What should we do with her

What should we do with her


Kill her and sell her body to cannibals

Any more with the guy's face? He's cute.

Enter her in a Jenette McCurdy lookalike contest.


who is she?

Not where I was going but I like the innovation you guys are bringing to the table

Is this a dorm room?

Reminds me of Tulane. But it's not right. These are from that famous court case that was in the news a while back I think. She was suing him for rape and he used these pics as evidence she was into it. They got leaked somehow.

Whatever she wants. She got the pussy, she makes the rules.


This is hot as fuck


seems youre a little late to the party buddy
>summer much

which? I'm not familiar


Son, I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation here. I want for you to enter her in a Jenette McCurdy lookalike contest. Did I stutter? Did I have a stroke? Does this face look retarded, to you? Don't answer those.

Now get to it. Get to it, yesterday. I want pictures and video footage of that contest.



