So i have a question Sup Forums

so i have a question Sup Forums

i dont have access to a gaming pc atm but what i do have is an xbox that a friend gave me for my birthday.

now the problem is that i dont want to use a controller so my only option is something like pic related

have any of you used a xim4 before? do you think its worth the money?



have one, worth it

how does it feel vs a real pc setup? does it feel shaky at all?

no, movement is smooth
on some games the maximum look speed is still pretty slow, and it can't make you turn any faster than that, but other than that it's awesome
it's kinda an unfair advantage, though

oh, and it's confusing to switch between games because you have to remember the buttons, but the phone app is good for that and you can always use the controller

yea its worth it but m+kb will always feel slightly like shit on console because of look acceleration and other shit that are turned on because of controllers. still a step up but not as much of an advantage as you would think

obviously you don't need stick acceleration with a mouse, idiot. feels just like playing on pc to me except for the maximum look speed and some buttons that the game won't let you push quickly

im not to worried about trying to increase my turning speed

i just dont like how bad controllers can be about precision targeting

You are an idiot - No matter what you do you will still be limited to the settings and format of the game. The Xim simply pushes the higher end bounds of controller sensitivty as much as possibly to get close to zero order input.

It's zero order emulation layered on top of first order - it will never be like a PC kbm fps. You still destroy kids though to the point of it being hacking.

if you've ever used an xbox controller with your pc you'd know that the stick acceleration (push the stick further and it disproportionately goes faster) is done in the controller, i assume it is the same for ps
that said, the xim4 can simply not use that shit when you're using a mouse, so there's no acceleration
obviously the game can do additional crap, but most of the time it just gives you an advantage (like auto-aim locking thing) and I've never played a game that adds additional acceleration

ive looked at the xim and it cliams no input lag but ive seen others claim other wise

coming from someone who has used, does it not have any lag?

also how long does it take for new games to be supported?


idk, doesn't seem to be very much input lag but maybe a dozen ms or something, it's nothing to worry about and I never think of it
there's no such thing as "no input lag" but it's damn close to the point that it doesn't matter
I don't really buy new games but I can imagine it'd only take a few hours to a day if they're not supported even before they're released because all they have to do is name the buttons in the app, there's hundreds of games supported so I assume it's near 100% coverage

proof I actually have one

id imagine that the deadzone on thumbsticks would just about match any input lag it has then

idk what you mean, but strangely I haven't had any issues with deadzone either, even the smallest movements seem to register
they must be working some kind of black magic

im talking about the deadzone that controllers have on the sticks.

i think ill be getting one

oh and i want to get my friend into pc gaming if i could get him into a m/kb with the xim? he got me the xbox to play with him and hes never used a m/kb setup before

idk, most console people seem pretty content with controllers, maybe if he sees you owning kids with a mouse?
tbh it's only good for fps, controllers are better in every other game
what's your gt?

yea i figured it would only be worth while on shooters

and sorry but id rather not share my gt