Ask a guy who snorted adderall for the first time anything

ask a guy who snorted adderall for the first time anything

Dude... You do know that that stuff dont affect me because of my adhd right?


sucks man:/ have you tried not being a faggot?

check em

I dont know, have you tried bending over? I think you dropped the soap ;)

Why the fuck are you here right now?


why did you do that? seriously that's such a waste of adderall

why are any of us here

how so?

Rip off by 1

most of it gets stuck in your sinuses. you get the same quick rush affect by parachuting it but you don't waste any

That's where it all went down hill for me.
Started snorting addy. I'm good. Fast forward I'm getting fucked by niggers for 5 bucks at a porn arcade for more drugs
Now I have HIV
I was 100 percent completely sure it would never come to this.

So my question is...
Is this the path you really want to travel?

This. Fuck snorting that shit. It just a waste

I'm here bc I have very few friends and a busy family

dude, why don't you do the dew?

why dont you climb up onto the roof and jump off?

He got nosed.

How much did you pay?


This is now a get thread



Does it actually work or is it the placebo effect?

das gett!

If I had any Hitler pics I'd make a pun