Fluffy Thread. Dump your best images

Fluffy Thread. Dump your best images.









is this fluffy community dead? It seems like all the good stuff on fluffybooru or the other chan were made years ago and there is now very little activity.

there will only be another thread

that's amazing. More from this artiste?


Some artists are around on the booru still making art but it's either not up to caliber as the old shit or its shitty MS Paint scribbles.

Artist is wolfram_sparks.

Those were also made by him I think

well fuck. what can lowly shitposters like us do? Write text stories?

What the fuck did you mean?

If you want, I guess.

your attempts will only spawn a new thread


Practice drawing.

akame ga kill right?



I could post a WIP story. It is unpolished and needs proof-reading, and is really kind of a simple feral-herd-invades-yard type thing.

I`m actually a fluffy poster.But Esdeath and fluffies have a close relationship...You should understand.

Either post fluffies,post Esdeath or go away,never to return.







Anyone remember Hornlarry's rape fantasy, and how he went nuclear pussy when people criticized it?

I've seen disparaging comments about hornlarry, but have no idea what it is about. I do know that there was some anthro-fluff stuff.

Oh no! He wrote a story about a rich psychopath (meaning he Googled a list of psychopath symptoms and made sure to include everyone.)
And his maid Emily, who he would graphically rape in every chapters. There were also fluffies. The story ended with Emily's arms and legs amputated, and the MC raping her every day for the rest of her life.

People were upset, he got upset at criticism. People started spamming him with "rape and dismemberment" and he threw a fit and quit. You hear about what happened to BadMummahfluffah?





What happened to BadMummahfluffah? Why did she quit this time?


I like how she realizes that she is going to die for her nummies. The "sob" sells it.


> HorrificAbuse.jpg

What happened?

Didn't BMF write CP, with a toddler and a smarty?


> sketties




I'm digging this creepybox.



Yeah, I wish there was more of it. This and cute weirdbox are my favorites.







It is weird, a couple weeks ago and fluffy had a big boom. I will still lurk/make these threads sometimes though

