Attention dong scholars, this is my dick right now what the fuck happened

attention dong scholars, this is my dick right now what the fuck happened

it became erect and grew 5 cm longer than it is usually. Congratulations OP!

You've a bad case of nigger

for reference 30 mins ago

Any context?

i might have wanked a little violently, it keeps getting bigger hurts like fuck

Maybe you burst a vein. Idk, not a medfag

looks like a normal short nigger dick.

Let me guess: you fapped too much in the last 30 min, right?

Incredible. You've successfully enlarged your penis. It is your duty to teach this wisdom.

somewhat, know anything similar ?


Put the pump away.

i thought so too at first but holy fuck does it hurt, sex with this is impossible :(

well damn man

You are a nigger


and it's itchy and extremely sensitive at the same time, what is this shit

Go to the hospital you stupid nigger

be honest: did you use a pump?

Did you play whack-a-mole with that sucker?

It's too late for you now OP. It will soon consume you.

ok i'm not quite sure what a pump is, i may have held onto it a bit tightly but that's all

i don't wanna go to the hospital if it turns out to be normal

Yup you've faped for too long and too hard, it should go down in a few days.
Until then try to fap as little as possible.

go wash it with soap and water
it's an allergic reaction to something that was on your hands

happened to me the other day, but it wasn't as dramatic

Does it looks normal to you? Lol.
Post moar

Its okay. After jerking it particularly violently you sometimes get an accumulation of fluid, it should subside in a couple of days. Don't worry about it fam.


a penis pump you fucktard.
If you had used one and got this, I'd say you're fine
But since you apparently didn't, something is causing fluid to build up in your dick that's not vacuum related.
I'm not a medfag, and so I don't know why that's happening. So, you have 2 choices:
1) go to hospital, which will either
A) save your dick
B) be embarrising and, depending on your country and insurance, be somewhat costly
2) Stay home and wait it out, which will either
A) result in saving money because it goes away
B) make your dick unable to work correctly, possibly force removal.
Think of it this way, if you lose your dick, you can be a model for those weird penectomy websites. So you have that going for you.