Poor LeafyIsHere got a strike because a Feminazi he made a video on got triggered. How about we give her hell?

Poor LeafyIsHere got a strike because a Feminazi he made a video on got triggered. How about we give her hell?

Other urls found in this thread:


Name: Milo Stewart

That faggot literally makes money out of being an internet bully... why the fuck would anyone want to personal army for him?

Also, fuck off leafy.

Another thread going on: operation fuck milo. Search for it.

summers here

Leafybis the biggest faggot online. Keemstar tier.
Always whit that faggot cap indoors

You know these people thrive off of online harassment right?

youre a fucking faggot.

KEK! fuck off faggot! leafy is shit

leafy is kinda a cunt, he only shit talks everyone. its good that he gets a taste of his own medicine. the only good rant-youtuber there is is gradeAunderA

Leafy pls go

Here's the facts OP
1. Your a faggot
2. Leafy is a egotistical, selfish, annoying, manipulative YouTuber on the site
3. The feminist that he made fun of deserves to be slowly killed and so does leafy

If this is the real leafy trying to get this bitch
Go kill your self

>Poor LeafyIsHere

We don't. Leafy didn't respect Evalion's Freedom of Speech. Milo Reddenbacher didn't respect his. The wheels on the bus go round and round.


Fuck both of them and fuck off.

Summers almost ended

Although Leafy is a cunt who deserves to get strikes for being a cunt, he still has freedom of speech that any America should respect but however, us cis-white scums are being stripped of our freedom of speech. This is of course the Jews, feminazis, and nigger's faults. This is fucking bullshit and this is why I'm an heroing because this is not an America that was meant to live in.

leafy is a fuckin gaylord man and you are too fuck off

Fuck Leafy


>Poor LeafyIsHere

>Implying we give a shit about this fag


Fuck you, I'm not white I'm trans-coloured.

rest in peace harambe

Only to polite the minds of the weak minded.
That's why we have religion that hurts and ruins people and society. Leafy is as worse as allah

>it was this point where this thread went to shit


Umm, I'm pretty sure it was
Here when this thread went to shit...

Good. Leafy is a loser and deserves this. He is ruining the internet.

You're still a nigger Jew faggot

fuck off gradeAunderA, you're not fooling anyone

Lol, I'm not helping that faggot.

leafy is a faggot
op is a faggot

While I hate Leafy, Milo is even worse

Religion has always been a problem in history. Idiot who had no hope for their lives and bullshitter made religion and then stupider people believe it. My family is religious and their a bunch of idiots.
Also, not to be rude, but correct me if I'm wrong, don't you mean "ollute" instead of "Polite"?



Edgy faggot, get the fuck off my board.

you must be mistaken. I cant be a nigger, unless you mean the action kind of nigger, because I'm trans-coloured. Being trans-coloured means I don't have colour anymore but that doesn't mean I'm white.

That's not funny. Milo is a god.

Why? Because I seem to be more educated than someone such as yourself and you don't like what I say? Hm, seems like you're Milo Stewart. Now fuck off you nigger loving Jew

I don't think you are that educated. Most of the time people that are educated don't say that they are, they show it and you have failed to do that.

All these lame ass youtubers should just die off, really. I actually shed a tear of joy when I saw these anons say fuck off to this faggot. Don't bring that shit around our Sup Forums.

I would fuck with her but Leafy is total fucking garbage too and no one here wants to side with his underage fans

Show me how I failed to show I'm educated. I provided logic and reason

Personally, I know Leafy has an army of summerfags, so why shouldn't I "team up" with him to take down some LGBT tranny? She pretends to be the victim and deserves to learn what being an ACTUAL victim really is.

Leafy is a faggot, she is a feminazi faggot and you are a faggot. No, I will not help you and your autistic fight.

Why do people keep defending this guy? He's super annoying and makes money by complaining.

It's not worth it user you would literally be fighting autism with autism

This describes things perfectlyp

Because that army of summerfags is one of the cancers on this board as it is.

It's almost harvest season!

Leafy is just an annoying attention whore like Milo, and this shit happens with any youtuber who spouts fake hate towards people online. Leafy will prevail under the whole "muh free speech!" and the "youtube copyright system is bad!" argument like usual. I'm tired of these faggots like pyro and leafy who get butthurt when they get strikes on their channel and act like they're the victim. Their videos consist of clickbait titles, ranting for 12 minutes about how someone on the Internet is doing something they find cringy or dislikable, and then just encouraging a circlejerk on said youtube channel/twitter account while constantly saying "im not encouriging hate!!!11" Of course they're not, that's why the say such kind things like calling them faggots, and bombarding them with insults and "Roasts" as they call it. They know they're encouraging circle jerks and they know that they can get in trouble for what they're doing, and by playing the part of the victim, they furthermore encourage the circlejerk.
That's my opinion and thoughts, insults and compliments alike welcome.

