Hello Sup Forums

hello Sup Forums

I want to learn PHP and start doing that for a living.

Which way is the best way to learn it from scratch?

Online (w3schools etc etc), books, videos...?

if books, what would you recommend?

halp a faggot out

Other urls found in this thread:

file.allitebooks.com/20150508/Java For Dummies, 5th Edition.pdf
smile.amazon.com/Learning-PHP-MySQL-JavaScript-Javascript/dp/1491918667/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1470951266&sr=8-1&keywords=php mysql javascript

Throw up a droplet on digital ocean and begin to automate shit. Updates, configurations, emails, calenders, machine backups, etc. Use php and also get a handle on Linux as you go.

Have you ever done any OOP before?
I used to be a PHP dev. It was fun as shit.
>learn basic programming
>build simple websites to see how it works
>learn mvc

If you wanna practice do some small contacting jobs

I don't even know what OOP is

like I said, I need to learn from scratch


I think the real question is will I be able to do it with no back knowledge?

Start with Python or something then, OOP is more complex

Fuck that

Go full pajeet and learn java, php is shit and python is for faggots

I started on Python and now I'm in love with Java. Might be too complex for him as a total noob though

Java is pretty easy smh

It'd be a bad idea to tell him to go learn C

If indians can learn java, so can OP

Well then,

file.allitebooks.com/20150508/Java For Dummies, 5th Edition.pdf

smile.amazon.com/Learning-PHP-MySQL-JavaScript-Javascript/dp/1491918667/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1470951266&sr=8-1&keywords=php mysql javascript
It's pretty good.

And it let's you go all out. You learn everything Web Dev from it, pretty much. Then, you just pick up more elsewhere

Did you fucking read the op..

Join TeamTreehouse. It's like, $20 a month I think. But worth every penny.

>for a living

So you all suggest Java for beginning? Alright then

thanks for advice and book links anons

ANY kind of info would be helpful and appreciated

Java is pretty much like C++, only easier and less useful or secure.

Java has no security issues you shut up now

Read eloquent javascript. Apply for schools.

HackReactor has some huge hiring rates. Going there in oct.


I have heard about this, good to see some positive words

Never ever go on w3schools.
It's complete garbage.

Learn to code. Don't get stuck on one language; be master of the universe.

Don't shitpost on Sup Forums, but start lurking.

>Apply for schools.

I was this close to doing so with my saved up money. It costs ~1000€, and a lot of sources told me that I can learn that at home on my own

It does have the ability to not add correctly, so it needs a class for it, though. That's pretty neat, I guess.

nig w3schools is all you need if you're clever enough, I lived off php for a good 2 years and I self taught using that shit

protip: Buy a yellow pages ad. Sounds archaic but they send you a business advisor who helps you set up your finances and advertising in all other sectors. And of course you'll know how to do your own SEO so that helps...

Anyway, having walked this path, I can say:
You need more discipline than I have to be self employed in front of a computer
You will learn to look at code the way Cypher sees the Matrix output... blonde, brunette, redhead...
You will learn to DESPISE lazy developers like they were they scum on satans anus. Every time you see a popup on your phone browser that hijacks the screen or a page that leaves cookies behind for no reason you'll feel your blood pressure rise, because you now know how fucking easy it is to solve these issues and the fuckers just cant be bothered typing a few keystrokes to save thousands of people thousands of wasted minutes

Good luck, OP. It's hard to make money in web design. People in poor countries are willing to work for 3 dollars a day.

Oop is object oriented programming.
It's useful for more versatile programming, it can be quite rewarding once you sink some time into it.

Gladly, but there is a ton of stuff to cover and I don't even know where to start

Learn BASH scripting faggot. The most useful thing you could learn

Do PCP instead

Youtube has tutorials. Every language has their own wiki. Try to solve standard problems first before trying to do big stuff. Google is your friend, not only for searches.

>The most useful thing you could learn
Yeah, if by useful, you mean moving back into your mom's basement and becoming and obese fuck with Cheetos Curls lodged under your mounds of exposed abdominal flesh while gasping for air, due to your lungs being half-collapsed under your own immense weight.

Order of learning
>html, knowledge of basic tags and language
>css, this takes some time but you should definitely try to be able to make something that didn't look like it was created by a programmer
>Javascript & jquery, try to automate some functions on your pages, it can be really powerful later on
>php , mysqli, best to start with some user systems and work from there

how long did it take you to learn it? did you use some books besides w3 "classes"?

After you learn about types (integers, floats, strings, etc.) spend some time on Data structures.
If you're going to do more than write simple scripts you must learn about data structures. A lot of would-be programmers that are self-taught often never learn about data structures, but without them you'll have a hard time programming anything useful in any language.

Start at variables, move to loops, and then structures. Thats the true basics, which you have to understand to atleast read code.

$ echo fuckNo -m -p -y \m['$x' + 5;]

BASH will help automate your Linux server and can do more than web stuff. Stop being a nigger

Stack overflow will save you

Oh and it doesnt matter what language, the basics are very similar.

>will help automate your Linux server
>your Linux server

If you're gonna go that route, get netBSD UNIX or S̶o̶l̶a̶r̶i̶s̶ (wait, fuck that, because it's run by Oracle). Fuck Linux and it's guh-noo phaggot license.

