So I tried heroin a couple months ago and have since pawned an iPad, a phone...

So I tried heroin a couple months ago and have since pawned an iPad, a phone, a TV and a computer all for money for heroin. I think I can confidently say I am a junkie now. Now, I'm not physically hooked (yet) but it's all I want literally every hour of every day.

What the fuck do I do, Sup Forums? I start college in like 3 weeks.

Also ask a heroin addict anything.

Get help, find a reason, notice that there are people around you that will help.

Or go die slowly.

Ask a friend or family member you can trust to keep you locked in for the three weeks beforehand

Go find somewhere and get help been 4 years I finally am..also I've lost sooooo much more then that quit now before your physically dependent..

Why the fuck did you try heroin you colossal fucking retard?

Not another one. Dear God, not again...

Get off it. Whatever you got to do. It's not even about the heroin itself; they're mixing it with far more potent shit anymore. I've seen too many people die from this. Please, don't be one of them. Please.

if you don't wanna be a junkie, stop and find a better hobby

if you wanna be a junkie you better have some kind of long-term survival plan
try to keep your daily heroin intake reasonable, it's no fun being a mindless zombie that needs a monstrous amount of money to make it through the day

then again, if you're already pawning stuff before having a physical addiction you propably aren't the type that likes to plan ahead

>I'm not physically hooked (yet) but it's all I want literally every hour of every day

you need to quit cold turkey asap.
you will puke for about 3 days but eventually you will be fine.

I've got BPD. It's basically like depression except you act like a teenage girl to everyone you like and constantly seek validation from them. People started leaving so I figured I had nothing left to lose. Still feels that way.


1. do lots of more heroin
2. get to bridge
3. do a flip

Get people you trust and get them to tie you to the bed for 4 week that's how long it took me

If you even thougt taking heroin was a good idea
You are already doomed
Good night sweet prince
Pic not related

watch requiem for a dream
if that doesn't insipire you to quit then idk

whatever pc you're using to post on Sup Forums steal it, even if it's in a public library rip it away wires trailing and all get your fix bro, also i hear mothers wedding rings are worth a bit..... but seriously fuck you OP just tell your friends surround yourself with them and wait it out till you feel more incontrol
PS fuck you OP

>Try one of the most addicting substances in human history
>Be suprised when you get addicted

>Starts college in 3 weeks
>I have nothing left to lose

Don't start on methadone. Even worse to kick.

OP, do not simply stop taking heroin. Opiate withdrawal can be fatal if it is handled improperly. Go to a clinic, get detoxed, get some real rehab, and whatever you do, don't try your old dose once you get back out.

Most of the junkies that OD do so immediately after rehab/detox because their bodies are no longer ready for the amount of shit their brains are used to preparing.

Beat of luck, OP.

It took me two stints in rehab to kick heroin. Go for it.

I can see the future OP

you have a choice but turn into a junkie anyway
one day you suck a dirty dick to remain a junkie
you eventually get aids
you die a junkie with aids
but not before ruining every relationship you have with friends and family

Haha, cheer up! Reality doesn't work like that at all. You can resist addiction if you're not a pussy!

Woah, I might cut myself on that edge

My uncle sold his behind for heroin...
you gonna go to low places trying to get high

Go cold turkey you fucking fiend

It also literally kills you if you're not a veteran herion junkey

start playin the guitar and be the next kurt cobain
god speed

Sick boy method.

Opiate WD is not lethal, fucking sucks but it will not kill you. Benzo's and Booze on the other hand may kill you if you even if have just a moderate physical tolerance.

he said that he has BPD did you even read that?

Look in all seriousness stay as far the fuck away from it as you possibly can. This shit took 7 years of my life from me I've been finally 1yr and 1/2 clean and it's been hell and back trying to rebuild my life from what it took. And it will take everything user ok it'll take everything and everyone from you . Just get the hell out while you still can jesus fuck!

describe how it feels. how much does one shot cost ~?

I'm going to an art school because it's the only thing my parents would pay for because they thought I couldn't do anything aside from writing which I am decent at but dispassionate about. I fucking hate art and artsy kids and all that shit. I don't really have any interests that are not drugs at the moment.

Cut everyone you know that also does hard drugs out of your life immediately. Say sorry first and explain if you have to but you will never be able to quit with them in your life.

Make a conscious effort to go through the hell that is quitting, or die slowly. Ask for help.

Side node, you'll never stop thinking about it now that you tried it. But with time and help you'll think about it less.

You can do this man. You need to, you know you need to, you want to, and I believe in you.

it was once described to me that you just get warm and comfy af and forget all your sorrows - so pretty much perfect life. I plan to try it when I know that I'm gonna die soon anyways must be great if everyone gets addicted

go to a clinic before it gets worse

OP here, the problem is that I'm a whiny little bitch but I'm also autistic as fuck and can't function around people.
>4 weeks
It's been two days and already I feel like shit. Jesus.

I try to get help for the BPD but I have a comorbid ASPD diagnosis and most shrinks therefor won't touch me.

This fucking sucks.

New question: How should I an hero?


Fuck school. You wont pass while on that stuff and you wont get clean / mentally in time. Save your money and put it towards getting healthy. Go back to school when you're clean. Use it as a goal.

Seriously man.. find someone you can tell that you think will actually go out of their way to help you. Even if it's your parents.

yeah it has to be incredible good if you get so fucking addicted to it.. still i find it disgusting to use a syringe

Its obviously too late for you but heres some advice on surviving college with a drug addiction

Step 1

>wake up 6am
>go to nearest foostore
>steal as much meat products as you can
>it will be fairly easy as they dont have security this early(usually)

Step 2
>sell meat to gypos, homeless, benfits childeren and any other undesirables
>fuel for your fucking addiction

>do this throughout college to pay for your junk, food, housing

Step 3
>now youve finished college go to fucking rehab

Fuck knows if it works heard it from a chav the othr day

you can smoke it so no need for that shit

Most bags have about 4 shots in them. $40 is usually the minimum for one of those little bags so I suppose it's $10 a shot.

It feels fucking unbelievably good. Take this description from Trainspotting: "Take the best orgasm you ever had, multiply it by a thousand and you're still nowhere near it."It's true. It's just a sleepy warmth for a few hours with no negative feelings even close by.

Shit. I love this junk.

Who gives a fuck?

Mayne if you had a job you wouldn't be in this stupid predicament. Many of us have normal lives and stay chipping while you dorks do heroin a few times, pawn everything because you are barely not a tween anymore and call yourself a junkie.

How did it feel the first time ?

Go cold turkey. Get diploma. OD on celebration.

Cold turkey is like getting the flu, but not lethal.

If any of you faggots is german I can just recommend "Shore Stein Papier" on YouTube.

> It's just a sleepy warmth for a few hours with no negative feelings

sounds like alcohol for me

The first time I did it I snorted it and it felt really good. It was like a warm pleasurable sensation that started at the back of the neck and went from there.

no negative feelings? man so many people get aggressive af when drinking..

i not.for me it's like this
> It's just a sleepy warmth for a few hours with no negative feelings

thanks god it is legal and cheap

Art schools are heroin, coke and meth havens. Kids with too much of parents money and are too edgy to find general passion in art so they have to be a special butterfly and do drugs to get into their creative space.

Try to snag a rich heroin chick and you might ride the train for a while