Hey B, what's rong with mi Penes?

Hey B, what's rong with mi Penes?

You're disgusting


If this isn't bait, clean and cut your nails before taking a pic you filthy fucking sub-human

By the look of your damn nails, your penis is fucking filthy you bastard.
Cut your nails, clean them, then scrod your damn penis with the foreskin back. Jesus mate, build some hygiene ffs?

>people surprised a nigger lacks hygiene

I'm white.

what year did you bathe last? fuck man you don't deserve a dick.

how are your fingernails this dirty? Whatever is wrong iwth your dick is probably related to your dirty fingernails.

Ignore that fuck, your ethnicity doesn't matter. You still haven't addressed the real problem and taken the minute or two to wash your hands/nails. You really are a fucking gorilla.

I just got off work

Its rotting away with the rest of you you fucking savage

It's like a real dick but smaller

This is why you take showers and buy nailbrushes, user

My but is the derty one

This shit has to be a troll at this point. Again, take a few minutes to clean your hands and cock, do so everyday and you should be fine. Personal hygiene isn't a fucking chore, it's a necessity that all/most civilised humans do.

Your rimhole looks cleaner than your hands and cock and you've just taken a shit. What does that tell you about your life?

I'm a scar fetushest like poop

can I put my dick in there?

How big I is it? :)

omfg I lurk so much on Sup Forums but this time I really must say something.

1) Clean/trim your nails you filthy subhuman

2) Clean your dick you nasty piece of shit

3) Stop lying. You are 100% not white.

if you're white why is your dick a nigger?

clean your fucking dick man

Probably smegma.

Wash yourself you filthy shitwit

Thats a classic

I spend lot of time at gey pride parades with my dick out lololol

Hey OP, I hope you're dead now

Hopefully, an undertaker will clean your poor penis and that grimy nails

Take a shower and wash everything thoroughly
That's genuinely disgusting

Somtimes my girlfrien likes licking in the foreskin