Real rekt thread contribute or gtfo faggots

Real rekt thread contribute or gtfo faggots




Hey you fucking nigger, name your gif's or webm's





ı don'ʇ ǝʌǝn ʞnoʍ ʍɥǝɹǝ ʇɥǝ ɟuɔʞ ʇo bǝqın˙˙˙ ʍɥʎ do pǝopןǝ ןıʞǝ ʎou ɟınd dǝɐd bodıǝs soɯǝʇɥınq ʇo ظoʞǝ ɐbouʇ? ʎou ʇɥınʞ bǝɔɐusǝ ʎou qǝʇ ʇo sıʇ ın ʎouɹ ʍɐɹɯ ɥoɯǝs on ɐ ɔoɯpuʇǝɹ ʇɥɐʇ ʎou ɔɐn ظusʇ ظoʞǝ ɐbouʇ ɥoɹɹıbןǝ ʇɥınqs ןıʞǝ ʇɥıs? ʍɥɐʇ ʇɥǝ ɐɔʇuɐן ɟuɔʞ ıs ʍɹonq ʍıʇɥ ʎou quʎs? ʇɥıs ıs ʌǝɹʎ ɟuɔʞǝd up, ʎǝʇ ɔɹɐzʎ ɐssɟuɔʞs ןıʞǝ ʎou ɐɹǝ posʇınq dǝɐd ʇɥınqs ןıʞǝ ıʇ's noʇɥınq˙ sıɔʞ ɟuɔʞs, doınq ʇɥıs sɥıʇ doǝs ɟuɔʞınq noʇɥınq˙ so ʎou ʍɐnʇ ʇo ɔoɯǝ on ɐn ıɯɐqǝboɐɹd ʇo bǝ ɐn ɐssɥoןǝ ɐbouʇ ʇɥınqs ןıʞǝ ʇɥıs? ןǝʇ ɯǝ ʇǝןן ʎou quʎs, ʎou ɐɹǝ ɐןן ɟuɔʞınq ʍǝɐʞ˙ ʎou ʍouןd nǝʌǝɹ bǝ usǝɟuן ʇo ʇɥǝ ʍoɹןd ʍıʇɥ suɔɥ bǝɥɐʌıoɹ ʎou pɹǝsǝnʇ˙ ɥonǝsʇןʎ ʍɥʎ do pǝopןǝ ןıʞǝ ʎou quʎs ǝʌǝn ǝxısʇ? ı bǝʇ ʎou don'ʇ ǝʌǝn ʞnoʍ ɐbouʇ ɥɐןɟ oɟ ʍɥɐʇ pǝopןǝ ɥɐʌǝ qonǝ ʇɥɹouqɥ ɟɹoɯ ʇɥǝn ʇıןן noʍ ʍɥǝn ʇɥǝʎ ɥɐʌǝ soɯǝonǝ ʇɥǝʎ'ʌǝ ʞnoʍn dıǝ˙ ʎou ɐɹǝ ɐןן suɔɥ dısqusʇınq buןןıǝs˙ ısn'ʇ ıʇ bɐd ǝnouqɥ ʇɥɐʇ pǝopןǝ qo ʇɥɹouqɥ ɥɐɹdsɥıps oɟ ʇɥǝıɹ ןoʌǝd onǝs? sǝɹıousןʎ ʍɥɐʇ do ʎou quʎs ɹǝɐןןʎ ɟınd ɟunnʎ ɐbouʇ ʇɥıs? sʇupıd ɟuɔʞǝɹs ı'ɯ so ɐnqɹʎ ɹıqɥʇ noʍ ʇɥɐʇ ı ʍısɥ ı ɔɐn ɟuɔʞınq punɔɥ ɯʎ ɔoɯpuʇǝɹ sɔɹǝǝn so ʇɥɐʇ ɯʎ ɟısʇ ɔɐn qǝʇ ɐ qood ɥıʇ on ʇɥɐʇ ɐssɥoןǝ ɟɐɔǝ oɟ ʎouɹs, op, sıɔʞ ɟuɔʞs˙ sǝɹıousןʎ, ظusʇ ɟuɔʞınq qɹoʍ up ɐnd ɐɔʇuɐןןʎ ɐɔʇ pɹopǝɹןʎ ɐbouʇ dǝɐʇɥ˙ sʇupıd ɟuɔʞ, ʞǝǝp ǝɐʇınq ʇɥosǝ ɔɥǝǝʇoǝs ʇɥɐʇ ʎou sʇɐın on ʎouɹ sɥıɹʇs ǝʌǝɹʎ dɐʎ˙


too much of a pussy to watch it... how bad is it?

