Why are we still fucking around with Trump and the Clintons and emails and niggers and muslims and queers and guns when...

Why are we still fucking around with Trump and the Clintons and emails and niggers and muslims and queers and guns when we could be building intersteller megastructures, inhabiting new solar systems and possibly building the next quantum evolutionary type of humans?

It boggles my mind. We went to the moon a few times and we were on the roll, we should have gotten to Mars in the 2000s at least. I'm disappointed in mankind honestly

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We didn't go to the moon.

In Europe we did it and more,but then the capitalism comes and,well... Kardashians

Is that meant to be a Dyson Sphere?

Yea, a megastructure that collects solar energy

Sucks, doesn't it? We were born too late to explore the planet, but too early to explore the solar system.

We will see men on Mars before the end of the generation

You anons should be studying physics and engineering. We need to build and inhabit this solar system, why do we have to be on earth all the time?
There's literally an entire universe out there for us to find and live in. Fuck your art degree, go for the stars

>studying an arts degree
>reading lots of modern hard sci-fi novels
>gets depressed

The future is fucking bleak user.

Its fucking bullshit. We should be mining Saturn by now for resources and jumping between solar systems for inhabitable planets

stop studying arts you queer fuck, you won't be useful at all to society with that no wonder your future looks bleak


No user. That's too far away. What we SHOULD be doing is getting asteroids into Earth orbit and mining those. The amount of raw materials on those things is huge, and we can use them to build shit in space, rather than eating up Earth resources.


Or you're incredibly stupid.

Instead of accepting what we've already done, we have to keep going.

Yes, Saturn. Mine the planets and mine the asteroids.

But no.

Instead we're here on the drawing board with niggers, muslims and Hillary Clinton.

Why the fuck haven't we moved on from this bullshit?

because of muh feels.
We can't afford to go to the Mars because we are supposed to be spending excess money on the niggers and drug addicts. This is a result of our politicians pandering to the feelings of SJWs and other parasites

yeah and mining moon for helium
just imagine if all the trillions we use in warfare would be spent on research and building

We have to go to Mars, if we do that we'll get on the roll again

I would volunteer for that shit

Probably because people don't care about space? The majority of people don't care about it because of all the problems on the planet now. Most people can't see the value of space exploration, and research into it and what it could mean for the human race. We're such a short-lived species that we can't see the big picture, or consider the future of the species because of the fact we're all individuals with our own consciences and thoughts and feelings and dreams and shit. It makes us selfish. We're always in competition with each other, and until the planet is united we're not going to be able to pull off something as big as colonising the solar system.

>we should have gotten to Mars in the 2000s at least

what's funny is the Bush administration had a plan to go to Mars by 2005

and yet they were pissing away TRILLIONS in Iraq and Afghanistan

that's why OP

don't let anyone else tell you different

we are in a k hole

The Chinese are sending people to Mars

it's where they make the sauce for szeuhan chicken

Fuck bush and fuck Iraq.

We should go explore the universe, not make wars

Don't get this started faggot

End money and religion. Admit we are lucky, skilled monkeys that make use of resources like no other. Nod at eachother like men. Kick much ass!

This is the next step in human evolution. You know this to be true.

well yeah

but here's the thing

it needs to be a big business trend

we've already been pushing Star Wars and Star Trek for decades

Billionaires are already starting to send people into low orbit

it's going to catch on big
we just need to start the fire

watch idiocracy, it shows the true future that lays ahead of humanity.
so long as we don't all dieds

agreed user

With today's technology it costs around $10,000 to move one pound of anything into orbit. A project like that would bankrupt the entire planet sending all of us into the dark ages. Consider Easter island. People chasing megastructures and going extinct in the process.


what if they actually get that space elevator built?

you can see the flag if you have a good enough telescope, faggot

We need a really big business just for that.

Obviously governments suck

but born just in time to browse dank memes. Also, great things are coming in our lifetime. Don't worry. We'll all be having chips inserted into our brains within the next 50 years and robo waifus.

Explain the flag then?

The space elevator is as expensive if not more. Nano carbon fibers aren't even close to the strength and weight required for this type of structure. Not even gonna bring up the fact that carbon fibers costs millions of dollars per gram! Today's technology is so limited its unbelievable. Maybe one day we will have space colonies but not in any of our lifetimes or our great grandchildren

this exoplanet has failed

I was a teenager during the Apollo missions. 11 went, we were awed. 12 went, we were proud that we could do it again. 13 went, and we were all at the edge of seats. 14 went .. yeah, okay, we beat the Russians already. 15 went... hey, a moon car! 16 went... ho hum. another car, and Congress started to feel the boredom of the people. 17 went, the people became agitated that money wasn't going to the indigent. NASA cancelled 18 and all others. We haven't been back since. Imagine how folks would feel blowing the world economy on a megastructure.

We need to do it now.

Thats the attidude that took men to the moon.

But what if humans eliminate the need for money and work for each other. Law protects people's property and as a reward for work they get food and for-life housing. Same goes for doctors, firefighters, ect. Children should be learning how to cultivate and basic constitution along with science and shit.

we would rather spend 12% of our gdp on defense, and 20% on paying retirement.

