Can someone with a bit of knowledge tell me what the fuck is wrong with my eyes?

Can someone with a bit of knowledge tell me what the fuck is wrong with my eyes?
Its swollen, hurts, I want to scrach all the time, have it for 2 days, only in the left eye

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I'm not a doctor but that looks like swelling, probably an infection

1. don't scratch that shit
2. see a doctor

stye maybe?

I'm not scratching..not much
Could be a stye?

Could be a stye, or maybe iritis

see a doctor nigger

>trusting the medical jew

The problem is I'm broke and have no job, last one I was getting almost 4$ per hour, and the doctor is probly 75$.

Just ask your mom.

We have less then 400$ to spend the month and we have some bills to pay, things are hard over here

But it dosnt means I'll do nothing, btw, I'll seek for help

Ever see "the 6th day"? im pretty sure youre a 1st gen clone

living in a second world shithole must be the fucking worst.

start a go fund me

Aye, dis good right?
Second world?
Hahaha, maybe eitgh

What if it is... a parasite?

Why the fuck do people come here for medical advice? Plenty of resources available to EVERYONE anywhere in the world. You likely need antibiotics..

I'm thinking the same bro, seriously, discovery channel shit

Looks like ocular herpes to me, OP. Happens when you take a load to the face from a dirty dick.

I'm sorry, I dont know where you live, but where I live, people die waiting in the hospital line..
Yes, this could be ok if they didnt wait for week to see a doctor

I dont even know what is

Well, my aim is good and I fap with sunglasses

where the fuck do you live 14th Century Europe?

Looks like lupus to me fam.

Ah, now I see, but I dont have interest in people seeing my whining poor face


I wasnt far off the mark then.....

Looks like a chalazion, warm compresses and quit touching your eyes. It should go away. I actually work in medicine.

The flesh surfaces that surround the eyeball have dozens of tiny glands that secrete mucas to lubricate your eye. This is also what makes that junk that collects in the corner of your eye. It's not difficult for these tiny glands to get plugged and swell. Take a wash cloth and fold it up into a thick square. Get it wet and HOT. Try hot tap water first, if that doesn't seem hot enough, zap it a few seconds in the microwave to get it hotter. Hold that compress over the swelling. Each time the cloth cools off, gently rub the swollen gland for a couple of minutes. The warm the compress up again and repeat. Sometimes these things can take 2 or 3 days to completely stop swelling, but in general, they are mostly just really annoying.

Conjunctivitis eye.. Go to Dr, he will give u a cream

better get some Valtrex, you got herpes on your eye

One single state have 170 UTI beds, for 3,200,000 people in this state

ask yourself would it be better to skip your next rent check and eat nothing but rice for a month, or spend the rest of you life blind?

go see a doctor.

you should talk to whoever's in charge and get them to sort that out

United States of America, greatest country in the world, you got a problem with that?

Well, thank you bro, really
Aint conjuntishit, cause when I had it, I looked down and my eyes felt like was going to fall off,
Damn, my english is terrible,
but Ive learned by myself
how the fuck?
And what about ?
I think he's right ^

this is an acceptable answer if the year is 1705 or you live in a third world country like Ethiopia or USA. If you live in a modern country that has at least reached the 20th century you can try seeing a doctor.

Looks like a stye like everyone else says. Had this twice before. Common remedy is to place a hot (not boiling) rag over the infected area. Promotes better blood flow and opens up pores (yes, your eyelid has pores) sure it will hurt for a couple days, a week at most, but your body should take care of it like any other infection

The problem is, where already eating rice, no rent tho, but where eating rice with eggs..
And bananas, haha
Is this easy?
I guess he's not talking to you

Which country? I'd guess somewhere in South Asia by your skin tone.

I've had exactly what I described myself. Mine was on the outer (ear side) edge of my upper eye lid. It felt horrible and I looked like a monster. People even said "Oh my god, what happened to you?" The cause and cure was described to me by an eye doctor. It takes time, (like 2 days) but heat and massage gets to fluids moving again.

Do you wear contacts?

Thank you bro
Well, when you earn 430$ for month, its kinda hard to pay 75$ to see a doctor, and maybe 15$ in remedy, this, if he dont ask for any exam or shit,



depends,where I live my taxes go towards free public healthcare and as a taxpayer I have a right to speak to my local political representative if I feel my tax money is being misused or if I feel it could be better spent to improve things like healthcare.

Did see a doctor for mine. What I described, is what you do. No meds needed.

Ah, so you know shit about brasil, right?
A small bit

Any history of STDs? If not, probably just an internal hordeolum progressed to a chalazion. If warm compresses don't work, you need antibiotics or excision to prevent cellulitis

Not at all, damn, cellulitis seems terrible

things I know about Brazil

Dilma Rousseff is a fucking criminal, your govenment is a joke, corruption is destroying almost every aspect of your society, you have a history of some very talented latin lazz musicians, the king and queen of portugal lived there after they got kicked out of Europe, lots of fucking jungle

Preceptal and orbital cellulitis is just the worst case scenario. Try warm compresses. And make sure you always clean your lids good everyday to prevent it from happening in the future. If it doesn't get better, go in for Rx

Yep, but not that much in jungle, but yes,
I'm doing it right now, anyway, what is rx?
