1.Your a country

1.Your a country
2.You are a honest opinion on Argentina and Argentines.

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We never had this thread before

Sudacas de mierda igual que el resto de panchitos tiraflechas. Ojalá un megatsumami ahogue a todos los argentinos de una puta vez, el planeta se libraría de ese cáncer maligno que son los argentinos.


y ustedes son los culpables de todo, asi que el tsunami tendria que empezar arrasando tu chiste de país.

teee faltaron las mayusculas pa JKASJKASJKASJK SEEE TE OLVIDARON

you can't escape

No somos responsables de una puta mierda. Haití y Jamaica son un estercolero pero allí nadie tiene la poca vergüenza y la poca falta de autocrítica de culpar a los británicos y a los franceses por la mierda de país que tienen.

I don't know what you're talking about to be honesto

stop being a liar
boludo de culo rojo

>No somos responsables de una puta mierda.
ah no Manolete, no podes venir a cogerte a cuanta india se te cruce y despues quejarte porque se van para allá, ahora jodete, al pecado la penitencia.

Coño, un mono en Internet.

helo? spen? wy u hat borazil

Tus ancestros se cicutriñaron a todas esas indias salvajes de vaginas sueltas, mis ancestros se quedaron aquí.

Tus ancestros = Tus culpas

i met an argie in amsterdam working in a coffeeshop once, he was a top lad.
aside from that your women are top tier and your land is - in my mind - the promised land of milk and honey.
intend to come marry a qt, make lots of mullatto babies and become a gaucho soon.
holy shit
op btfo eternally

>Tus ancestros = Tus culpas
>implicando implicaciones
tu país se favoreció bastante con la esclavización de los indios y la explotación de los recursos naturales, asi que no le tires la mierda a los españoles que se quedaron aca

Seems nice and comfy.
Deserves better.

Lunfardos de mierda

tua mamma.

Eso es mentira, aquí la inmensa mayoría de la población eran campesinos e hidalgos venidos a menos, los frutos de la conquista les afectó lo mismo que al italiano o al francés medio. Incluso los cuatro aristócratas a los que pudo beneficiar la conquista se beneficiaron poco en comparación con los criollos de América, que eran mucho más ricos que la mayoría de colonos británicos de Norte América o Sidafrica.

Best neighbors.

>aquí la inmensa mayoría de la población eran campesinos e hidalgos venidos a menos
por supuesto, Paco, los mayores beneficiados fueron los nobles y la corona, pero mucho de esos recursos fueron a parar a la infraestructura, etc, no como que el país no se termino beneficiando en nada
Hasta Gran Bretaña ligó su parte con los piratas

>que eran mucho más ricos que la mayoría de colonos británicos de Norte América o Sidafrica.
no comparemos colonos, los británicos se fueron a Norte America huyendo de la persecución religiosa con sus familias, se mudaron para allá, los españoles en su mayoría vinieron solos a sacar oro y plata para volverse ricos a España, dejando a sus familias allá

Why is Spen always so angry with its ex-colonies?

Spaniards hate everyone, but hate themselves more 2bh

Are argies as ugly as spaniards?

Independientemente de todas esas cosas tan terribles y diabólicas que implicaron cambiar los taparrabos por los pantalones y las carreras a pie por las ruedas, es totalmente absurdo culpar a España por las miserias de vuestros países cuando habéis tenido más de doscientos años para desarrollaros. Nosotros no culpamos a los italianos por la conquista romana, ni los ingleses culpan a los normandos. En realidad ni siquiera los congoleños culpan a los belgas, eso sólo lo hacéis vosotros.



>es totalmente absurdo culpar a España por las miserias de vuestros países
no se sobre los demas paises latinos, pero nosotros no culpamos a España por nuestras desgracias, usualmente solo les echamos en cara que no mataron a los indios cuando pudieron

He's butthurt because his grandfather fuck everyone who has a shadow and now there's peruvians,bolivians etc who have spanish blood and come to his country

1. Germany

2. I want to sell my parent's house and retire in the suburbs of Comodoro Rivadavia

I thought they were pretty level headed but these two stupid threads exposed them as edgy commies: They took the bait wait too easily.

1. Argentina (almost)
2. Love

come home, muslim man

>edgy commies
I'll take the bait again, what makes us ''commies''?

e tuo babbo

OK, OK, not commies just edgy.
And I am not the OP of that thread so I am not baiting.

Y los indios y progres nos echan la culpa porque matamos a muchos. Es imposible contentar a nadie.

>2. I want to sell my parent's house and retire in the suburbs of Comodoro Rivadavia

There are German communities in some regions of Argentina.

>I'll take the bait again, what makes us ''commies""?

We don't give a shit about america here and that's why they think we are commies

>e tuo babbo

Abre un hilo Azteca para hablar en tu idioma de mierda. Mexicano asqueroso.

>Y los indios y progres nos echan la culpa
>indios y progres
ahí está su problema, le dan importancia a lo que esa ''gente'' balbucea, siempre encuentran algo por qué lloriquear


i know. i visited

He's American. From their point of view, you're either a god fearing, freedom loving American, or a filthy bureaucratic, freedom hating gommie
Try to explain peronism to them

jajajajajajajaja que pobo que sois espanol. es una bandera mexicana

Si todos los indios y mestizos desapareciesen de Argentina el país tendría la misma población que Andorra.

where is the traditional
los argentinos cagan muy hediondo debido a la cantidad de pijas que chupan
or something like that

jakasjksjaskj cheeeee galle, esa no es la banderita de ajkajsaksjaksjakjsjk

lo mismo podríamos decir de los moros en España.

he's trying to cross the border before Trump builds the fence

You are totally wrong. Our grandfathers were in his poor houses working and trying to survive, the guys who killed, raped and colonised were the grandfathers of the guys in the ex-colonies.