>even going on youtube
this is some pleb tier shit i cant fucking wait til summer is over

You don't use youtube? Like at all? How do you watch Star Wars trailers?

holy fuck this user described it fucking perfect no sarcasm

I dont care. Do you?

Samefag here

When I say "team up," I mean more along the lines of use his summerfags.
I hate Leafy's humor; It's very dumb and childish. However, I respect Leafy because he puts his opinion on the internet and exposes stupidity, like Milo Stewart, despite how much hate he gets. That's respectable.

So when a person pretends to be a victim, by obtaining privilege pretending to be under-privileged, uses that against someone because "muh feelings," they deserve to be lynched. There is no respect in tattling on someone, it's fucking childish.

Holy fuck this! This and nothing else but this!

If anyone wants a copy of the video, I reuploaded it here.

No we shouldn't team with them. Leafy plays the victim card just as much I'm sure soon he'll put out a video bitching how he got a strike and explain that it's satire. Also OP is a faggot this shouldn't even be on this board cause no one cares

Well, you are on Sup Forums.
You fight others on a board known for trolling.
You think that because someone says something that is in disagreement with you they are uneducated.
You state that religion has been a problem and while those that follow religions can be bad people, without the people religion does not exist so I find it a moot point.
Choosing to believe in a religion does not make an individual an idiot, tho it may be moronic.
Think about it, you called your family idiots because they believe in something yet they managed to stay alive long enough for their spawns to insult them based off of the spawns beliefs.
In reality, we don't know if there is a god or not.

But please, ignore what I say and believe what ever you wish. I don't give a fuck.

this guy

Samefag again

Although I agree with what you're saying, I also want to say that, particularly in this case, that Milo Stewart literally spouted hate speech, authentic hate speech, then told everyone that "if you're privileged and you disagree, then that's hate speech."

Leafy made a video about Milo Stewart and Transphobia with some actual educated claims. It wasn't like "haha this person is fucking stupid." It was more along the lines of "this person is fucking stupid because what they just said was hypocritical."

I could understand if YouTube were to remove the video of him "roasting" the autistic guy, but in Milo's case, she makes claims that are not only unsubstantiated, but also just genuinely hypocritical and downright ignorant.

Gender shit like that is pretty fucking retarded. However, Leafy is annoying, and he doesn't deserve what he has now, he's repetitive, makes the same jokes, and thinks he's funny. Like why do people enjoy his cringey content? Do people have such low IQ's that they find him entertaining?

I dont care about some underage acne riddled faggot
hes a famous troll and hes not even good at trolling

Different user but the thing is no one want's to help Leafy no matter how stupid this bitch is. I pretty much speak for everyone when I say I think she's a dumb bitch, but at the same time Leafy is also terrible. So with that being said both sides are bad so why even get involved?

Poster of this here

I don't really know anything about Milo really, but from what I've read and heard it sounds similar to things that have happened in the past with these channels. I'm by no means supporting Milo, but I guess I just want clarity that Leafy isn't completely in the right, as he does similar things. I guess this whole drama is just another example of two people who seem like opposites but are actually quite the same


this is just jew buisness at work.
putting two opposite side against eachother milo vs leafy
more ratings (views) means more shekels and attention

The worse part is hating on leafy just spawns his 14 year old fan base to run at your channel and type"xdd hisss"

well that's actually a good point

you sound 14


lol no Leafy fucking sucks

Not to mention

>Hm, seems like you're Milo Stewart.
accusations, no evidence. This is a big internet where the likely hood of running into that person is only likely if you go to the same sites.
>Now fuck off you nigger loving Jew
Same as before, difference is they have not said enough for this to be apparent + user board...so how would you know, unless you have elevated privileges within the site like a mod. Also, there is not enough evidence to state, with any certainly, if this is true.(just a recap of what i said i think, tiny screen...i love/hate phones)

all the millennials see this controversy as being special when really this type of thing has been going on since the birth of media.
oldest trick in the book and people fell for it

Admit it, neither of them is smart enough to actually pull that off.