These guys look like fucking star trek aliens

mooooother noooorth

How did you get this screenshot?

S6E06 leaked



This show has truly gone to shit

trolled ;)



>babbys havent watched Atlantis


lol this is from stargate atlantis

I unironically enjoyed Atlantis.

Come at me.

don't worry khal drogo will save us

Please, Stargate canon is far better

Atleast the Wraith humanoid appearance is explained by the fact they have a large component of human DNA and are a human/bug hybrid

Star Trek has gorillions of humanoid-looking species which apparently evolved on distant and unrelated worlds. I could never get down with that.

genuinely sympathetic villains

OP here, i actually forgot this

>they have a large component of human DNA and are a human/bug hybrid
>Star Trek has gorillions of humanoid-looking species which apparently evolved on distant and unrelated worlds.
Unlike Stargate? Are you fucking drunk?

Nay, there was an episode of Next Generation that explained it. It was a Picard episode where he was off alone doing that archeology thing he sometimes did. After a race against other people from a bunch of ST races they find some recording from some super old civilization. Like the first space-faring species in the entire cosmos. It said "Congrats on finding this recording. Just so you know we seeded the entire universe with countless species all with varying degrees of physical differences, but all still able to mate with other and produce offspring. You didn't think that shit happened by accident did you. Later, we're going to become beings of pure energy or something."

Then Picard, the Romulans, the Klingons, and all the aliens looked at each other and started yelling about what bullshit the aliens were.


so basically the ancients because it's the same guy?

Yeah, it was great, largely due to the reactions of everyone that was there to view the recording.