He is cleaning my toilet you now? because i eat so much meat and whatever he said i forgot

Si todos los arabes y gitanos desapareciesen de España el país tendría la misma población que el vaticano.

Pic related: Typical Spanish girls

son tus problemas pichon ustedes son los que vinieron a america mataron a los indios,violaron a las indias robaron el oro y despues lo perdieron no se quejen de ellos ahora

1. funny
2. talkative
3. always celebrating something
4. always dancing
5. positive
6. colourful (in all meanings, lel)
_ _
So: pretty good, would like to drink and talk with/10

Why is the water so dirty?

Heeeey a russian who is a total bro! Let's make a wish

Spanish water is always a bit brownish as most water on the iberian peninsula is non-potable and has to be cleaned first. The water that you get in the shower always has this color as the cleaning process would be too hard.

>Spanish water is always a bit brownish as most water on the iberian peninsula is non-potable and has to be cleaned first.

>Let's make a wish
What do you mean by that? I'm kinda didn't get it.

absolutely disgusting. they brought their traditions to south america.

Why do you think Spanish came to South America? They were looking for a better place to live with drinkeable water.

The people on pic related speak spanish, therefore they are Spanish, meaning from Spain. Consequently pic related are average Spaniards. Agreed?

Oh and I have to add that VILLAVICENCIO water is literally quite figuratively the BEST GOAT WATER on this planet. There is no better.

Una es cubana y es actriz porno. Se llama Abella Anderson. La otra no sé quién es.

Si no eres capaz de entender que los descendientes de los conquistadores viven mayormente allí, y no aquí, lamento informarle que eres más tonto que una mierda.

It's like a asteroid you make a wish because is not common to see it

I can confirm. Our juice bottles are sometimes nicknamed Spanish Water, since they are opaque. It's a cultural thing inherited from the non-drinkable watery traditions directly from Spain

>What do you mean by that?
not him but some Ruskies on Sup Forums are quite agressive towards us, I guess he means that is rare to find one who is nice

dissapointed desu, even we can drink tap water saffely

La otra se llama Francisca Rodriguez y es de Sevilla. Es una hermosura.

So this is why they are always mad you can't even
wash yourself because you will get more dirty

best cumbias and best rochas in LATAM

Cambia el proxy, español inferior.

Don't get mad my white friend. It's a fact that were your ancestors who did all this terrible things in the name of Kingdom of Spain. Maybe the problem is ours but the criminals are in your families.

The people on pic related speak english, therefore they are English, meaning from England. Consequently pic related are average English. Agreed?

Not mine

t.italian rape baby

Meanwhile, post spanish people

kek, why do bolivian ladies always wear these stupid hats?

Oh! Well, i'll make a with to visit Argentina then. Probably not so "uncommon" as asteroid but still would like to :^)
>are quite agressive towards us
Because they're addicted and get used to imageboards. It's a bad thing. Local atmosphere is full of hatred. And they're involved in it.

tremendo cumbion

WTF!!!!, thx satán i born in chile.

They made an order once from usa or europa i don't remember for men and the hats were too small for bolivian male heads so the women got to wear them. not fake google it if you believe me. that's how it came into tradition.

Soon In 2020 Spain will get reverse COLONIZE'D by ours amerindian brothers in revenge for the killing and the lost gold of machu pichu your days are numbered moor

Apparently a brit went to Bolivia like a hundred years ago with a shipment of bowler hats. I don't recall exactly what happened, but it became a tradition there.
Also they get random anglo names extremely out of place for a spanish speaking nation, like Kevin, Brian or Johnathan, often misspelled.
Of course, those names have become increasingly seen as trashy

upss, i *was* born

In Buenos Aires I new a white blonde Argie that was called Bryan. I had to hold back when he told me his name. Como te llamas vos? Bruyan. Como? BRAYAAAAN. Ah, Bryan. What a stupid name lel

Yeah, a few white people did that too decades ago when they removed the list of allowed names and put in place a more liberal policy.

James Rodríguez.

lmao, kevun "el zorro" hernandez

same thing in sweden btw. actually even worse. Douglas Thomas Lars Murray:

Let's discuss the 10 best things from Argentina.

1. Rosario Central
2. Havanna Alfajores
3. Rosario Girls
4. Mantecol
5. Fernet
6. Empanadas
7. Bife de Lomo
8. Morcilla
9. San Martin
10. Peronism

whats wrong with that?

2-based saviors of the white race

In december of 2016 a peruvian called"el bra'yaaa'an" shot in a robery a 11 years old blond kid from german parents in the face days later he died and the name of the kid was also brian

Los argentinos cagan muy hediondo debido a la cantidad de carne que consumen

>10. Peronism

lost me there

I think he doesn't like the name, and I think it's overused by villeros

what. brayan shot brian?
cant make this up

>not evita to fuck her

You list is bad and you feel bad

> el bra'yaaa'an

>>> /taringa/



kek standing at that corner is just asking for it. what does a white boy there? directly above 11114

Yes, but there's brians :) and brayans >:(

these are Brayans