State the reasons asian girls are better to choose as a life partner

state the reasons asian girls are better to choose as a life partner.

They have free wi-fi.

Those horizontal pussaaaaayyys.

They cook Asian food. Everyone likes Asian food.

any asian girl can solve a differential equation while you are fucking her. I approve that.

Side Question: Do you guys consider Indian people Asian?


They smart=better job=money

Free Egg Roll

No! A thousand times no!


Not the good kind. It's like east russian. Technically asian, in the same way mexicans are technically north american

No way dude. I'm a programmer and I work with a lot of Asian and Indian people. They are nothing alike.

smart loyal dope food skills look young ask fuck till theyre 70 then bam adorable grandma

Indians and Muslims are a different category

meeting and exceeding expectations of work/life partners are the tenets for a couple of asian cultures.

so getting your asian grill to become a hungry cum slut for you is easy as 3.14

but i don't want my kids to have chinky eyes so i'd prefer to settle for a 1/2 asian

not in the oriental sense of asian

asian girls seem really materialistic - like I wouldn't be able to make enough money for them. if I only make 45k USD can I keep an asian grill?


Actually that's not a racial matter. ANY girl will prefer a guy with a pretty decent amount of money than a regularfag instead

>> south asian
>>east asian
>>south east asian
>>central asian

Sorry bud bur your fetish cant dictate geographic ethnicity

only if you import one from japan china or korea

Disgusting SEAs, Asian Americans and Westernized asians are worse than niggers

like a low end asian girl (like from the southeast) or a really cute one who makes way less than u, but u gotta be spendin your savings on dat bich

they're all materialistic/ status conscious no matter where they are from

bummer. guess I'll just have to fuck them a bit then.

what if they're single and in their 30's?

In my experience, FOBs or second generation Asian girls that were raise by not quite assimilated parents just don't grow up with that princess bullshit. They expect a lot out of their partners, but their standards for themselves are much greater than even the most below average of white girls.

I think I can best describe it as: most Asian women seem to be raised with a sense of responsibility much closer to that of western men. So as far as I see it, if I'm going to be held to a higher standard anyway, it may as well be by someone who's going to be putting in a lot of effort themselves.

And before anyone starts complaining about rich Chinese girls or something, just stop. You aren't going to get a rich girl in any country and 90% of rich girls around the world are fucking awful. Don't apply that to just Asian women.

They aren't.

Asian girls are very materialistic, jealous and controling. Asian culture in general praises men for being the heads of the family and continuers of the line, but the women know that they have the power to control whether or not the line continues. Thus they use sex as a bartering tool and a means of control. Asian sex is the best in the world, but it's not worth the constant headaches and getting screamed at/ guilted 24/7.

Source: was married to an asian for 7 years, spent many years traveling in circles of asian friends and family. Finally calling her on her bullshit threats to leave me for no reason and meeting a sane nerdy white girl was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Not fetish at all, I am from Taiwan, grew up there move to US when I was 15, in Taiwan we are taught Asian are basically all yellow skinned people which exclude Indians.

When I move to US in social study class Indians are consider Asian and at my lady friend's Asian Sorority the allow an Indian girl which all the Vietnamese and Chinese girl hated her.

I just want to get a general consensus to see if non-Asian people see Indians are Asian.

Pic related

My wife is Hong Kongese.

I've mostly dated white girls. Married the first Asian I got into a relationship with. Lots of pros, lots of cons. More cons, I think.

She's a good woman, but not made to be a great wife.

And my asian friends in America who came from korea not 7 years ago refuse to date asian women.

There is also a trend Asian girl only date non-Asian guys so the two side kinda work with each other in an odd way.

But generally Asian men are consider least attractive IIRC most women go for white or black then Latino then mixed or Asian men.

My wife is first generation American both Hong Kongese

By far the best woman I've ever known. Completely loyal, dedicated and hard working.

You guys wouldn't believe what I put her through and she takes it all in stride. I definitely don't deserve her


No but I do love me some curry

I don't really see how the cons you stated would be relevant outside of an Asian society...

Although it is a matter of fact that we count places like India as part of the Asian continent, no one means Indians when they say "Asians" colloquially, absolutely no one.

When someone, colloquially not in an academic setting, says "Asian" they mean people with Mongoloid skeletal structures and the countries they inhabit. Indians and south-Asians in general are Caucasoid.

There was a famous court case (or at least in terms of immigration law) in the US after Asian exclusion laws were passed. An Indian man attempted to get into San Francisco, arguing based on scientific merit that, though he came from the continent of Asia, he was in fact Caucasoid. They ruled against him just for racist purposes, because he was right but they didn't want south Asians flooding in.

So yea, there's a huge difference between technical fact and public perception. But don't go by Asian animosity. Every Asian country seems to hate every other Asian country on a racial level

What did you put get through?

It's a practical way for non-Asians to avoid marrying their mothers.

No feminist, bbc craving, swj tendencies

Quite a few answers to that question here

We both work full time, with a new baby. She takes care of all things baby, still has to do all the woman stuff like shipping and cooking dinner, packing me lunch, dishes laundry etc. Completely worn out every day. Too tried to move but I still fuck her. I drag a random tinder Chuck hold every few months for a 3 some that she definitely doesn't want but "knows that I need it". All her money goes to bills. Only thing I'm responsible for is the gas in my car and snacks or whatever. I blow everything else on Vidya or hobbies. She doesn't have time for that stuff so she doesn't need money for it.

I mean I'm grateful and help where I can but really.. try getting any half decent looking white girl to test you like that

My kids are half Chinese. Very cute kids.
