Spotty vermin little infidels will try to argue with this. Just watch.

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what does faith mean?

The bait is so shit, I won't even attach a jpg.

We kill our gods, to much drama

yet you responded

Atheists will criticize this masterpiece

I base it off of consequences if I'm wrong. If a god does exist and I ignore it then I'll probably end up in a purgatory or be reincarnated one cycle down.

However if I believe in god and I'm wrong then I've wasted my life putting pointless restrictions on my behaviour and opinions. Worse, I've probably annoyed loads of people with my incorrect ramblings about a figment of my imagination

Prove the Hindu gods don't exist.

Yes, being tortured for centuries to get a pass into heaven is much smarter than simply accepting jesus. Makes so much sense

moving goalposts

You also can't disprove the toothfairy. What's you point?

moving goalposts

My point is you can't "prove" anything doesn't exist.

heaven,you mean that place of pure bliss that lasts for eternity? I'd start that torture right now if I got a guaranteed pass.

you do get a guaranteed pass, it's called being a christian

This cock is as close to God as you will get , now get on your knees an worship it with her fags

uh no, it's be a christian or the torture in your reality. not both

I take it back, the thought of hanging out with christians and allowing myself to believe in that ripped off, derivative, cobbled together piece of shit you call a gospel is not worth the reward of heaven.

Do you even know what that means? They're not making exceptions for their argument, you're actually the one doing that. Providing you don't believe in the Hindu gods or toothfairy , you make a special case for believing in Christianity based on the notion that you can't disprove it but you don't afford that to any other theology.

Jesus failed as a carpenter, a job that takes NO skill, and he is apparently the son of God? Why would I trust a guy who inpregnated a prostitute, failed to prevent a mutiny from his own disciples and was executed? Couldn't even not be in the wrong place place at the wrong time? Why didn't God know Adam would eat the apple? Invented sin, angry it happens. Tried to convince his subject to kill his own children, build a boat to survive a flood he designed, created a world then got annoyed people don't thank him, needs constant reassurance we appreciate him etc etc.
There, that is how you bait son. Shouldn't God have equiped you to answer such questions without appearing insane?

The evidence against God is everywhere he isn't and everything he doesn't do and all the things he wouldn't allow.

Literally none of what you said is true.

enjoy getting sodomized by that in hell

makes no sense and isn't an argument

Why do you people hate God?

I will bro , I will , all will be black owned soon , black bred males and females , , niggers everywhere , hot big cock niggers , in tight white assholes , willing or unwilling will be sodomized

I hope you're able to get over your BBC obsession

I've done way to much acid to believe in God. Everything is dictated by energies both positive and negative.

Having hallucinations doesn't make you wiser.

actually quite a clear argument. if you understood it your obvious response would be 'mysterious ways', does that give you a clue what hes saying?

shall i spell it out? your just god punishes the innocent with natural disasters and short miserable lives, rewards selfish sinners with long lives of happiness, and provides no explanation for why the universe is so vast and complex but insists humans are unique and special even though our Earth and everyone who has ever lived on it comprise less than 0.00000000000001% of the universe.

still not an argument, just angsty teen ramblings.

existence of god can be proven. except life is much better without it because gods are pieces of shit scum who deserve to suffer


Neither does have faith in a vindictive old man in the sky. At least I feel at one with the universe and can get inner peace

>At least I feel at one with the universe and can get inner peace

I'm sure that will be a great consolation with demons pour molten gold in your eye sockets for millennia

I like to think that God doesn't exist.
My reasoning is that molecular life is too complicated, if created by a sentient being, why would life be so complicated?

whats even worse is when you find out

Prove it ;)

Because God is omnipotent

Sure if you believe that sort of thing.

I belief is Gal'rik the God Destroyer, a mystical being with eight arms made out of black dicks that kills each and every god just as they come into existence preventing them from doing anything.

You cannot disprove Gal'rik the God Destroyer. Your god is dead. All hail Gal'rik.


>place of pure bliss
Fuck that, pleasure is meaningless without pain

that go against the very heart of your religion

I am truly shocked that you are trying to dismiss those points,It's almost like you have no answer that we wont laugh at.

This is heaven , being forced onto your knees by two niggers as your wife takes their seen ,

But it could be far easier to create life
Why do introns even exist?


Whats really annoying is that people have been having this argument for thousands of years. There are priests and holy men who are almost convincing with their arguments and beliefs, but because buttfuck OP hasnt studied his own religions history we have to go through the pointless preamble of shooting down his obviously idiotic beliefs even though people smarter than all of us have shut the book on those arguments centuries ago.

OP should have the decency to admit he might be wrong, not base his thoughts on what 'feels right' and go and study something that apparently gives meaning to his whole life. Come back when you can provide real counter arguments instead of spouting that we'll all go to hell

no hell exists except for if you choose so.

belief without justification or despite conflicting evidence

Ummmm....what? R u ok?

Breaking down barriers in your mind so you can see a more complete picture of the universe actually does.

My nigga.

no it doesn't you dumb stoners

JESUS wants your semen for breakfast in heaven

First off, that's very Christian of you. Insult people who have different beliefs than you do.
Secondly, while I am a stoner I'm more of an acid headed freak so get it right