>1 off

Bleak indeed

That's what money does. You provide goods or services others need and in return you recieve money that you than trade for goods or services you need. People working for each other. Money is just the measuring tool in between.


Aka currency

My point. Tard

Such is why I'm a futurist. I think this election will be the 'last of its kind,' and we'll become more focused on space exploration as such within the next 100 years.

This is all petty in comparison to the bigger picture.

This thread has derailed. I want to entertain the idea of a colony in space not a lesson in economics

there is not enough resources on earth to build a megastructure like that. Earth is tiny compared to a sun.

We couldn't "mine" Saturn anyway, as it doesn't have a surface. Even if it does/did, the atmospheric pressure would make it near-impossible to land on/take off from, much less mine. We'd have to mine its moons.

Why didn't you just say currency?


I chose the synonym "money" excuse the fuck out of me

people in art studies don't actually make things, the most prolific movie creator didn't go to school actually.

So keep getting shat on, not to mention, you don't need to go to school to study art, you literally have to do it when you are an actual creative in the first place.

You're a pile of shit, and always will be.

You realise that, were money to be abolished, a lot of job sectors would vanish? I.e. retail, or banking. So what would those unemployed do? Work as doctors or services like that? How? What if they weren't qualified to do those jobs, or any of the jobs that exist in this non-money world? Do they get given nothing because they aren't qualified, because they didn't need specific qualifictions back in the money world to work as a sales assistant in a shop?

You're excused

clinton is purportedly for nasa funding, trump is not.

man this election sucks. i don't like the american people. why can't i live 500 years in the future.

>people in art studies don't actually make things

There is no bigger picture. Size, like time and velocity, are all relative.

You don't mine it with a shovel user, you send down what are basically giant scoops that suck the gas in.

>implying a person can't learn how to program or build/'engineer' shit on their own
Loving that circle-jerk, eh son?

truth, art students are the scum of the earth to actual creatives

What's that movie where the characters are in a spacecraft on a 1000 year journey to populate the new earth? They wake from cryo sleep to find tribal alien humanoids killing them as they wake. The main character ends up finding out they landed on the alien planet hundreds of years ago but the ship is submerged at the bottom of an ocean and the aliens are just evolved humans.

That's not 'mining' then, that's literally gouging out the planet itself. One of the same planets that protects us from potentially dangerous asteroids on any given day.

Not even a 'thank you' when you're finished. You're an inconsiderate knob-socket.

I have a business degree, I am the one hiring people, anyone who has a "Bachelor of Arts" degree gets thrown away.

Daryl from the walking dead dies in this movie but I can't remember the title

My nigga, Quentin Tarantino.

Good thing the world doesn't revolve around your company then. Plenty of people with BA's get hired elsewhere to do things not even related to art.

>you can still have a BA in Business


As is the state of humanity right now, and probably for a long time. Things will only be done if there is a gain from it. Profit, competition with other countries, (as was the ONLY reason we went to the moon, to get there before russia), and to sustain life. This will not be done just to satisfy the dreamer astrophysicists, and star gazers.

Except it does, I work at Google.

Perhaps we need a 'stronger' reason to leave the planet then? With the condition we're leaving it in, I'd think it would be reason enough, but I guess some just want to wait until the absolute last minute...or after WWIII.

You work *for* Google, and the hiring process for the workforce overall (not just at Google) doesn't rest squarely on you. That was my point.

It's still called mining, because you are extracting resources.
The amount of mass that we'd take from it, even with a fullscale mining operation is next to nothing to the mass of the whole planet.


It does, as I write papers, and educate others on hiring. My name carries more weight in the industry than you can imagine.

Sorry, you're wasting your time on a useless degree.

>when we could be building intersteller megastructures, inhabiting new solar systems and possibly building the next quantum evolutionary type of humans?
Because that shit's gay. Who cares?

Yeah exactly, why haven't you done anything yet OP instead of whining about how little others do on some anime site filled with worthless neckbeards?

We have to 'discover' anti-gravity first, getting shit off the planet is hard, then we gotta figure out how to bend space so we can travel massive distances quickly. Both require technology that would more than likely be developed by the US military, thus we would never see it.Humans are at a technology stalemate where any new high technology (AI/replicators/antigravity/flying cars/fusion tech etc) could be used as a weapon by 'terrorists'.

>funny, because I've never heard of you
I have a CS degree, but not arrogant enough to look down on those who don't. I guess Computer Science is 'useless' in your world.

But don't mind me, I'm sure you're *sooo busy* being so important with your 'business degree.'

Pretty much all the hundreds of people listed in the credits of, say, zootopia (zootopia.wikia.com/wiki/Zootopia/Credits) have a bachelor in arts and animation.

>you don't need to go to school to study art, you literally have to do it when you are an actual creative in the first place.

So honing your skills and learning from others in your field is just a waste of time? Oh sure, all the physicists, mathematics and engineering people are autodidacts as well...

You sir, are an impolite bigot.

>My name carries more weight in the industry than you can imagine
You're a hiring manager. Calm down.