady who hates her life.

works every time

Ok bait thread. Nice cuck roleplay 4/10.

Amazing post

She is just trying to make you her boyfriend but with out any perks.