What is the Mexico equivalent of your neighbor countries?

What is the Mexico equivalent of your neighbor countries?


Stop using Mexico as an insult!

Fuck off, if we were to actually move somewhere it wouldn't be to danskjäveln


We have 10 Mexicos.

It was the best example i could come up with


Neighbor states

all the southeast asia except singapore

Even worse dumb fuck, shouldn't have bothered trying to fix that, also you're using the wrong flag.

Take a guess.



Says South America's India

I am tired of these threads.



What do you think of Trump?

I wish we had mexicans so I could try real mexican food.
I've only eaten at one '''mexican''' fast food chain.

to OPs question, the only border hoppers we get are arabs coming in from turkey, handle it USA style with vigilantees

all of them

Isn't your country like completely closed off with a fence, how do they get in?