So true
I doubt many programs we use today would exist without se

fuck guys, this is all confusing as balls

thanks for the good suggestions tho

Beware the fags who downvote but don't explain why though



If you're really interested, you can also pick up Malbolge and Piet once you git gud at spending hundreds of hours in a dark room full of piss bottles

>tfw you haven't validated against sql injection after completing an entire website contract

Killin' quads, brah.

I'm a fairly new developer too, OP. I've only been doing it for about a year, but I learned enough during that time to be able to take on a pretty full-featured web/mobile app project with reasonable confidence. Depending on what you want to do, I'd suggest trying a place like CodeSchool or CodeAcademy because they give you a bit of a dip-your-toes-in-the-water experience in coding. You'll literally start coding right away and learn the basics. After that, you might want to check out some specific courses in what you're looking to learn on Udemy. I spent months taking classes on there and learned a shit ton.



Start by reading phptherightway. Learn it, dream it.

Start learning a proper framework like Laravel or Symfony. Don't bother with shit like CodeIgniter or building your own framework from scratch until you have more experience. Even then just do it for just for xp.

In time, learn about the HTTP protocol, learn what PSR is and adhere to it and invest in a good IDE like PhpStorm. Sublime Text or Atom will do for now.

Source: Am a professional PHP devver for about 10 years now.

Naa, prepared statements are safer, they take longer but I think they are worth it

Learn haskell and make 6 figures

6 figures from failing to commit sudoku and successfully suing the ambulance personal? Lol murica

gimme a sec. fixing that bullshit I missed b/c of pancakes.
$thingsAndStuff = htmlentities(htmlspecialchars(mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $FoobyTheKamikazeInput)));

$conn->query("INSERT INTO shitTable (gayText)VALUES($thingsAndStuff) ");

And I've done a few prepped statements. they take fucking forever.

Exactly how much more secure are they, though than that?

Just use Doctrine/Eloquent/whatever like literally everyone else and actually get shit done.

Or go program microprocessors in C if you're worried about this level of "optimization". It's 2016 for fuck's sake.

Also don't use MySQL. Ever. At least use MariaDB if you don't want to learn PgSQL.

Passed my first year in college
Are there any freelance jobs for basic C#

I'm not actually sure, I just feel more comfortable knowing that it's inserting data directly into the table rather than escaping the string

You need much more skills to make a living off of this. I knew full stack LAMP when I was 12 years old.

True Dat
Just find a client who has no idea what php is and pretend you are doing really complicated shit

>Just use Doctrine/Eloquent/whatever like literally everyone else and actually get shit done.
Is this another template thing?
I never use templates.

>Or go program microprocessors in C if you're worried about this level of "optimization".
Was I really optimizing THAT much?

>Also don't use MySQL. Ever. At least use MariaDB if you don't want to learn PgSQL.
Wish that was an option, but GoDaddy only has MySQL as far as I'm aware. And I'd need to change all my fucking databases for the umpteenth time... I gotta LAUNCH my site, not re-prewrite it going "Version Alpha 6, Alpha 6 Vaporware FOREVER FTW!!"

I want to at least make my damn site reach Beta before I go back to school.

Hmmm, yeah, I was never able to get a clear answer to this.

But still, you need to know HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MYSQL, Apache, maybe Linux servers, something about design...

When you know what php is then you probably already know all of those
Valid point tho

Oh you're serious. Allow me to elaborate then, fellow user.

>Is this another template thing?
>I never use templates.
Shit like Doctrine is an ORM which allows you to map PHP classes to database objects, allowing you to easily access, modify and save your data, like:

$thread = new Thread();
$thread->title = 'foo';
$thread->body = $htmlbody;

See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-relational_mapping

>Was I really optimizing THAT much?
For a difference between prepared statement vs manual statement on a (presumably) PDO object, yes.

>Wish that was an option, but GoDaddy only has MySQL as far as I'm aware. And I'd need to change all my fucking databases for the umpteenth time... I gotta LAUNCH my site, not re-prewrite it going "Version Alpha 6, Alpha 6 Vaporware FOREVER FTW!!"
At least read up about the following things: Strict mode, MyISAM (FTS) vs InnoDB (FKs) and learn how (and why) you should use UTF-8 collations for string data storage.

Don't bash microprocessor programming, it's quite fun once you get stuff done

>See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-relational_mapping
I'll read that over and see if it would work for me.

Although, as much as I know about OOP, I run the vast majority of my PHP, in particular, procedurally.

Although, the way you wrote that might actually be a good idea.

>For a difference between prepared statement vs manual statement on a (presumably) PDO object, yes.
I didn't realize that. I thought I was just shortening the code. But, I actually use MySQLi instead of PDO.

>At least read up about the following things: Strict mode, MyISAM (FTS) vs InnoDB (FKs) and learn how (and why) you should use UTF-8 collations for string data storage.
I will check out strict mode, but I don't use MyISAM. The site I'll be launching has FKs all over the place, and it NEEDS InnoDB.

I collate using utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci

Don't get me wrong user, microprocessor programming is awesome.

It's just these stupid optimization levels in PHP where people are supposedly concerned about. Prepared queries vs manual queries, single quotes vs double quotes, echo vs print, require vs include. People showing "benchmarks" where using one over the other is marginally faster (when used in a loop 10000000 times). Don't get involved with such bullshit when doing PHP, since it will refrain you from doing actual (business logic) programming. Even though it can be interesting, it just doesn't matter and new PHP users should not be concerned with such things.