Remember when the Captcha wouldn't load?

Remember when the Captcha wouldn't load?

Remember when the vending machine didn't have change?

Remember that popcorn hull you got stuck behind your back molar for three days in February of 1997 that hurt like hell and nothing could get to?

Remeber when you wanted to shazam that song on the radio but the dj cut it off early to talk about the weather?

Remember when van der Bellen won last second over Hofer by a couple of hundred votes? It was me, Sup Forums.





user tries to force a meme: the thread

>It was Smee James, the author of All Your Pain

What did he mean by this? Does this book really exist?

Is le spectre man a stand in for Ian Fleming?

Is that why he called himself the author?


Remember when the window was left slightly open?

Smee is canon in both universes.

Remember when this thread stayed up for 300 replies but yours got deleted for no reason?

Who do you think pays the moderators?

Remember when you got that credit card offer that was addressed to Mrs. James Bond?

Remember when you wiped five times and the paper was still brown?

It was all me, James

Remember when you thought you bought regular pudding at the store but when you got home it turned out to be low fat?

Remember all those times you took your laundry out of the dryer and you could match all of your socks except one?

Remember when you replied to the wrong post?

Remember that time you were late for work because all the oncoming traffic was so evenly spaced that you were stuck in your driveway for 15 minutes?

Remember when you spent 3 days downloading Led Zeppelin's catalog on Napster but it turned out to be Ace of Bace?

Remember when the radio said it would rain but in reality it was a pleasant day with barely any clouds and you carried your umbrella everywhere for no reason?

The mail-in votes had to be counted enough times to tip it.

All my doing, James.

Remember when you had a bit of detritus in your eye but when you tried to look at it, it moved away?

Remember that day you had a whistle in your nose that no amount of blowing, rubbing, or picking could remove and it was so loud that you breathed through your mouth to not draw attention to it?

Remember that time you made a really good shitpost in a Bane thread and it was deleted when you refreshed?

Who do you think spent 6 months becoming a janitor James?


Yes, CIA, that was Smee too.

Remember when you walked down the street in your new tailored shirt that wasn't really pink so much as a very light rosé and somebody yelled "fag!" as you entered the tube?


>Blofeld scene
>it was me starts playing