Okay listen up here you fking piece of shit

>Okay listen up here you fking piece of shit.
all you meat eating cunts are legit the scum of the earth. You just kill animals to fking eat them, what if i killed you to fking eat you! i once ate a steak AND IT TASTED LIKE SHIT! i dont get why you homos enjoy it


I'd like to be served medium rare.

i dont really eat much meat, i simply kill the animals for fun

This bait is so very low quality.

I work with abbotiors. Unless you live in a nigger or slope country there is such thing as humane slaughter. It's called regulations. Kys.


U cant spel my cum without scum


>implying you live in a 3rd world country.

Uh, you're the homo, you vegan trash.
My descendents will dominate yours.


God, I really want steak now.

>implying plants aren't alive

Murder is the most humane thing. Humans litteraly invented murder.

As someone who only does big cums I can't speak highly enough of ethical non-meat diets.

My cums are frequent, healthy, and most importantly BIG.

>I tasted steak once and it tasted like shit
Must've been a really bad cut if it made you go vegan..

I love faggots like OP, they make me zoz



Maybe it was american beef a la ameticana, that means some toxin filled shit cooked well done and with ketchupand no seasoning

I would go vegan too


>what if I killed you to fking eat you
Go ahead and try, your weak vegan body doesn't stand a chance

Not taking it Newfag

>Being vegan is the rational and healthy choice
You make a poor argument by example, sir


op here

you are all retarded fuck idiots, bet you are all fat fat eating fucks

Eat it all all meat and veg n fruit or your just a dumb fag humans are omnivores asshole

Your a disgrace to your species


stupid piece of shit get of /b you shitfuck stupid money meat eating homo

in this drawing you see a cow getting his head decapitated. the second his head is cut form his body his brain can not fuck up the meat with adrenaline and the body just dies. his head is consensus in a second or two but his death is really peaceful as he bleeds to death in 1-2 seconds and he don't get much time to feel pain at all and he wont even feel nausea because there is no stomach connected to his brain anymore. then the head falls to a meat grinder and makes hot dogs. with this method you can kill and slaughter an animal without stressing it at all if you just are a little fucking creative. if vegans were as creative as their dicks are tiny of lack of meat they would know this and they would make money of selling this kind of slaughtered meat to other vegans. but they are not and instead sit and complain about the problem instead of coming up with a realistic solution to it.

You must of eaten meat b4 you choose to live like a cow or were your parents retarded too?

i will fuck your mother with my fucking giant nigga dick