Nightly old school runescape thread

nightly old school runescape thread

just fishing so i can complete this hard clue.

what're you all up to tonight?

this game any good?


Nothing, I quit Rs long time ago

currently at wyverns debating if i want to start rcing on my rcing alt

have you tried running for wyverns? its at least double the money.

good money?

only good xp
they practically hit no damage but they give 400xp


nope its real bad

No im meleeing them im already making 600k/hr

Probably quitting tbh

yeah, runners get something like 3m / 2.5 hrs during peak, and only 800k/hr non peak.

Also nah I'm trying to go for 50k wyvern kills

I might actually go back to farming hardcore I got level 80 something with almost no effort

can i have your stuff

Fuck no

Slayer, going to bed soon :s

slayer lvl?

youd better not stop posting these threads. im on vacation and i want to go home and play some rs.

:/ been considering stopping for a while. but tbh this is one of the few threads im not getting a ton of hate, so its encouraging. i'll keep making them :)

Just hit 83. grinding for 85 by this next weekend.

Just hit 83. grinding for 85 by this next weekend.

very nice. i just got 76, want to get to krakken soon. you think investing in a cannon is worth it?

Definitely, if you have the extra cash. I use my cannon everywhere possible.

fapping and staking

any luck tonight?

yeah I came twice

thats not what i meant haha


Wcing on my noob mauler for grim tales reqs, slaying on my ironman. Woodcutting eats dick.

yeah i feel ya. i hate woodcutting too :/

im grinding for the dragon warhammer, still learning shamans

whats your total xp?

nvm just saw it, fuck me right

its chill, would anyone be interested in watching me stream for like 30 minutes?

that'd be pretty cool. since OP doesn't want to stream anymore for whatever reason.

someone called him a fag and he cried and rage quit on stream

i did not

Rate my acc plz