Don't mind me

Don't mind me

here nigger nigger nigger
here nigger nigger nigger

get back here nigger

wait a sec. weren't there 15 pages?

Back in the old days there were. It's 10 now. I was surprised too.

Is this where I go to vote for Bernie?

Oh no you don't!

get back to page 1 where you belong and get back to pickin that tobacco nigger



Page 10 is a lonely place.

When are niggers free?

>this nigger
such low aspirations, most niggers at least try for page 13

Not so fast darkie!


There are only 10 pages these days, oldfag.



Where you off to?

sometimes i rescure threads from the last page because i am sorry for them


Dis nigga gon do it! Let me help!