Meh. It's not that bad.


If you've seen 1 beheading, then you've seen them all

That's the best fucking bait ever



>Real rekt

>posts choreographed bullshit.




isis is generic


Ok, have this.


poison the water supply good thinking

MFW spiderman enters

No one said that they are great thinkers.


the pain is real

gonna be a pain in the head to clean that water

isis execution rekt posers


When someone pops in my mixtape

His eyes are still moving in the final frames.

they didn't actually behead anyone. also the tank video is staged shit. fuck religious cowards.


Yea ok

This was from that new karate kid movie with Jaden Smith. Far superior to the original.

its spooky

isis uses some badass knives

Fucking rekt

Maybe it's fake

It's just sad, now I bulls


Took me a sec but I understand

Stomach hurts now.

lol look at his eyeball pop out
also checked

When i just watched people being beheaded, run over and shot point blank and this feels like the worst thing on this thread

Beheadings don't instantly kill - your brain is still alive for a bit before you pass out from blood loss or a lack of oxygen.

Exectutions aren't funny, nor are still gore imagages. The only kind of rek that actually funny are the ones where peopl actually get rekt. Not exectuated like dogs or put through a lot of pain. Just rekt.

First shot missed???

Not too bad, watchable but sad

fake and gay

Holy fuck man I feel sick.

Imagine being so fat you look at computers and see food.

Isn't it illegal to have videos of people being killed on a computer. I'm not well versed in laws but that seems like something that would be illegal.

depends where you live, usually countries have some laws against extreme violence, but surely not murica
i mean scat is technically illegal in half of europe but who gives a shit really

in some nations yes
but not in the US
which is the only law that matters here bc Sup Forums is US based

No i'm pretty sure its legal.

Holy shit, it's been a long time since I've audibly laughed at anything on this site

That's pretty good m80

Thank fuck for seatbelts. Right guys?


That shit eating grin.

I always wonder who these cuck faggots are that just kneel there. If this is real, wouldn't you be fighting tooth and nail, or at least trying not to be so pathetic?

I was unsure but thank you for clarifying. Interesting, i was always told that stuff was illegal in america. I guess ill have to do more research and inform my friends that told me that

wow, those alien abductions don't fuck around these days.


It usually has something to do with the threat of torture.

A couple of guys were beheaded by a chainsaw in Mexico. They either threatened them with a worse death or their families because they just took it one after the other.

Nothing rely about that..this isn't a match it's an exhibition. It's just for show and if you watch it carefully you can tell the guy assists in the move. There's no way she could flip him like that without him helping.

FUCK this so much

I understand how people fall for the beheadings cus they look kinda real but this is fucking bulshit


How anyone in their right mind puts their lives around those things are beyond me.

if i had get taken out, i think this would be the best way possible honestly

This is too much



wow bulls are dicks wtf

lol jews

when the beat drops

why don't the bulls and horses work together to overthrow their human masters? fkn retard bull killing his own man.

fucking cowards

hey guys i think i win



Those guys later got sent to prision and had their teeth kicked in.

Karma is a bitch

fuking hate whend is not a clean cut

i can't stomach this shit, will not watch but want story

What the fuck is your problem? It's just a prank bro

.. never have I been impressed by an ape. Gotta give it to them, better than a jew sucking your child off at birth.

People say blacks have huge dicks, but this guy looks pretty tiny.


They abducted people's children at gunpoint with fake AKs and dropped them off down the block.


>what is a martial arts tournament

Your rotund ass can't do it. Doesn't mean it's impossible.

i find this very informative and educational,,,,a watermelon is never the same

What the fuck has happened to the media players? Did Sup Forums just update? The bottom bar with the volume and widescreen button has changed to white for me