Why is Australia so rich?

Why is Australia so rich?

Their median wealth is even higher than Luxembourg's, aka. the country of millionaires

(Median wealth tells more about the wealth of average citizens since it's not influenced by outliers as much as mean wealth)

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Because China guzzles their mineral ressources like if there's no tomorrow
Plus up until recently the value of any square meter of land you could buy would double in the night.

Because white

What are the taxes like though?


What is cost of living?

A 30 pack of beer is like $60


> France having it 3 time better than germany
I deny this fact, my personnal experience being my only argument.
I would be such a great scientist.

I would unironically kill all french "people" if I had the chance

The correct answer is that they have a Anglo work and economic attitude and outlook.

That's because much more people own their house in France compared to Germany, which is counted in the wealth.

plus their minimum wage is like $20 and hour, why do you think so many maoris move there?

Everything is expensive here so our wages are higher to try balance it out. We have one of the highest minimum wages in the world, if not the highest. A $60 video game for you is like $99 for us.

But why

To play rugby?

We're so far away so shipping costs a lot for both consumers and retailers

I know you're memeing but anyone who moves overseas to play rugby goes to fr*nce or japan, not australia

Does that make games cheaper on Steam and the like, then?

>richer than Sweden, Germany, the United States and South Korea

Its bullshit, even digital stuff costs way more, for which there is no shipping costs

Nah we still get fucked on steam and other digital services. Stingy cunts. We call it 'the Australia tax'

>He doesn't work at a railway station in Greece

Free market.

Oh well
At least you've got good weather

Pretty sure the USA would be the richest if outliers had significant influence

>who are the Rothschilds
Germany would be the richest


Small population and a lot of resources

>Greece has higher net mean wealth than Iceland

>be australia
>literally sell pieces of your country to china

I don't think massive heat all year long is a good weather

lots of natural resources to rape and pillage


i mean look at this biodiversity

dunno if we're in a position to talk 2bh m8

it's a desert island, w-who cares

Why so rude

The same kind of taxe exists in Europe actually. A 60$ game in the US was always 60€ in Europe, even when 1€ was 1,5$ some years ago.

Yeah but in America, they don't include the tax for prices. So if they advertise on TV "get the new Playstation 3 for $600!!!" you will actually end up paying much more, depending on the state, but let's say for example $660 instead of $600, whereas in Europe the advertised 600€ are what you have to pay.

didn't realize australia is a banana republic kek

We have great potential to become an educated and productive nation. But our government doesn't care as long we keep shitting out iron or coal.

what will happen when you run out?

Probably everyone in Spiderstralia owns houses. Look at how surprisingly low Switzerland is one that list - they have some of the lowest home ownership rates in the world.

> be near china
> muh expensive shipping costs
> muh expensive consumer goods
lol wtf

seems like you may have some retarded tariffs somewhere

is there a statistic for owning houses?

Inflated prices.





Australia is a shithole

because white. had 0 non whites or black slaves.

>It's the government's fault
Literally a non argument

the correlation between non whites and white = superior society.

The only thing that matters for Europe society to exist is for the European race to dominate the land and society solely for itself.

okay, what the fuck happened to France

Dumb answers.

Latin America could have been just as developed if the Brits tried to make it a place worth living in rather than just a pump n dump resource shithole.

This is true

* Spaniards

But your land is being conquered by Gustavo and his three brothers m8.


Latin America could only be as developed if the non white races were tossed elsewhere and the land and society was solely European.

The Netherlands is a shithole

It's a rich shithole, so yaay

pay debnts

Australia is a shithole

kut Bataven

The Netherlands is a shithole

They should sell to mongolia, they'll fit right in

>tfw not Australian

Feels bad man.

mate you can flush the netherlands like a toilet, you're living in a literal shithole

Yup they are. I made a friend there who paid me my trip to visit him. He was from a real fucking rich family and he was surfing around. Cool family. A little rude though. His uncle said to me at dinner while drunk "You're a nice dude m8, and at least you're not a wog like 50% of your country".

First time I heard wog in my life. Had to check. His family threw him some looks but since he didn't call me that I think they didn't mind.
The dude did nothing besides just surfing around the world with his friends with daddy's money. Cool dude though. He's coming back in june.
Also almost all of his friends and him lived in dalkeith which is near perth. Absolute bonkers. Amazing houses they got there

It won't run out technically speaking. There's an absurd amount of coal here, something like 25% of the world's reserves. The only issue would be when other nations move away from coal power. As for iron, there was a small crisis with it not too long ago. The resources boom is coming to a halt and far too many people think it'll be fine if we just up production.

The government pollutes our oceans and fresh water reserves for "muh mining". Tourism is set to replace mining as a whole in terms of what it does for our economy but government practices are allowing those industries to clash for no reason.

Also Christopher "I'm a fixer" Pyne didn't exactly make education any better when he was Minister for Education.

>let's base tertiary education on the US' system!
What a fucking moron.

nice one mate

>get the new Playstation 3 for $600!!!
211.93 with tax in case you were wondering

>Everything is expensive here so our wages are higher to try balance it out.
*Our wages are higher here so everything is expensive

Things aren't that much more expensive here. Australians that say that have never lived in the united states for an extended period of time.

Prices for some things are more expensive in a lot of US cities. Eating out is almost identical in similarly sized cities, rent is identical in similarly sized cities, some fruits are more expensive in the US (such as bananas) and milk is often more expensive in a lot of cities.

Sure a fucking video game will cost you $99 but once you learn what steam is and grow out of consoles you pay US prices.

Thanks to increased globalisation the cost of living gap is shrinking. Federal taxes here are even lower but we have no state tax. Example: when i lived in boston earning 100k i payed over 30k total in taxes where as here i would have payed just under 25k no matter where i was.

The REAL reason we have such a high median wealth is we have a government mandated private pension scheme known locally as Super Annuation. You get large tax incentives for putting more money into your super fund so when you retire you don't have to suckle off of the state's teat. My mums super fund is well over $1 million dollars and she was by no means a wealthy person while working

Based Valve

meant to say federal taxes are higher BUT we have no state income tax*

>Why is Australia so rich?
In all honesty, inflated property prices.

Not too bad. 30-40% income tax. 10% tax on almost all goods and services etc. We have higher tax than the states but less than scandinavia. So we end up with plenty of disposable income, generally. Much of this can be attributed to our historically strong union movement, which is slowly being eroded by neo-conservative american style corporatism championed by our Liberal Party.

>We have higher tax than the states but less than scandinavia

when you look at the raw rates yeah but when it actually comes to paying tax, we don't. The US has state income taxes while our state incomes were forbidden from imposing income taxes in WWII and never got the right to do so again. Effective rates for average to upper average salaries are lower here. My effective rate was 32% on 100k (was slightly more than 100k but for simplicity) in boston but 25% here.

Yeah but we pay more tax on goods and services don't we? Plus local government and car rego etc is more here? And so we are taxed at a higher rate overall. Not hugely higher, but higher than america.

low population (I know not so compared to some euro nations but in general) generally higher living costs than most of the nations on that list. Though not all of them and it does vary depending on item and location. All that with effectively endless resources and very strong agriculture. We're retarded though desu, we need to focus more on tech and science industries, we could be extremely rich then.

>Sure a fucking video game will cost you $99 but once you learn what steam is and grow out of consoles you pay US prices.
No you don't, not legally.
Also, you're a fucking idiot.