It's baturday!! Post your baturs

It's baturday!! Post your baturs

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so cute, looks cooler than mine. we can never cuddle and stuff bcuse hes always biting hard af


Yes! Now this is my kind of thread! I've never seen a baturday thread, but we need more of these.












Super cute.

Bats should praised more often, as they eat mosquitoes and keep bug population down. That'd be pretty useful for...





anyone ever put a sugarbaby and a bat together? would they try to fuck eachother up?



Kek, I forgot about that one.


thank you bat posting anons, i dont have contributions, but you fuckers made my morning.
i have some golden oldies, il just post a couple




>tfw I'm the main one contributing
You are welcome, user. Bats are my favorite. A friend of mine is getting a furfag commission for me of a bat. It's going to be my fursona.

Anyone know? I don't want to try some weird shit but they could be bros if the bat wouldn't get it's wings bit



my GF dose those, but she is mostly into pokemon these days


who dosent love a good bat-ass?

Faggots, that's who.

British bat

Holy shit that is cute


holy shit that's adorable as fuck

Yee. I have a ton of cute bats like that.



last one, driving GF to work, you have a good one user.

You too, user.

Thanks for the answer bro lol. I'll take it as a "who the fuck knows" and probably forget about it. I don't have any bats to add though. Skeletons and bats are cool though. Im out though. Stay chill batanons

Later, other batanon.

Does my pupper look like a bat here?

Sure does. 10/10, would pet. I like to call bats dogbirds because of the similarity.






Bats would be ok if they didn't have the spooky leather wings


Nah, they look even cooler because of them.

He appreciates it

He's adorable.


Very much so

He rarely looks like a bat though. Took the pictures there because it reminded me of bats

I can see how. I'm saving these pics, by the way. Doggos are pretty cute, too, even if they don't have wings.





Hes 13 but still lively and happy

I cherish him daily, give him all the love I can, because I know when hes gone a part of me and my heart will go with him.

Literally grew up with this doggo, he means everything to me.


I hope he lives another 13 years, user.



So do I man.

So do I.





Might not be pretty but thins thing needs some love lol

Odd little thing. I definitely like flying foxes the most, but all bats are cool.


You had to fucking ruin the goodwill, didn't you?

God you're a shithole.

Chill, faggot. I can post gay furry bats if you really want me too.

Yeah I like my pet Sugar Glider, Apart from him tossing shit out of it's cage. Bats at my cabin in BC were cute, just shit alot



what kind of bat is that ?

Wingless black bat.

that's a woof bork type of batur, duh




yiff in hell furfaggot


ily2 user