Warden is the most cancer hero

Warden is the most cancer hero

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Illidan is somewhere out there

>who marked

fuck Illidan and his bullshit


You're cancerer

Is namesync ded?


you're cancerest

You're canceriffic

Well ty for being shit namesync, glad you decided to work


>getting triggered over manaburn

thank you

np m8

mana burn is fine and can be dealt with easily, Warden is just a huge nuisance

From like the 10 hours Ive watched koreans and grubby play(so you can tell im an expert)

I never saw warden

well what Koreans are you watching

on Netease a lot of NE players go Warden and it sucks as an UD/HU player, all my acos or peasants just fucking DIE
it's easier to deal with as UD since you have nerubian towers but as HU all you have is mana burn and standard towers that deal reduced damage to Hero armour

Id watch those tournies which were on twitch so Im not 100% sure

yeah she's not popular in tourneys because it's a gamble against good players, I am a bad player and play against other bad players so it's cancer and not as much of a gamble

justice shall be mine!

*shwick shwick*

if you watch Believeari right now on Twitch, he's against a NE that went Warden

Nah, this was a while ago when I had nothing to do. Now I just play runescape when Im bored

it better be OSRS

It is

if it didn't suck for free players i would probably be interested in RS but it does so i don't play

Well you can easily make enough money in game to pay for membership

I have like a 480m bank and membership is 2.4m for 2 weeks

>you can pay for membership with ingame money
i didn't know
i haven't played in ages, since my elementary school days

Well ive been playing for a little over a year now. If you were to get into it, try to get every free skill to like 40 and then see if you'd like to get members

I didnt ever have membership when I played runescape(too poor) still like it

i only had membership when my friend at the time gave me his secondary account that had it, i pretty much maxed it out almost before i got hacked and haven't played since.

Pretty much all I did as a kid was scam and bot and get banned


haha nice. i was a good kid, i had it all
and then i saw my password didn't work anymore and when i got the account back everything was gone, Jagex wouldn't do anything about it either so I stopped playing

frankly, me, i got fucked all the long

Yeah jagex is still as shit

yeah maybe I won't play again, then. Jagex a shit.


well any company who can completely butcher a game like they did to rs3 shouldnt be trusted.

osrs is more popular than rs3 now but they still have stupid moments

i never played rs3, but then again people have told me that's a good thing

You can literally buy experience

combat is like wow and not like runescape

Shit game


>buying experience
>changing combat to a WoW style
if I wanted to play wow i'd go play wow

Yupp. Thats why people say not to play rs3 because its cancer

i bet if you didn't buy experience it would be worse than grinding in vanilla wow, too
i mean i loved vanilla wow's content but the mechanics and everything else was bad

The grinding in rs3 is easy. Just so many things in the game which give exp for nothing.

you know, that actually sounds even worse than grinding to me


Some skills in osrs take like 200 hours to get to 99 but I doubt there is 1 normal skill which takes as long as that in rs3 anymore


i guess it comes down to if you're a casual or not, just like modern wow except RS actually gives you the option of playing an older version

over syphilis too

oh yeah enjoyable

israƫl by bush