Hey Sup Forums, I've recently discovered a certain type of feminist sjw cancer on the internet...

Hey Sup Forums, I've recently discovered a certain type of feminist sjw cancer on the internet, and that cancer is Milo Stewart. And if you don't know who she is she's basically a sjw and a feminist that calls everyone sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc and she calls everyone who doesn't agree with her stupid and is gender fluid or whatever. I personally think we should do something about it, maybe attack her or mess with her until she quits or an hero's herself. And before you start saying that I'm some young newfag who is just saying this because some big YouTuber, no, no I'm not, I literally found this awful piece of cancer on my own. And no I'm not asking for some sort of personal army, I'm just suggesting that we do something about it instead of letting the cancer spread. Also pic related, it's her


Well, you can start by killing yourself

Help is on the way!

Does this help?

I wonder what would happen if you just fucked her really hard.


I fucking hate that stupid bitch

Honestly she (and this movement) will die due to that fact they cannot reproduce


so our great grand children wont have to deal with it

Its called adoption. All they have to do is buy a kid from Russia, China, or India and boom they now have kids.

yeah, welcome to SJW culture.

Everyone who disagrees with them is a Troll/Racist/Hater/Bigot/Mansplainer ect ect ect...
We found their kryptonite ages ago, it's to just not give a freshly made fuck about any of their hollow pathetic accusations and just power through it and continue ripping their stupid blitheringly awful ideas apart like the flimsy rank ideological turds they are.

Getting people to go "oh god, they called me an X, i don't want people to think i'm an X" was and is the ONLY thing they have, and when you just fucking ignore it for the heaping crock of bullshit it is, they have nothing.
They're naked and worthless in the open marketplace of ideas.


Shit forgot about that
Why are we letting mentally ill people have kids again?

Why is this ugly dick so fucking creased, jesus christ iron that dick out or something.

It's actually creeping me the fuck out the more i look at it.

There's not much else that can be done to her. Apparently the worst thing you can do is call her, well, a her. She doesn't want to be seen as "Cisgender". She claims to be "Trangender Nonbinary gender", makes no fucking sense, prefers the pronoun "he" and I think "them", if I remember. She already gets down thumbed to hell and most people think she's a fucking tumblr idiot, which she is. Her comment sections is full of people calling her so among other things. What would be the point? It's already done.


damn nigga don't u ever iron that dick

There is no chemo for that cancer, OP because glorious winged faggots like this empty cumdumpster get fucking sopping wet at being abused. They only orgasm when they are earning Victim Merit Badges and in fact if you don't give them enough attention they manufacture fake hate crimes or make up fake rape stories like their fucking pig-queen Lena Dunham. All that matter to them is the rustles of other unwashed unshaven dykes calling out in heat, the mating call of their people...MYSOOOOOOOOOOOOGEEEEEENYYYY!

The armoured skeptic made a good video about her/him/it...

to see op's claim i actually looked up one of her videos. the 1st one that poped up was her finally looking down her pants

Its videos already have a very strong dislike rating, and it continues to make videos. If anything I think its videos hurt the perception of LGBTABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ's more than help.

we could all just write faggot on her videos and hope she an heroes or just ask her if she could an hero

That's the thing, its videos already have people doing that kind of stuff.

maybe its a satire vid channel then she's fully aware about how reterded she sounds and embraces the stupidity to make the rest of the retarded lgbtfag community look worse

>I personally think we should do something about it, maybe attack her or mess with her until she quits or an hero's herself.

>maybe attack her

>or mess with her

>until she quits or an hero's herself.
No. No. No.

Did you learn fucking nothing from the Anita Scumkesian debacle?
they THRIVE on this shit, being a victim elevates them to a higher status in this sick oppression-Olympics centred tribe they've made.

Fulfilling their paranoid delusions or deliberate fabrications that they're some greatly oppressed innocent starry-eyed snowflake being bullied by the big bad mean "trolls" of the internet is the absolute LAST thing you should do to these morons.

If simply ignoring their dumb shit is too passive for you, just openly criticize their dumb ideas as eloquently as you can without resorting to shithead tactics like breaking down, calling them names and/or making the kinds of threats they so very, very desperately crave, and in many cases; need in order to attain any sort of attention for themselves from their dumb spastic peers.

Won't that just make her a martyr for her bullshit cause and because its bullshit it can't stand forever it will probably topple and die eventually just like religion hopefully soon

This guy gets it

Why does the shaft of your dick look like an accordion?


I'm like 99% sure you are her just looking for attention.

Ill cum on your teeth tho

Allergic reaction to latex.

It was bad.