This is on my GFs ass/crotch area. It wasn't there a day or 2 ago. Any medbros know what it is?

This is on my GFs ass/crotch area. It wasn't there a day or 2 ago. Any medbros know what it is?

Thats herpes bro. Leave her before you catch it if you allredy dont have it get tested

Ingrown hair?

enjoy your herpes, bro

That's nothe a herpes

It's a fucking boil dude they are common especially in that area.

That's not her ass. If you think it is, please just go to the doctor. They will either tell you that A) it's an ingrown hair or B) some nasty STD she got fucking a dude with a bigger dick and a better idea of the different parts of a female body.

Herpes straight up.
Source: second year medical student

not a herpes

looks like a boil, i get them in that same area and under my arms. just leave it alone and it will pop on its own or pop it yourself, but keep it clean. esp with it in that area

Sorry bro, it's aids.

she rockin the herpes, you now rockin the herpes

Take a clearer picture user

Its an ingrown hair. Relax. Just apply hot compress and some ointment.


Ingrown hair or boil, generally one offs, more often if self shaving badly.

Another medical conditions which exhibit this around the groin, buttocks, underarms and in advanced stages breast is "hidradenitis suppurativa", this can present with darkening of the skin in those areas as well as boils.

That condition is far more common in people of asian descent, Pakistan, India etc.

Most likely just ingrown hair or boil fam.

it's not herpes. Just an abscess bro. Have her take a long hot bath, keep the area clean and if it's really painful she can just pop it. Herpes is usually a cluster of little fuckers that then rupture.

She finna need a goddamn weed wacker

Squeeze it like you're a serial killer and that's just some hooker's neck.

>That condition is far more common in people of asian descent, Pakistan, India etc.

As if I needed yet another reason to hate Pakis.

I have to see her tits to fully know what's going on.